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About this mod
-Enemy Physics Changed and Enemy AI Changed
-New Armor Set Effects on Each Piece
-New Talisman Effects
-New Weapon Effects
-New Enemy Status Debuffs
-Altering Armor gives different Effects
-Spell, Item, and Weapon Art Buffs stack
-Changeable Weapon Arts on each weapon
- Permissions and credits
Credits and distribution permission
- Other user's assets Some assets in this file belong to other authors. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets
- Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
- Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it
- Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
- Asset use permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file
- Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
- Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
Author notes
Night mode script and files portion of the mod is under MIT licence
File credits
Credits for Night mode script and files go to Goldenrevolver
Donation Points system
This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points
- Changelogs
Version V19.6
- -Updated several areas
- -Fixed several bugs
Version V19.5
- -Changed the following effect on all armor:
- -% Duration changed to 25% Increased flask usage
Version V19.4
- -Added updated enemy and boss fights from Age of Death to Age of Stars and Age of Frenzy for players to enjoy.
- -Fixed several bugs.
Version V19.3
- -Added more drops to the world
- -Reduced player status buildup from enemies
- -Slightly increased player weapon scaling
- -Added new hidden weapons to the world
- -Removed normal mode difficulty
- -Added Age of Death Mode
Version V19.2
- -Added human bone shard to weeping pennisula merchant
- -Added land octopus ovary to coastal cave merchant
- -Reduced some enemies aggro range that was too high
- -Updated elite enemy item drop tables by adding more drops
Version V19.1
- -Updated to patch 1.09.1
Version V19.0
- -Increased stat contribution for weapons from stats at the following thresholds:
- Stat scaling level
- 30: 250
- 50: 350
- 70: 450
- 99: 550
- -Increased stat contribution for health from stats at the following thresholds:
- Stat scaling level
- 30: 1500
- 50: 2500
- 70: 3500
- 99: 4500
- -Increased stat contribution for focus points from stats at the following thresholds:
- Stat scaling level
- 30: 300
- 50: 500
- 70: 700
- 99: 900
- -Increased stat contribution for defense from stats at the following thresholds:
- Level scaling:
- 150: 150
- 250: 200
- 350: 250
- 450: 300
- -Increased stat contribution for weapon art damage from stats at the following thresholds:
- Stat scaling level from strength, dexterity, intellegence, and faith added to base damage of weapon art(so all 4 stats stack)
- 30: 30
- 50: 50
- 70: 70
- 99: 100
Version V18.9
- -Fixed several bugs
Version V18.8
- -Players can now freely swap weapons after buffing without losing their buffs
Version V18.7
- -Updated enemy visuals
- -Fixed several bugs
Version V18.6
- -Unquie shields now allow new weapon arts
Version V18.5
- -Summons now follow the player and guard them better
- -Increased health of single summon entities
- -Adjusted abilities of some summons
Version V18.4
- -Fixed several bugs
- -Removed world debuffs
Version V18.3
- -Increased weapon damage by 30%
Version V18.2
- -Fixed summons
Version V18.1
- -Updated Mod to Fromsoft patch V1.09
- -Next patch Summons will be updated
Version V18.0
- -Updated enemy stats
- -Updated summons
Version V17.9
- -Changed great weapon debuff on hit to reduce enemy resists by 40%
Version V17.8
- -Fixed several boss fights
- -Increase damage on several incantations
- -Increased shield wep art damage
Version V17.7
- -Great weapons now have a max health debuff on hit
- -Fixed hand of malenia bug
Version V17.6
- -Fixed several boss fights
Version V17.5
- -Buffed summons
- -Fixed several bugs
- -Added new enemy placement
Version V17.4
- -Updated enemy placement
Version V17.3
- -Added new enemy combat encounters
Version V17.2
- -Updated npc shops
- -Updated last boss fight
Version V17.1
- -Fixed several bugged boss fights
Version V17.0
- -Added new items and drops to the world
Version V16.9
- -Updated and changed over 34 areas, including dungeons, super dungeons, and world areas so players will have a new experience that have beaten the mod before. These changes include different item drops, new enemy placement, and new boss fights.
Version V16.8
- -Fixed several bugs
- -Updated several dungeons and areas
- -Updated enemy AI
- -Updated enemy drops
Version V16.7
- -Updated alecto boss fight
Version V16.6
- -Updated several boss AI and Spells
Version V16.5
- -Updated many dungeons
- -Updated several boss fights
Version V16.4
- -Reduced enemy stat reduction debuff from -10 to -5
- -Frost grease and frost from spells now scales and also applies a frost damage over time now
- -Sleep grease now scales and also applies a damage over time now
Version V16.3
- -Fixed several bugs
- -Increased Flask of Crimson Tears healing
- -Increased Starlight Shards fp regen amount
- -Bleed grease and bleed from spells now scales and also applies a bleed damage over time now
Version V16.2
- -Added more items to the world
- -Increased status damage ticks so damage is slower over time
- -Updated many boss fights
Version V16.1
- -Reduced malenia health
- -Expanded mini-boss and elite enemy drop tables
- -Changed cultist starting class spells
- -Reduced radahn projectile amount
Version V16.0
- -Fixed several bugs
Version V15.9
- -Moved several late game items to mid game
- -Added more somber smithing stone 3 to early game
- -Fixed several summons
Version V15.8
- -Poison and rot grease damage now scales
Version V15.7
- -Updated several super dungeons
Version V15.6
- -Increased effects given by armor and shields
- -Changed knight starter class
Version V15.5
- -Updated several boss fights
Version V15.4
- -Malenia, Goddess of Rot now drops Malenia, Goddess of Rot Summon
Version V15.3
- -Player bombs and perfume pots amount carried and made is no longer limited by the player's total cracket pot or perfumer bottles held
- -Item and spell buffs are now drastically faster to cast, lowering buff times
- -Grease now stacks again at a lower value
- -Drawstring grease now stacks and lasts 30 mins
- -Heal spells are now faster to cast
- -Increased fp flask amount
Version V15.2
- -Reduced radahn meteor damage
- -Fixed several summons
- -Grease no longer stacks, moved the extra damage to spell weapon buffs to lower buffing times
Version V15.1
- -Updated several dungeons
Version V15.0
- -Fixed several bugs
Version V14.9
- -Changed Great Runes-
- -Godricks Great Rune: Increases all status resists by 500, reduces equip load by 60%, increases buff durations 100%, and adds 3 spell slots
- -Rykard's Great Rune: Restores 20% HP and 20% FP upon defeating enemies, increases your status buildup rate with weapons or spells by +100, and adds 75 flat damage to all five damage types
- -Radahn's Great Rune: Raises maximum HP, FP and Stamina by 25%, and increases all resists by 15%
- -Morgott's Great Rune: Raises maximum FP by 80%, increases elemental damage by 20%, and reduces all spell cost by 20%
- -Mohg's Great Rune: When your summons kill an enemy, the player gains 20% HP and 20% FP and increases summon damage by 50%
- -Malenia's Great Rune: Attacks recover HP for 5 seconds after taking damage, increases player regeneration and flask usage by 200% and reduces skill usage by 50% for 30 seconds
Version V14.8
- -Added the following summons to the mod-
- -Death Rite Bird
- -Fell Twin
- -Giant Crab
- -Crucible Knight
- -Misbegotten Crusader
- -Demi-Human Queen
- -Putrid Tree Spirit
- -Dragonkin Soldier
- -Valiant Gargoyle
- -Putrid Avatar
- -Fixed Ancient Dragon summon movement
Version V14.7
- -Buffed physick flasks
- -Added more text to each physick
- -Added text to prince of death's staff
Version V14.6
- -Heavy armor now grants an innate increase to physical resists
- -Players now passively regain hp and fp upon killing enemies
- -Moved several key items around to change game progression
- (Warning may or may not softlock current playthroughs depending on where the character is at in their game progress)
Version V14.5
- -Updated several areas
Version V14.4
- -Updated text on
- -Margit's shackle
- -Mohg's shackle
- -Blasphemous claw
- -Great Runes
- -Fixed several boss fights
- -Removed Nightmare
- -Added Age of Frenzy : Enemies now move and attack faster
Version V14.3
- -Fixed gelmir hero's grave boss fight
- -Fixed the following items to now stack with each other:
- -Margit's shackle
- -Mohg's shackle
- -Blasphemous claw
- -Adjusted several late game bosses
Version V14.2
- -Fixed several bugs
- -The following items have different effects that last forever when used (Note: Its not changed in the item text discription yet)
- -Margit's Shackle: Increases max fp by 30%
- -Mohg's Shackle: Increases all resists by 20%
- -Blasphemous Claw: Increases all damage by 20%
Version V14.1
- -Buffed throwing items
- -Moved some items around
Version V14.0
- -Increased summon ash range
Version V13.9
- -Buffed the following spells:
- Crystal Barrage
- Shatter Earth
- Glintblade Phalanx
- Carian Phalanx
- Greatblade Phalanx
- Magic Downpour
- Founding Rain of Stars
- Loretta's Greatbow
- Loretta's Mastery
- Night Maiden's Mist
- Gelmir's Fury
- Crystal Torrent
- Crystal Torrent
- Great Oracular Bubble
- Briars of Punishment
- Rancorcall
- Ancient Death Rancor
- Explosive Ghostflame
- Aspects of the Crucible: Breath
- Aspects of the Crucible: Tail
- Aspects of the Crucible: Horns
- Elden Stars
- Triple Rings of Light
- Radagon's Rings of Light
- Litany of Proper Death
- Flame Sling
- Flame Fall Upon Them
- Fire's Deadly Sin
- Black Flame
- Scouring Black Flame
- Black Flame Ritual
- Noble Presence
- Bestial Sling
- Beast Claw
- Bloodflame Talons
- Bloodboon
- Howl of Shabriri
- Theodorix's Magma
- Borealis's Mist
- Dragonclaw
- Dragonmaw
- Greyoll's Roar
- Placidusax's Ruin
Version V13.8
- -Reduced late game boss damage
Version V13.7
- -Updated weapon arts
Version V13.5
- -Fixed several bugs
Version V13.4
- -Weapon spell buffs and grease now remain when swapping to other weapons to aloow for more tactical options in combat without losing buffs due to weapon switching
- -Only status weapon and item buffs dont stack, but infused status on weapons do
- -Added holy water grease to Merchant Kale
Version V13.3
- -Fixed several items
Version V13.2
- -Fixed warming stone fp regen bug
Version V13.1
- -Prince of death staff has higher stat requirements but can now be used to cast any spell
- -Changed several boss fights
Version V13.0
- -Fixed several bugs
Version V12.9
- -Fixed several boss fights
- -Reduced cost on weapon arts that hit more then once
- -Updated enemy abilities
- -Doubled fp regen from armor effects
- -Removed stats reduction from world debuffs
- -Buffed several weapon arts
- -Fixed several summons
- -Added new summon death rite bird
Version V12.8
- -Fixed several boss fights
Version V12.7
- -Increased player poison grease damage from 100 a tick to 200 a tick
- -Increased player drawstring poison grease damage from 200 a tick to 300 a tick
- -Increased player blood grease damage from 200 to 400 a proc
- -Increased player drawstring blood grease damage from 400 to 600 a proc
- -Increased player rot grease damage from 150 a tick to 300 a tick
- -Increased player drawstring rot grease damage from 200 a tick to 400 a tick
Version V12.6
- -Reduced difficulty of Rennala fight
Version V12.5
- -Warming stones now give fp regen
Version V12.4
- -Updated weapon arts
Version V12.3
- -Fixed summons
Version V12.2
- -Updated npcs
- -Increased flask of crimson tears hp gain x2
- -Increased starlight shards fp regen x2
- -Increased frenzyflame stone hp regen to 150
- -Increased warming stone hp regen to 100
- (These two stone effects stack)
- -Updated several boss fights
Version V12.1
- -Fixed cuckoo evergaol
- -Increased all boss rune gain
- -Reduced overall rune gain multiplier from x10 to x7
- -Base memory slot count increased to 8
Version V12
- -Fixed several bugs
- -Updated drops in some areas
- -Updated some enemies
- -Updated some weapon arts
Version V11.9
- -Updated hard modes of the mod to the new patch
- -Summons arnt working yet
Version V11.8
- -Buffed throwing item damage
- -Buffed the following Weapon Arts
- Carian Knight's Sword - Lazuli Glintstone Sword
- Dark Moon Greatsword
- Dragon Halberd
- Gravitas
- Black Knife
- Reduvia
- Glintstone Kris
- Blade of Calling
- Sword of St. Trina
- Regalia of Eochaid
- Sword of Night and Flame
- Ordovis's Greatsword
- Marais Executioner's Sword
- Sacred Relic Sword
- Blasphemous Blade
- Golden Order Greatsword
- Starscourge Greatsword
- Royal Greatsword
- Maliketh's Black Blade
- Bloody Helice
- Nox Flowing Sword - Shotel
- Wing of Astel
- Eclipse Shotel
- Magma Wyrm's Scalesword
- Godslayer's Greatsword
- Bloodhound's Fang
- Morgott's Cursed Sword
- Dragonscale Blade
- Hand of Malenia
- Eleonora's Poleblade
- Envoy's Horn
- Nox Flowing Hammer
- Ringed Finger
- Devourer's Scepter
- Envoy's Long Horn
- Cranial Vessel Candlestand
- Family Heads
- Rosus' Axe
- Stormhawk Axe
- Axe of Godrick
- Cleanrot Spear
- Death Ritual Spear
- Siluria's Tree
- Vyke's War Spear
- Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear
- Loretta's War Sickle
- Halo Scythe
- Winged Scythe
- Magma Whip Candlestick
- Giant's Red Braid
- Grafted Dragon
- Veteran's Prosthesis
- Cipher Pata
- Watchdog's Staff
- Axe of Godfrey
- Envoy's Greathorn
- Staff of the Avatar - Rotten Staff
- Fallingstar Beast Jaw
- Sword of Milos
- Coil Shield
- Erdtree Greatshield
- One-Eyed Shield
- Visage Shield
- Bolt of Gransax
- Moonveil
- Coded Sword
- Rivers of Blood
- Beastclaw Greathammer
- Magma Blade
- Ruins Greatsword
- Alabaster Lord's Sword
- Onyx Lord's Greatsword
- Bastard's Stars
- Ornamental Straight Sword
- Dragon King's Cragblade
- Death's Poker
- Helphen's Steeple
- Zamor Curved Sword
- Gargoyle's Blackblade
Version V11.7
- -Buffed or fixed several summons
- -Increased cost of summons relative to their power
- -Buffed several under performing enemies
- -Updated enemy special abilities
- -Updated boss AI tactics
- -Changed some spells
- -Fixed several enemy animations
Version V11.6
- -Increased damage on holy spells
- -Fixed several bugs
Version V11.3
- -Updated legacy dungeon enemy placement
- -Updated enemy AI
Version V11.2
- -Spell weapon buffs now scale
- -Weapon grease buffs now stack
Version V11.1
- -Buffed bleed and frostbite spells and grease
- -Fixed several areas
Version V11
- -Fixed several areas
Version V10.9
- -Updated several boss fights
Version V10.8
- -Fixed several bugs
Version V10.7
- -Fixed many bugs
- -Added Age of Stars Mode:
- -The time of day is now always night which makes night spawns and elites always appear in the world
Version V10.6
- -Added the following to Hell Mode, Nightmare Mode, and Adventure Mode:
- -Added Elite Enemies that are powerful mini-bosses that appear only at night time in the world or anytime in legacy dungeons and drop quality items, the amount of these drops depends on the difficulty of the elite boss.
- -These enemies can be identified by the fire effect they have.
Version V10.5
- -Updated/Changed many boss battles
Version V10.4
- -Updated mod to 1.07.1
- -Updated boss AI
Version V10.3
- -Changed many boss fights
- -Updated boss AI
Version V10.2
- -Fixed weapon art bug
Version V10.1
- -Updated mod to 1.07 patch
Version V10
- -Updated boss drop tables to work correctly
Version V9.9
- -Fixed several bugs
Version V9.8
- -Fixed several bugs
- -Added mini-boss and boss enemies now have a % chances to drop the following items: Runes, Rune Arc, Exalted Flesh, Gold-Pickled Fowl Foot, Starlight Shards
- -Changed many boss fights
- -Added new Difficulty Mode: Adventure Mode: Torrent is removed for the player
Version V9.7
- -Fixed several bugs
Version V9.6
- -Updated a great many boss fights in hell and nightmare modes
- -Updated many world boss fights in all modes
- -Removed leech effect
Version V9.5
- -Increased special weapon health and focus point leech
Version V9.4
- -Fixed several bugs
Version V9.3
- -The following weapons gain new effects: 6% health and focus point gain on hit
- Black Knife
- Reduvia
- Crystal Knife
- Glintstone Kris
- Scorpion's Stinger
- Cinquedea
- Ivory Sickle
- Blade of Calling
- Ornamental Straight Sword
- Golden Epitaph
- Nox Flowing Sword
- Inseparable Sword
- Coded Sword
- Sword of Night and Flame
- Crystal Sword
- Carian Knight's Sword
- Sword of St. Trina
- Miquellan Knight's Sword
- Regalia of Eochaid
- Lazuli Glintstone Sword
- Rotten Crystal Sword
- Ordovis's Greatsword
- Alabaster Lord's Sword
- Dark Moon Greatsword
- Sacred Relic Sword
- Helphen's Steeple
- Blasphemous Blade
- Marais Executioner's Sword
- Sword of Milos
- Golden Order Greatsword
- Death's Poker
- Gargoyle's Blackblade
- Maliketh's Black Blade
- Starscourge Greatsword
- Royal Greatsword
- Godslayer's Greatsword
- Ruins Greatsword
- Grafted Blade Greatsword
- Troll Knight's Sword
- Frozen Needle
- Bloody Helice
- Dragon King's Cragblade
- Magma Blade
- Wing of Astel
- Eclipse Shotel
- Onyx Lord's Greatsword
- Bloodhound's Fang
- Magma Wyrm's Scalesword
- Zamor Curved Sword
- Monk's Flameblade
- Morgott's Cursed Sword
- Hand of Malenia
- Meteoric Ore Blade
- Rivers of Blood
- Moonveil
- Dragonscale Blade
- Eleonora's Poleblade
- Gargoyle's Black Blades
- Varre's Bouquet
- Beastclaw Greathammer
- Envoy's Horn
- Scepter of the All-Knowing
- Nox Flowing Hammer
- Ringed Finger
- Marika's Hammer
- Beastclaw Greathammer
- Envoy's Long Horn
- Cranial Vessel Candlestand
- Devourer's Scepter
- Ripple Blade
- Family Heads
- Bastard's Stars
- Icerind Hatchet
- Rosus' Axe
- Stormhawk Axe
- Axe of Godrick
- Winged Greathorn
- Gargoyle's Black Axe
- Crystal Spear
- Cleanrot Spear
- Torchpole
- Bolt of Gransax
- Death Ritual Spear
- Inquisitor's Girandole
- Rotten Crystal Spear
- Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear
- Siluria's Tree
- Serpent-Hunter
- Vyke's War Spear
- Commander's Standard
- Ripple Crescent Halberd
- Golden Halberd
- Loretta's War Sickle
- Dragon Halberd
- Halo Scythe
- Winged Scythe
- Magma Whip Candlestick
- Giant's Red Braid
- Grafted Dragon
- Clinging Bone
- Veteran's Prosthesis
- Cipher Pata
- Watchdog's Staff
- Envoy's Greathorn
- Axe of Godfrey
- Dragon Greatclaw
- Staff of the Avatar
- Fallingstar Beast Jaw
- Rotten Staff
Version V9.2
- -Added Primal Glintstone Blade to Weeping Peninsula - Tombsward Catacombs
Version V9.1
- -Balanced late game and end game boss health and damage ratios
- -Added a new difficulty mode: Nightmare Mode-This mode adds the following world debuffs for the player
- -20% to all resists
- -5 to all stats
- -20% to all damage
- -20% stamina regeneration
- -Rune gain reduced to 3x from 15x multiplier
Version V9.0
- -Updated Ancient Dragon summon attacks
- -Reduced health on the following bosses
- -Starfallen Beast-all
- -Regal Ancestor Spirit-all
- -Malekith
- -Added Blight Resist to Dappled Cured Meat
- -Increased health on the following bosses
- -Fortissax
- -Placidusax
- -Lansseax
Version V8.9
- -Updated hell mode boss fights
Version V8.8
- -Fixed several visual bugs
- -Updated hell mode boss fights
- -Updated final boss for easy and normal mode
- -Fixed several item effects
Version V8.7
- -Updated bows and crossbows by giving them added elemental damage
- -Updated several boss fights on hell mode
- -Increased status recovery speed when inflicted by status buildup
- -Increases stat scaling for health and focus points
Version V8.6
- -Stealth Attack Multiplier: When attacking from stealth players now do 50% more damage instead of 20%
- -Updated several boss fights on hell mode
- -Fixed several spells
- -Updated several perfumes
Version V8.5
- -Fixed several boss fights in Hell Mode
- -Fixed Grave Gloveworts (2) quantity
- -Fixed several spells not stacking
Version V8.4
- Crimson Amber Medallion: max hp+ 12%, absorb slash+ 8%, physical dmg+ 40 flat
- Crimson Amber Medallion+1: max hp+ 18%, absorb slash+ 18%, physical dmg+ 60 flat
- Crimson Amber Medallion +2: max hp+ 24%, absorb slash+ 24%, physical dmg+ 80 flat
- Cerulean Amber Medallion: max fp+ 12%, absorb magic+ 8%, magic dmg+ 40 flat
- Cerulean Amber Medallion +1: max fp+ 18%, absorb magic+ 18%, magic dmg+ 60 flat
- Cerulean Amber Medallion +2: max fp+ 24%, absorb magic+ 24%, magic dmg+ 80 flat
- Marika's Scarseal: increases all resists by 12%
- Marika's Soreseal: increases all resists by 24%
- Millicent's Prosthesis: +25 dex, raises attack power with successive strikes by 10% to a max of 40%
- Spear Talisman: increases thrust counter damage by 40%
- Winged Sword Insignia: +25 str, raises attack power with successive strikes by 10% to a max of 40%
- Rotten Winged Sword Insignia: +15 int/faith, raises attack power with successive strikes by 10% to a max of 40%
- Dagger Talisman: enhances critical hits by 50%
- Twinblade Talisman: Enhances the final hit ending a chain of attacks by 80%
- Axe Talisman: Enhances charge attacks by 80%
- Lance Talisman: Enhances gravitational attacks by 40%
- Lord of Blood's Exultation: Increases attack power by 40% when a nearby player or enemy is inflicted with blood loss for 20 secs
- Kindred of Rot's Exultation: Increases attack power by 40% for 20 seconds when a player or enemy nearby is inflicted with poison
- Claw Talisman: Enhances jump attack damage by 40%
- Roar Medallion: Enhances roars by 60%
- Curved Sword Talisman: +50% Guard Counter Damage
- Companion Jar: Raises potency of thrown jars by 40%
- Perfumer's Talisman: Raises potency of perfume items by 40%
- Baldachin's Blessing: When held increases max health by 20%
- Radiant Baldachin's Blessing: When held increases max health by 20%
Version V8.3
- -Updated some spells
- -Increased new summon damage that summon only one creature by 100%
Version V8.2
- -Updated spells
Version V8.1
- -Fixed several bugs
- -Changed starting class sets
Version V8.0
- -Updated more new summon text
Version V7.9
- -Updated text effect for new summons
Version V7.8
- -Updated several bosses
- -Fixed several dungeon bosses
- -Removed several double world bosses
Version V7.7
- -Adjusted scaling on overperforming bosses
Version V7.6
- -Updated new summon health
- -Added boluses to nomad kale
Version V7.5
- -Increased weapon art damage from 40% to 50%
- -Lowered madness proc % on hell mode from 45% to 30%
Version V7.4
- -Reduced health of Margit
- -Added berserk ability to summons: At 50% hp they gain 50% damage increase and damage reduction
Version V7.3
- -Updated new summon resists to status
Version V7.2
- -Changed the following summons
- Skeletal Bandit - Omenkiller
- Albinauric Ashes - 2 Giant Fingercreeper
Version V7.1
- -Fixed several summon bugs
Version V7.0
- -Reduced boss health
- Added in new Summons, The text on items for them will be changed in time
- -Summons:
- Lhutel the Headless -Ancient Hero of Zamor
- Fanged Imps -2 Lesser Wormface
- Nomad -Ancient Dragon
- Crystalian -Grafted Scion
- Winged Misbegotten -Monstrous Dog
- Albinauric -2 Troll Knight
- Skeletal Bandit -Troll Knight (Confessor)
- Oracle Envoy -4 Abductor Virgin (Scythe)
- Putrid Corpse -4 Fungal Sorcerer
- Depraved Perfumer -Giant Lobster
- Page -Bloodhound Knight
- Clayman -2 Giant Ant
- Marionette Soldier -2 Burial Watchdog - Sword
- Avionette Soldier -2 Burial Watchdog - Scepter
- Blackflame Monk -Fire Prelate
- Azula Beastman -Godskin Apostle & Godskin Noble
- Kaiden Sellsword -Giant Land Octopus
- Lone Wolf -3 Kaiden Sellsword
- Demi-Human -5 Bloodthorn Exile
- Rotten Stray -Demi-Human Beastman
- Spirit Jellyfish -Burial Watchdog - Lightning Tail
- Warhawk -Bat Harpy
- Bloodhound Knight Floh -Lion Guardian
- Wandering Noble -5 Small Fingercreeper
- Noble Sorcerer -Azula Beastman - Throwing Knife
- Land Squirt - 3 Royal Rider
- Miranda Sprout - 5 Marionette
- Soldjars of Fortune - 3 Cleanrot Knight - Spear
- Greatshield Soldier - 5 Clayman
- Archer - 3 White Veil Perfumer
- Godrick Soldier - 2 Cemetery Shade
- Raya Lucaria Soldier - 3 Erdtree Guardian
- Leyndell Soldier -2 Large Oracle Envoy
- Radahn Soldier - 2 Scaly Misbegotten - Long Axe
- Mausoleum Soldier - 5 Winged Misbegotten - Bow/Dagger
- Haligtree Soldier - 4 Grave Warden Duelist - Greataxe
- Fire Monk - Red Wolf of Radagon
- Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff - Tree Sentinel - Shield
- Redmane Knight Ogha - Fallingstar Beast
- Omenkiller - Magma Wyrm
Version V6.9
- -Fixed halberd bug
Version V6.8
- -Updated boss abilties
- -Seamless Coop may work now
Version V6.7
- -Updated enemy AI
Version V6.6
- -Reduced scaling on overperforming bosses
Version V6.5
- -Baldachin's blessing now adds to 20% to max hp
- -Added many more smithing stones to all dungeons and super dungeons throughout the game
Version V6.4
- -Adjusted boss scaling
Version V6.3
- -Reduced enemy damage scaling for some enemies
Version V6.1
- -All Unique Weapons, Staffs, Seals, Bows, and Crossbows can now have Weapon Arts and Affinity's switched
- -Fixed several bugs
Version V6.0
- -Re added Easy Mode
- -Changed Ascended Mode to Hell Mode to avoid confusion
- -Removed black aura on most enemies
Version V5.9
- -Fixed several bugs
- -Updated Ascended Mode difficulty: Remade all Dungeon Boss fights, Main Story Boss fights, and many World Boss fights
Version V5.8
- -Updated spells
- -Removed player damage debuff from enemy status resists debuff
Version V5.7
- -Updated boss resists
- -Fixed several boss hitboxes
- -Updated boss fights
- -Updated Great Rune effects-
- -Godrick's Great Rune: Raises all attributes by +10
- -Rykard's Great Rune: Restores 20% hp and 20% fp upon defeating enemies
- -Radahn's Great Rune: Raises maximum HP, FP and Stamina by 25%
- -Morgott's Great Rune: Raises maximum fp by 40%
- -Mohg's Great Rune: Grants a blessing of blood to summons, when your summons kill an enemy, the player gains 20% hp and 20% fp, buffs summon damage by 80%
- -Malenia's Great Rune: Attacks recover HP for a short time after taking damage and increases player regeneration and crimson tear healing by 100%
Version V5.6
- -Added Ascended Mode-
- -Status deals 50% more damage
- -Enemy count is increased
- -Boss battles changed
Version V5.5
- -Updated summons
- -Updated spell cost
Version V5.4
- -Updated casting tools
Version V5.3
- -Updated several spells
- -Updated weapon arts
- -Updated some boss fights
Version V5.2
- -Fixed several bugs
Version V5.1
- -Updated many enemies to drop souls
- -Increased spell damage
Version V5.0
- -Fixed several bugs
- -Updated many Boss Battles in Enemy and Boss Mode
Version V4.9
- -All great weapons now gain 100% physical block and high stability so guard counters with great weapons is more feasible
Version V4.8
- -Enemies now gain Golden Vow
- -Buffed the following Weapon Art durations to 30 minutes:
- Sacred Blade
- Roar
- Stormhawk Axe
- Jellyfish Shield
- Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear
- Holy Ground
- Lightning Slash
- Barbaric/Milos Roar
- Determination
- Royal Knight's Resolve
- Golden Tempering
- Golden Vow
- Seppuku
- Blood Blade
- Commander's Standard
- Flaming Strike
- Eclipse Shotel
- Ruinous Ghostflame
- War Cry
- Cragblade
- Last Rites
- Sacred Order
- Oath of Vengeance
- Starscourge Greatsword
- Braggart's Roar
- Shared Order
- Ice Lightning Sword
- Scepter of the All-Knowing
- -Added Boss and Enemy Mode Maps:
- This Mode increases Enemies throughout the World and in the Super Dungeons.
- (Recommended for coop or players that have beaten the Mod already for a new challenge)
Version V4.7
- -Fixed several bugs
Version V4.6
- -Reduced enemy agro range
- -Improved the following Tools:
- Ancestral Infant's Head-added frostbite
- Omen Bairn-added poison
- Regal Omen Bairn-added scarlet rot
- Wraith Calling Bell-added sleep
- Miranda's Prayer(Added to Game)-bleed
- -Extended player status effect durations by 100%
- -Added scaling for weapon spell buffs
Version V4.5
- -Summons gain an aoe regen that affects the player and the summon
Version V4.4
- -Increased Summons health by 100%
Version V4.3
- -Added a New Mode: Adds more Bosses to Dungeons, Mini-Bosses to the World, and Changes up Story Boss fights
- -This Mode is Optional and can be added to Easy, Normal, and Hell Mode difficulties of the Mod and removed at any time
- -Simply add the Maps folder to your ModEngine "Mod" folder that already has the Msg folder in it to play
Version V4.2
- Buffs:
- Weapon buffs last forever and can be casted on any weapon
- Spell and item buffs last for 30 mins and stack
- Effects:
- Crimson Amber Medallion: max hp+ 6%, absorb slash+ 4%, physical dmg+ 40 flat
- Crimson Amber Medallion+1: max hp+ 9%, absorb slash+ 9%, physical dmg+ 60 flat
- Crimson Amber Medallion +2: max hp+ 12%, absorb slash+ 12%, physical dmg+ 80 flat
- Cerulean Amber Medallion: max fp+ 6%, absorb magic+ 4%, magic dmg+ 40 flat
- Cerulean Amber Medallion +1: max fp+ 9%, absorb magic+ 9%, magic dmg+ 60 flat
- Cerulean Amber Medallion +2: max fp+ 12%, absorb magic+ 12%, magic dmg+ 80 flat
- Viridian Amber Medallion: max stamina+ 10%, absorb strike+ 4%, stamina recovery speed +15%
- Viridian Amber Medallion +1: max stamina+ 20%, absorb strike+ 9%, stamina recovery speed +25%
- Viridian Amber Medallion +2: max stamina+ 30%, absorb strike+ 12%, stamina recovery speed +35%
- Arsenal Charm: equip load -20%, bleed buidup +20, spell durations +20%
- Arsenal Charm +1: equip load -40%, bleed buidup +40, spell durations +40%
- Great-Jar's Arsenal: equip load -60%, bleed buidup +60, spell durations +60%
- Erdtree's Favor: max hp +10%, max stamina +10%, equip load -10%
- Erdtree's Favor +1: max hp +20%, max stamina +20%, equip load -20%
- Erdtree's Favor +2: max hp +30%, max stamina +30%, equip load -30%
- Radagon's Scarseal: raises all stats by 5
- Radagon's Soreseal: raises all stats by 10
- Starscourge Heirloom: raises str by 25, void damage +20%, crimson tear hp restore +20%
- Prosthesis-Wearer Heirloom: raises dex by 25, undead damage +20%, weapon stamina usage -10%
- Stargazer Heirloom: raises int by 25, cerulean tear fp restore +20%, sorcery fp cost -10%
- Two Fingers Heirloom: raises faith by 25, incantation fp cost -10%, memory slot +2
- Silver Scarab: raises item discovery by 70%, absorb holy +10%, holy damage +10%
- Gold Scarab: increases rune gain by 30%, mind +10, reduce enemy sight and listen by 10%
- Moon of Nokstella: memory slot +3, max fp +5%, increases cast speed by 10
- Green Turtle Talisman: stamina recovery speed +15%, max stamina+ 10%, absorb thrust+ 12%
- Stalwart Horn Charm: increases frost resist by 200, increases bleed resist by 200
- Stalwart Horn Charm +1: increases frost resist by 400, increases bleed resist by 400
- Immunizing Horn Charm: increases poison resist by 200, increases scarlet rot resist by 200
- Immunizing Horn Charm +1: increases poison resist by 400, increases scarlet rot resist by 400
- Clarifying Horn Charm: increases sleep resist by 200, increases madness resist by 200
- Clarifying Horn Charm +1: increases sleep resist by 400, increases madness resist by 400
- Prince of Death's Pustule: increases blight resist by 200
- Prince of Death's Cyst: increases blight resist by 400
- Mottled Necklace: increases frost, bleed, poison, scarlet rot, sleep and madness resist by 120
- Mottled Necklace +1: increases frost, bleed, poison, scarlet rot, sleep and madness resist by 220
- Bull-Goat's Talisman: increases poise by 25%, absorb fire+ 12%, increases guard break effectiveness 20%
- Marika's Scarseal: absorb all resists by 6%
- Marika's Soreseal: absorb all resists by 12%
- Warrior Jar Shard: increases skill damage by 15%
- Shard of Alexander: increases skill damage by 25%
- Millicent's Prosthesis: +10 dex, raises attack power with successive strikes by 5% to a max of 20%
- Magic Scorpion Charm: increases magic damage by 15%
- Lightning Scorpion Charm: increases lightning damage by 15%
- Fire Scorpion Charm: increases fire damage by 15%
- Sacred Scorpion Charm: increases holy damage by 15%
- Red-Feathered Branchsword: when below 50% hp increase damage by 30%
- Ritual Sword Talisman: when above 50% hp increase damage by 20%
- Spear Talisman: increases thrust counter damage by 20%
- Hammer Talisman: increases guard break effectiveness 50%
- Winged Sword Insignia: +10 str, raises attack power with successive strikes by 5% to a max of 20%
- Rotten Winged Sword Insignia: +5 int/faith, raises attack power with successive strikes by 5% to a max of 20%
- Dagger Talisman: enhances critical hits by 25%
- Arrow's Reach Talisman: increases bow range by 50%
- Blue Dancer Charm: Raises attack power with lower equipment load by 20%
- Twinblade Talisman: Enhances the final hit ending a chain of attacks by 40%
- Axe Talisman: Enhances charge attacks by 40%
- Lance Talisman: Enhances gravitational attacks by 20%
- Arrow's Sting Talisman: Raises attack power of arrows and bolts by 25%
- Lord of Blood's Exultation: Increases attack power by 20% when a nearby player or enemy is inflicted with blood loss for 20 secs
- Kindred of Rot's Exultation: Increases attack power by 20% for 20 seconds when a player or enemy nearby is inflicted with poison
- Claw Talisman: Enhances jump attack damage by 20%
- Roar Medallion: Enhances roars by 20%
- Curved Sword Talisman: +20% Guard Counter Damage
- Companion Jar: Raises potency of thrown jars by 20%
- Perfumer's Talisman: Raises potency of perfume items by 20%
- Graven-School Talisman: Raises potency of sorceries by 15%
- Graven-Mass Talisman: Raises potency of sorceries by 20%
- Faithful's Canvas Talisman: Raises potency of incantations by 15%
- Flock's Canvas Talisman: Raises potency of incantations by 20%
- Old Lord's Talisman: Extends the duration of sorceries and incantations by 100%
- Radagon Icon: Shortens the casting time of sorceries and incantations by 15%
- Primal Glintstone Blade: Reduces spell cost by about 25% and health by 25%
- Godfrey Icon: Raises charge attack power of sorceries, incantations, and skills by 20%
- Dragoncrest Shield Talisman: Increases physical damage negation by 10%
- Dragoncrest Shield Talisman +1: Increases physical damage negation by 20%
- Dragoncrest Shield Talisman +2: Increases physical damage negation by 30%
- Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman: Increases all damage negation by 20%
- Spelldrake Talisman: Increases magic damage negation by 10%
- Spelldrake Talisman +1: Increases magic damage negation by 20%
- Spelldrake Talisman +2: Increases magic damage negation by 30%
- Flamedrake Talisman: Increases fire damage negation by 10%
- Flamedrake Talisman +1: Increases fire damage negation by 20%
- Flamedrake Talisman +2: Increases fire damage negation by 30%
- Boltdrake Talisman: Increases lightning damage negation by 10%
- Boltdrake Talisman +1: Increases lightning damage negation by 20%
- Boltdrake Talisman +2: Increases lightning damage negation by 30%
- Haligdrake Talisman: Increases holy damage negation by 10%
- Haligdrake Talisman +1: Increases holy damage negation by 20%
- Haligdrake Talisman +2: Increases holy damage negation by 30%
- Pearldrake Talisman: Increases elemental damage negation by 5%
- Pearldrake Talisman +1: Increases elemental damage negation by 10%
- Pearldrake Talisman +2: Increases elemental damage negation by 15%
- Crucible Scale Talisman: Reduces damage taken when rolling by 30%
- Crucible Feather Talisman: Improves Dodge Rolling Effectiveness and raises damage by 15% while rolling
- Blue-Feathered Branchsword: Increases all damage negation by 20% when below 50% health
- Ritual Shield Talisman: Increases all damage negation by 20% when above 50% health
- Greatshield Talisman: Boosts guarding stability by 10%
- Crucible Knot Talisman: Reduces damage from headshots and increases vigor by +15
- Crimson Seed Talisman: Boost hp gain from Flask of Crimson Tears by 50%
- Cerulean Seed Talisman: Boost fp gain from Flask of Cerulean Tears by 50%
- Blessed Dew Talisman: Grants 20 hp regeneration
- Taker's Cameo: Restores 15% HP upon defeating enemies
- Godskin Swaddling Cloth: Attacks restore 5% HP
- Assassin's Crimson Dagger: Critical hits restore 25% hp
- Assassin's Cerulean Dagger: Critical hits restore 15% fp
- Crepus's Vial: Eliminates all sound made by the wearer and raises dex by +15
- Concealing Veil: Mostly conceals the wearer's presence while crouching at a distance from foes
- Carian Filigreed Crest: Reduces fp cost for skills by 25%
- Longtail Cat Talisman: Grants fall damage immunity and +20 dex
- Shabriri's Woe: Grants 4 memory slots
- Daedicar's Woe: Increases damage dealt by 30% and increases damage taken by 30%
- Sacrificial Twig: Prevents rune lose upon death and increases str/dex/int/fai by 10
- Furled Finger's Trick-Mirror: Deals 30% bonus damage to void enemies
- Host's Trick-Mirror: Deals 30% bonus damage to undead enemies
- Entwining Umbilical Cord: Grants 20 fp regen
- Ancestral Spirit's Horn: Restores 10% fp per kill
- Armor:
- 40000 Iron Helmet Armor Effect 4% max hp
- 40100 Scale Armor Armor Effect 3% lightning absorb
- 40200 Iron Gauntlets Armor Effect 3% damage to undead enemies
- 40300 Leather Trousers Armor Effect 40 bleed resist
- 50000 Kaiden Helm Armor Effect 4% max stamina
- 50100 Kaiden Armor Armor Effect 10 flat physical damage
- 50200 Kaiden Gauntlets Armor Effect 40 poison resist
- 50300 Kaiden Trousers Armor Effect +3 endurance
- 60000 Drake Knight Helm Armor Effect 10 flat fire damage / Armor Effect 3% fire absorb /
- 60100 Drake Knight Armor Armor Effect 3% equip load / Armor Effect 3% strike absorb /
- 60200 Drake Knight Gauntlets Armor Effect 3% damage to dragon enemies / Armor Effect 10 flat holy damage /
- 60300 Drake Knight Greaves Armor Effect +3 str / Armor Effect 4% max hp
- 61000 Drake Knight Helm (Altered) Armor Effect +3 faith / Armor Effect 40 poison resist
- 61100 Drake Knight Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 3 hp regen / Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 80000 Scaled Helm Armor Effect +3 vitality
- 80100 Scaled Armor Armor Effect 40 frostbite resist
- 80200 Scaled Gauntlets Armor Effect 10% duration
- 80300 Scaled Greaves Armor Effect 3% slash absorb
- 81100 Scaled Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 4% max stamina
- 90000 Perfumer Hood Armor Effect 3% magic absorb / Armor Effect 4% max stamina
- 90100 Perfumer Robe Armor Effect 10 flat magic damage / Armor Effect 3% fire absorb
- 90200 Perfumer Gloves Armor Effect 3% casting speed / Armor Effect 10 flat holy damage
- 90300 Perfumer Sarong Armor Effect +3 int / Armor Effect 40 sleep resist
- 91100 Perfumer Robe (Altered) Armor Effect 3 fp regen / Armor Effect +3 mind
- 100000 Traveler's Hat Armor Effect +3 mind / Armor Effect 4% max fp
- 100100 Perfumer's Traveling Garb Armor Effect 40 poison resist / Armor Effect 4% max hp
- 100200 Traveler's Gloves Armor Effect 10% duration / Armor Effect 10 flat magic damage
- 100300 Traveler's Slops Armor Effect 3% damage to dragon enemies / Armor Effect 3% equip load
- 101100 Perfumer's Traveling Garb (Altered) Armor Effect 3% fire absorb / Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 120000 Alberich's Pointed Hat Armor Effect 4% max fp / Armor Effect 3% damage to void enemies
- 120100 Alberich's Robe Armor Effect 10 flat magic damage / Armor Effect 3% magic absorb
- 120200 Alberich's Bracers Armor Effect 3% casting speed / Armor Effect 10% duration
- 120300 Alberich's Trousers Armor Effect +3 int / Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 121000 Alberich's Pointed Hat (Altered) Armor Effect 3 fp regen / Armor Effect +3 mind
- 121100 Alberich's Robe (Altered) Armor Effect +3 mind / Armor Effect 40 toxic resist
- 130000 Spellblade's Pointed Hat Armor Effect 3 fp regen / Armor Effect 10 flat fire damage
- 130100 Spellblade's Traveling Attire Armor Effect 40 toxic resist / Armor Effect 10 flat magic damage
- 130200 Spellblade's Gloves Armor Effect 3% damage to void enemies / Armor Effect 4% max hp
- 130300 Spellblade's Trousers Armor Effect 10% duration / Armor Effect 4% max stamina
- 131100 Spellblade's Traveling Attire (Altered) Armor Effect 4% max fp / Armor Effect 3% magic absorb
- 140000 Bull-Goat Helm Armor Effect 4% max hp / Armor Effect 3% holy absorb
- 140100 Bull-Goat Armor Armor Effect 10 flat physical damage / Armor Effect 40 blight resist
- 140200 Bull-Goat Gauntlets Armor Effect 40 madness resist / Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 140300 Bull-Goat Greaves Armor Effect 3 hp regen / Armor Effect 3% equip load
- 150000 Iron Kasa Armor Effect 40 sleep resist / Armor Effect +3 endurance
- 150100 Ronin's Armor Armor Effect +3 dex / Armor Effect 40 toxic resist
- 150200 Ronin's Gauntlets Armor Effect 40 bleed resist / Armor Effect 10 flat physical damage
- 150300 Ronin's Greaves Armor Effect 10 flat fire damage / Armor Effect 3% slash absorb
- 151100 Ronin's Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 3% strike absorb / Armor Effect 4% max stamina
- 160000 Guilty Hood Armor Effect 3% standard absorb
- 160100 Cloth Garb Armor Effect 3% equip load
- 160300 Cloth Trousers Armor Effect 4% max fp
- 170000 Black Wolf Mask Armor Effect 4% max stamina / Armor Effect 3% thrust absorb
- 170100 Blaidd's Armor Armor Effect 3% equip load / Armor Effect 40 sleep resist
- 170200 Blaidd's Gauntlets Armor Effect 40 blight resist / Armor Effect +3 dex
- 170300 Blaidd's Greaves Armor Effect +3 str / Armor Effect 3% damage to undead enemies
- 171100 Blaidd's Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 3 hp regen / Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 180000 Black Knife Hood Armor Effect +3 dex / Armor Effect 3 hp regen
- 180100 Black Knife Armor Armor Effect 40 toxic resist / Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 180200 Black Knife Gauntlets Armor Effect 10 flat physical damage / Armor Effect 40 blight resist
- 180300 Black Knife Greaves Armor Effect 4% max stamina / Armor Effect 3% damage to void enemies
- 181100 Black Knife Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 3% lightning absorb / Armor Effect 3% holy absorb
- 190000 Exile Hood Armor Effect 3% fire absorb
- 190100 Exile Armor Armor Effect 3% equip load
- 190200 Exile Gauntlets Armor Effect 3% damage to void enemies
- 190300 Exile Greaves Armor Effect 40 frostbite resist
- 200000 Banished Knight Helm Armor Effect 40 sleep resist
- 200100 Banished Knight Armor Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 200200 Banished Knight Gauntlets Armor Effect 40 poison resist
- 200300 Banished Knight Greaves Armor Effect 3 hp regen
- 201000 Banished Knight Helm (Altered) Armor Effect +3 faith
- 201100 Banished Knight Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 3% damage to dragon enemies
- 210000 Briar Helm Armor Effect 10 flat lightning damage / Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 210100 Briar Armor Armor Effect 4% max fp / Armor Effect 40 toxic resist
- 210200 Briar Gauntlets Armor Effect 3% thrust absorb / Armor Effect 3% damage to undead enemies
- 210300 Briar Greaves Armor Effect 10% duration / Armor Effect +3 dex
- 211100 Briar Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 40 bleed resist / Armor Effect 3% standard absorb
- 220000 Page Hood Armor Effect 40 madness resist
- 220100 Page Garb Armor Effect +3 endurance
- 220300 Page Trousers Armor Effect 3 fp regen
- 221100 Page Garb (Altered) Armor Effect 10 flat magic damage
- 230000 Night's Cavalry Helm Armor Effect 4% max stamina / Armor Effect 4% max hp
- 230100 Night's Cavalry Armor Armor Effect 3% magic absorb / Armor Effect 4% max fp
- 230200 Night's Cavalry Gauntlets Armor Effect 3% equip load / Armor Effect 3% fire absorb
- 230300 Night's Cavalry Greaves Armor Effect 10% duration / Armor Effect 10 flat holy damage
- 231000 Night's Cavalry Helm (Altered) Armor Effect 3% damage to undead enemies / Armor Effect 40 poison resist
- 231100 Night's Cavalry Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 40 madness resist / Armor Effect 3% damage to void enemies
- 240000 Blue Silver Mail Hood Armor Effect 3 fp regen / Armor Effect 10 flat magic damage
- 240100 Blue Silver Mail Armor Armor Effect +3 dex / Armor Effect 3% magic absorb
- 240200 Blue Silver Bracelets Armor Effect 40 madness resist / Armor Effect 3% equip load
- 240300 Blue Silver Mail Skirt Armor Effect 3% casting speed / Armor Effect 40 sleep resist
- 241100 Blue Silver Mail Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 3% lightning absorb / Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 250000 Nomadic Merchant's Chapeau Armor Effect 4% max hp / Armor Effect +3 endurance
- 250100 Nomadic Merchant's Finery Armor Effect 3% strike absorb / Armor Effect 3% damage to undead enemies
- 250300 Nomadic Merchant's Trousers Armor Effect 10% duration / Armor Effect 10 flat physical damage
- 251100 Nomadic Merchant's Finery (Altered) Armor Effect 40 poison resist / Armor Effect 4% max fp
- 260000 Malformed Dragon Helm Armor Effect 40 madness resist / Armor Effect 4% max stamina
- 260100 Malformed Dragon Armor Armor Effect 10 flat lightning damage / Armor Effect 10 flat holy damage
- 260200 Malformed Dragon Gauntlets Armor Effect 4% max hp / Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 260300 Malformed Dragon Greaves Armor Effect 3% fire absorb / Armor Effect 40 bleed resist
- 270000 Tree Sentinel Helm Armor Effect 3% equip load / Armor Effect 4% max hp
- 270100 Tree Sentinel Armor Armor Effect 40 sleep resist / Armor Effect 4% max stamina
- 270200 Tree Sentinel Gauntlets Armor Effect 3 hp regen / Armor Effect 3% strike absorb
- 270300 Tree Sentinel Greaves Armor Effect +3 str / Armor Effect 10 flat lightning damage
- 271100 Tree Sentinel Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 3% equip load / Armor Effect 10 flat fire damage
- 280000 Royal Knight Helm Armor Effect 3% slash absorb / Armor Effect 4% max stamina
- 280100 Royal Knight Armor Armor Effect 4% max hp / Armor Effect 4% max fp
- 280200 Royal Knight Gauntlets Armor Effect 3% damage to undead enemies / Armor Effect 3% lightning absorb
- 280300 Royal Knight Greaves Armor Effect 40 toxic resist / Armor Effect 10 flat lightning damage
- 281100 Royal Knight Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 40 poison resist / Armor Effect 3% equip load
- 290000 Nox Monk Hood Armor Effect 40 blight resist / Armor Effect 3% slash absorb
- 290100 Nox Monk Armor Armor Effect +3 faith / Armor Effect 10 flat fire damage
- 290200 Nox Monk Bracelets Armor Effect 3 fp regen / Armor Effect 40 toxic resist
- 290300 Nox Monk Greaves Armor Effect 10% duration / Armor Effect 3% damage to dragon enemies
- 291000 Nox Monk Hood (Altered) Armor Effect 3% casting speed / Armor Effect 4% max hp
- 291100 Nox Monk Armor (Altered) Armor Effect +3 vigor / Armor Effect 40 bleed resist
- 292000 Nox Swordstress Crown Armor Effect +3 dex / Armor Effect 40 frostbite resist
- 292100 Nox Swordstress Armor Armor Effect 40 madness resist / Armor Effect +3 endurance
- 293000 Night Maiden Twin Crown Armor Effect 3% damage to undead enemies / Armor Effect 3% damage to void enemies
- 293100 Night Maiden Armor Armor Effect 10% duration / Armor Effect 40 madness resist
- 294000 Nox Swordstress Crown (Altered) Armor Effect 3 fp regen / Armor Effect 10 flat holy damage
- 294100 Nox Swordstress Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 3% magic absorb / Armor Effect +3 dex
- 300000 Great Horned Headband Armor Effect 10 flat physical damage
- 300100 Fur Raiment Armor Effect 3% thrust absorb
- 300300 Fur Leggings Armor Effect 4% max hp
- 301000 Shining Horned Headband Armor Effect 3% damage to dragon enemies / Armor Effect +3 faith
- 301100 Shaman Furs Armor Effect 40 frostbite resist / Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 301300 Shaman Leggings Armor Effect +3 faith / Armor Effect 3% holy absorb
- 310000 Duelist Helm Armor Effect +3 dex / Armor Effect 10 flat holy damage
- 310100 Gravekeeper Cloak Armor Effect +3 endurance / Armor Effect 40 toxic resist
- 310300 Duelist Greaves Armor Effect 3 hp regen / Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 311100 Gravekeeper Cloak (Altered) Armor Effect 40 bleed resist / Armor Effect 3 fp regen
- 320000 Sanguine Noble Hood Armor Effect 4% max stamina / Armor Effect +3 dex
- 320100 Sanguine Noble Robe Armor Effect 10 flat magic damage / Armor Effect 40 bleed resist
- 320300 Sanguine Noble Waistcloth Armor Effect 3% equip load / Armor Effect 3% damage to undead enemies
- 330000 Guardian Mask Armor Effect 3% damage to void enemies
- 330100 Guardian Garb (Full Bloom) Armor Effect 3% magic absorb
- 330200 Guardian Bracers Armor Effect 40 blight resist
- 330300 Guardian Greaves Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 331100 Guardian Garb Armor Effect 3 hp regen
- 340000 Cleanrot Helm Armor Effect 40 madness resist / Armor Effect 40 sleep resist
- 340100 Cleanrot Armor Armor Effect +3 dex / Armor Effect 3% damage to void enemies
- 340200 Cleanrot Gauntlets Armor Effect 10 flat lightning damage / Armor Effect 10 flat fire damage
- 340300 Cleanrot Greaves Armor Effect 3% strike absorb / Armor Effect 3% holy absorb
- 341000 Cleanrot Helm (Altered) Armor Effect 4% max fp / Armor Effect 40 toxic resist
- 341100 Cleanrot Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 3% casting speed / Armor Effect 40 blight resist
- 350000 Fire Monk Hood Armor Effect 3% fire absorb
- 350100 Fire Monk Armor Armor Effect 3% damage to dragon enemies
- 350200 Fire Monk Gauntlets Armor Effect +3 faith
- 350300 Fire Monk Greaves Armor Effect 10 flat fire damage
- 351000 Blackflame Monk Hood Armor Effect 10 flat magic damage / Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 351100 Blackflame Monk Armor Armor Effect 3% magic absorb / Armor Effect 3% equip load
- 351200 Blackflame Monk Gauntlets Armor Effect 3% damage to void enemies / Armor Effect 40 poison resist
- 351300 Blackflame Monk Greaves Armor Effect 3% casting speed / Armor Effect 3% holy absorb
- 360000 Fire Prelate Helm Armor Effect 3% fire absorb / Armor Effect 40 sleep resist
- 360100 Fire Prelate Armor Armor Effect 40 poison resist / Armor Effect +3 endurance
- 360200 Fire Prelate Gauntlets Armor Effect +3 vitality / Armor Effect 3 fp regen
- 360300 Fire Prelate Greaves Armor Effect 10 flat fire damage / Armor Effect 3 hp regen
- 361100 Fire Prelate Armor (Altered) Armor Effect +3 faith / Armor Effect 3% holy absorb
- 370000 Aristocrat Headband Armor Effect +3 int
- 370100 Aristocrat Garb Armor Effect 3 fp regen
- 370300 Aristocrat Boots Armor Effect 40 frostbite resist
- 371100 Aristocrat Garb (Altered) Armor Effect 40 sleep resist
- 380000 Aristocrat Hat Armor Effect 3% damage to undead enemies
- 380100 Aristocrat Coat Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 390000 Old Aristocrat Cowl Armor Effect 10 flat magic damage / Armor Effect 4% max stamina
- 390100 Old Aristocrat Gown Armor Effect 10% duration / Armor Effect 4% max fp
- 390300 Old Aristocrat Shoes Armor Effect 3% casting speed / Armor Effect 4% max hp
- 420000 Vulgar Militia Helm Armor Effect 4% max stamina
- 420100 Vulgar Militia Armor Armor Effect 3% slash absorb
- 420200 Vulgar Militia Gauntlets Armor Effect 40 sleep resist
- 420300 Vulgar Militia Greaves Armor Effect 3% equip load
- 430000 Sage Hood Armor Effect +3 mind
- 430100 Sage Robe Armor Effect 3 fp regen
- 430300 Sage Trousers Armor Effect 3% casting speed
- 440000 Pumpkin Helm Armor Effect 10 flat lightning damage
- 460000 Elden Lord Crown Armor Effect 3% equip load / Armor Effect 40 bleed resist
- 460100 Elden Lord Armor Armor Effect 4% max hp / Armor Effect 3 hp regen
- 460200 Elden Lord Bracers Armor Effect 40 madness resist / Armor Effect 3 fp regen
- 460300 Elden Lord Greaves Armor Effect +3 vigor / Armor Effect 3% damage to dragon enemies
- 461100 Elden Lord Armor (Altered) Armor Effect +3 str / Armor Effect 3% damage to void enemies
- 470000 Radahn's Redmane Helm Armor Effect +3 str / Armor Effect 4% max stamina
- 470100 Radahn's Lion Armor Armor Effect 3 hp regen / Armor Effect 3% fire absorb
- 470200 Radahn's Gauntlets Armor Effect 40 blight resist / Armor Effect 10 flat fire damage
- 470300 Radahn's Greaves Armor Effect 10 flat physical damage / Armor Effect 40 toxic resist
- 471100 Radahn's Lion Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 4% max hp / Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 480100 Lord of Blood's Robe Armor Effect 40 bleed resist / Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 481100 Lord of Blood's Robe (Altered) Armor Effect 10 flat fire damage / Armor Effect 4% max fp
- 510000 Queen's Crescent Crown Armor Effect +3 int / Armor Effect 4% max fp
- 510100 Queen's Robe Armor Effect 3 fp regen / Armor Effect 3% magic absorb
- 510200 Queen's Bracelets Armor Effect 3% casting speed / Armor Effect 3% damage to void enemies
- 510300 Queen's Leggings Armor Effect 10% duration / Armor Effect 40 frostbite resist
- 520000 Noble Hood Armor Effect 3% damage to undead enemies / Armor Effect 10 flat holy damage
- 520100 Noble Robe Armor Effect 40 poison resist / Armor Effect 3% equip load
- 520200 Noble Bracelets Armor Effect +3 endurance / Armor Effect 40 bleed resist
- 520300 Noble Trousers Armor Effect 3 hp regen / Armor Effect 10% duration
- 530000 Godskin Apostle Hood Armor Effect +3 faith / Armor Effect 4% max stamina
- 530100 Godskin Apostle Robe Armor Effect 40 madness resist / Armor Effect 3% strike absorb
- 530200 Godskin Apostle Bracelets Armor Effect 3% equip load / Armor Effect 4% max fp
- 530300 Godskin Apostle Trousers Armor Effect 4% max hp / Armor Effect 3% lightning absorb
- 540000 Depraved Perfumer Headscarf Armor Effect 4% max stamina / Armor Effect 4% max fp
- 540100 Depraved Perfumer Robe Armor Effect 3% fire absorb / Armor Effect 3% magic absorb
- 540200 Depraved Perfumer Gloves Armor Effect 40 toxic resist / Armor Effect 10% duration
- 540300 Depraved Perfumer Trousers Armor Effect +3 faith / Armor Effect 3% damage to void enemies
- 541100 Depraved Perfumer Robe (Altered) Armor Effect 3 fp regen / Armor Effect 40 blight resist
- 570000 Crucible Axe Helm Armor Effect 3% strike absorb / Armor Effect 3% damage to dragon enemies
- 570100 Crucible Axe Armor Armor Effect 10 flat physical damage / Armor Effect 40 poison resist
- 570200 Crucible Gauntlets Armor Effect 3% equip load / Armor Effect 10% duration
- 570300 Crucible Greaves Armor Effect +3 vigor / Armor Effect +3 str
- 571000 Crucible Tree Helm Armor Effect 3 hp regen / Armor Effect 3 fp regen
- 571100 Crucible Tree Armor Armor Effect 40 madness resist / Armor Effect 10 flat holy damage
- 572100 Crucible Axe Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 3% holy absorb / Armor Effect 3% strike absorb
- 573100 Crucible Tree Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 10 flat fire damage / Armor Effect 4% max stamina
- 580000 Lusat's Glintstone Crown Armor Effect 4% max fp / Armor Effect 4% max hp
- 580100 Lusat's Robe Armor Effect 3% magic absorb / Armor Effect 3% equip load
- 580200 Lusat's Manchettes Armor Effect 10 flat magic damage / Armor Effect 40 toxic resist
- 580300 Old Sorcerer's Legwraps Armor Effect 10% duration / Armor Effect 3% casting speed
- 581000 Azur's Glintstone Crown Armor Effect 3% casting speed / Armor Effect 4% max fp
- 581100 Azur's Glintstone Robe Armor Effect +3 int / Armor Effect 40 frostbite resist
- 581200 Azur's Manchettes Armor Effect 3 fp regen / Armor Effect 3 hp regen
- 590000 All-Knowing Helm Armor Effect 4% max stamina / Armor Effect 40 bleed resist
- 590100 All-Knowing Armor Armor Effect 3% thrust absorb / Armor Effect 3% casting speed
- 590200 All-Knowing Gauntlets Armor Effect 10 flat lightning damage / Armor Effect +3 endurance
- 590300 All-Knowing Greaves Armor Effect 3% damage to undead enemies / Armor Effect 10 flat magic damage
- 591100 All-Knowing Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 40 frostbite resist / Armor Effect 3% magic absorb
- 600000 Twinned Helm Armor Effect +3 endurance / Armor Effect 3% magic absorb
- 600100 Twinned Armor Armor Effect 3 fp regen / Armor Effect 3% standard absorb
- 600200 Twinned Gauntlets Armor Effect 3% equip load / Armor Effect 3% thrust absorb
- 600300 Twinned Greaves Armor Effect 3% fire absorb / Armor Effect 3% strike absorb
- 601100 Twinned Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 4% max stamina / Armor Effect 3% slash absorb
- 610000 Ragged Hat Armor Effect 4% max hp
- 610100 Ragged Armor Armor Effect 10 flat fire damage
- 610200 Ragged Gloves Armor Effect 40 poison resist
- 610300 Ragged Loincloth Armor Effect +3 dex
- 611000 Ragged Hat (Altered) Armor Effect +3 faith
- 611100 Ragged Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 40 sleep resist
- 620000 Prophet Blindfold Armor Effect +3 faith
- 620100 Corhyn's Robe Armor Effect 3 fp regen
- 620300 Prophet Trousers Armor Effect 40 bleed resist
- 621100 Prophet Robe (Altered) Armor Effect 40 madness resist
- 622100 Prophet Robe Armor Effect 10% duration
- 630000 Astrologer Hood Armor Effect 3% casting speed
- 630100 Astrologer Robe Armor Effect +3 int
- 630200 Astrologer Gloves Armor Effect 4% max fp
- 630300 Astrologer Trousers Armor Effect 3% magic absorb
- 631100 Astrologer Robe (Altered) Armor Effect 10 flat magic damage
- 640000 Lionel's Helm Armor Effect 3% lightning absorb / Armor Effect 3% slash absorb
- 640100 Lionel's Armor Armor Effect 10 flat lightning damage / Armor Effect 3 hp regen
- 640200 Lionel's Gauntlets Armor Effect 3% damage to void enemies / Armor Effect +3 str
- 640300 Lionel's Greaves Armor Effect 40 blight resist / Armor Effect 3% damage to undead enemies
- 641100 Lionel's Armor (Altered) Armor Effect +3 vigor / Armor Effect 40 bleed resist
- 650000 Hoslow's Helm Armor Effect +3 str / Armor Effect 3% fire absorb
- 650100 Hoslow's Armor Armor Effect 3 hp regen / Armor Effect 4% max stamina
- 650200 Hoslow's Gauntlets Armor Effect 3% holy absorb / Armor Effect 4% max fp
- 650300 Hoslow's Greaves Armor Effect 10 flat fire damage / Armor Effect 3% equip load
- 651000 Diallos's Mask Armor Effect 3% standard absorb / Armor Effect 3% magic absorb
- 652100 Hoslow's Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 4% max stamina / Armor Effect 4% max fp
- 660000 Vagabond Knight Helm Armor Effect 3% strike absorb
- 660100 Vagabond Knight Armor Armor Effect 3% equip load
- 660200 Vagabond Knight Gauntlets Armor Effect 40 poison resist
- 660300 Vagabond Knight Greaves Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 661100 Vagabond Knight Armor (Altered) Armor Effect +3 faith
- 670000 Blue Cloth Cowl Armor Effect +3 int
- 670100 Blue Cloth Vest Armor Effect 3 fp regen
- 670200 Warrior Gauntlets Armor Effect 40 blight resist
- 670300 Warrior Greaves Armor Effect 3% damage to void enemies
- 680000 White Mask Armor Effect 4% max hp
- 680100 War Surgeon Gown Armor Effect 10 flat lightning damage
- 680200 War Surgeon Gloves Armor Effect +3 faith
- 680300 War Surgeon Trousers Armor Effect 3 fp regen
- 681100 War Surgeon Gown (Altered) 6202041 Armor Effect 10 fp regen
- 690000 Royal Remains Helm Armor Effect 3% thrust absorb / Armor Effect +3 faith
- 690100 Royal Remains Armor Armor Effect 10 flat fire damage / Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 690200 Royal Remains Gauntlets Armor Effect 3% damage to void enemies / Armor Effect 3% equip load
- 690300 Royal Remains Greaves Armor Effect 40 blight resist / Armor Effect 4% max fp
- 700000 Brave's Cord Circlet Armor Effect +3 vitality
- 700100 Brave's Battlewear Armor Effect 3 hp regen
- 700200 Brave's Bracer Armor Effect 10 flat holy damage
- 700300 Brave's Legwraps Armor Effect 4% max stamina
- 701000 Brave's Leather Helm Armor Effect 3% equip load
- 702000 Brave's Battlewear (Altered) Armor Effect 10% duration
- 720000 Beast Champion Helm Armor Effect 3% equip load / Armor Effect 3 hp regen
- 720100 Beast Champion Armor Armor Effect 3% damage to undead enemies / Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 720200 Beast Champion Gauntlets Armor Effect 3% holy absorb / Armor Effect 4% max hp
- 720300 Beast Champion Greaves Armor Effect 40 madness resist / Armor Effect 40 poison resist
- 721100 Beast Champion Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 4% max fp / Armor Effect 10 flat fire damage
- 730000 Champion Headband Armor Effect +3 faith
- 730100 Champion Pauldron Armor Effect 3 hp regen
- 730200 Champion Bracers Armor Effect 40 sleep resist
- 730300 Champion Gaiters Armor Effect 3% damage to dragon enemies
- 740000 Crimson Hood Armor Effect 3% equip load
- 740100 Noble's Traveling Garb Armor Effect 3% lightning absorb
- 740200 Noble's Gloves Armor Effect 4% max fp
- 740300 Noble's Trousers Armor Effect 10 flat magic damage
- 741000 Navy Hood Armor Effect 40 toxic resist
- 760000 Maliketh's Helm Armor Effect 40 blight resist / Armor Effect +3 faith
- 760100 Maliketh's Armor Armor Effect +3 str / Armor Effect +3 dex
- 760200 Maliketh's Gauntlets Armor Effect 3 hp regen / Armor Effect 3% damage to undead enemies
- 760300 Maliketh's Greaves Armor Effect 10 flat physical damage / Armor Effect 4% max stamina
- 761100 Maliketh's Armor (Altered) Armor Effect +3 vigor / Armor Effect 3% fire absorb
- 770000 Malenia's Winged Helm Armor Effect +3 dex / Armor Effect 40 poison resist
- 770100 Malenia's Armor Armor Effect 3 hp regen / Armor Effect 3% damage to undead enemies
- 770200 Malenia's Gauntlet Armor Effect 40 toxic resist / Armor Effect 10 flat fire damage
- 770300 Malenia's Greaves Armor Effect 4% max stamina / Armor Effect 3% lightning absorb
- 771100 Malenia's Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 3% fire absorb / Armor Effect 4% max hp
- 780000 Veteran's Helm Armor Effect 3% strike absorb / Armor Effect 3% equip load
- 780100 Veteran's Armor Armor Effect 4% max hp / Armor Effect 10 flat holy damage
- 780200 Veteran's Gauntlets Armor Effect 10% duration / Armor Effect 10 flat lightning damage
- 780300 Veteran's Greaves Armor Effect 3% damage to dragon enemies / Armor Effect 10 flat fire damage
- 781100 Veteran's Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 40 frostbite resist / Armor Effect 10 flat physical damage
- 790000 Bloodhound Knight Helm Armor Effect 40 bleed resist / Armor Effect 10 flat physical damage
- 790100 Bloodhound Knight Armor Armor Effect 10 flat fire damage / Armor Effect 3% fire absorb
- 790200 Bloodhound Knight Gauntlets Armor Effect +3 str / Armor Effect 3% equip load
- 790300 Bloodhound Knight Greaves Armor Effect 3 hp regen / Armor Effect 3% damage to void enemies
- 791100 Bloodhound Knight Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 3% slash absorb / Armor Effect 40 blight resist
- 800000 Festive Hood Armor Effect 3% casting speed
- 800100 Festive Garb Armor Effect 3% holy absorb
- 801000 Festive Hood (Altered) Armor Effect +3 mind
- 801100 Festive Garb (Altered) Armor Effect +3 int
- 802000 Blue Festive Hood Armor Effect 3 fp regen
- 802100 Blue Festive Garb Armor Effect 40 madness resist
- 810000 Commoner's Headband Armor Effect +3 endurance
- 810100 Commoner's Garb Armor Effect 4% max stamina
- 810300 Commoner's Shoes Armor Effect 3% standard absorb
- 811000 Commoner's Headband (Altered) Armor Effect 3% equip load
- 811100 Commoner's Garb (Altered) Armor Effect 10% duration
- 812000 Commoner's Simple Garb Armor Effect 3% damage to void enemies
- 812100 Commoner's Simple Garb (Altered) Armor Effect 40 poison resist
- 820000 Envoy Crown Armor Effect 40 frostbite resist
- 830000 Twinsage Glintstone Crown Armor Effect 40 sleep resist
- 830100 Raya Lucarian Robe Armor Effect +3 int
- 830200 Sorcerer Manchettes Armor Effect 3 fp regen
- 830300 Sorcerer Leggings Armor Effect 3% casting speed
- 831000 Olivinus Glintstone Crown Armor Effect 4% max fp
- 832000 Lazuli Glintstone Crown Armor Effect 10 flat magic damage
- 833000 Karolos Glintstone Crown Armor Effect 10 flat lightning damage
- 834000 Witch's Glintstone Crown Armor Effect 3% magic absorb
- 840000 Marionette Soldier Helm Armor Effect 10 flat lightning damage
- 840100 Marionette Soldier Armor Armor Effect 3% casting speed
- 850000 Marionette Soldier Birdhelm Armor Effect 40 poison resist
- 860000 Raging Wolf Helm Armor Effect 4% max hp / Armor Effect +3 endurance
- 860100 Raging Wolf Armor Armor Effect 10 flat physical damage / Armor Effect 40 blight resist
- 860200 Raging Wolf Gauntlets Armor Effect 40 bleed resist / Armor Effect 3% damage to undead enemies
- 860300 Raging Wolf Greaves Armor Effect +3 endurance / Armor Effect 3% lightning absorb
- 861100 Raging Wolf Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 3 hp regen / Armor Effect 4% max stamina
- 870000 Land of Reeds Helm Armor Effect +3 dex
- 870100 Land of Reeds Armor Armor Effect 40 sleep resist
- 870200 Land of Reeds Gauntlets Armor Effect 3% equip load
- 870300 Land of Reeds Greaves Armor Effect 3% thrust absorb
- 871100 Land of Reeds Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 10 flat magic damage
- 872000 Okina Mask Armor Effect 10 flat lightning damage / Armor Effect 40 madness resist
- 872100 White Reed Armor Armor Effect 4% max fp / Armor Effect 4% max hp
- 872200 White Reed Gauntlets Armor Effect 3% damage to dragon enemies / Armor Effect 4% max stamina
- 872300 White Reed Greaves Armor Effect 40 frostbite resist / Armor Effect 3% equip load
- 880000 Confessor Hood Armor Effect +3 faith
- 880100 Confessor Armor Armor Effect 3 fp regen
- 880200 Confessor Gloves Armor Effect 40 madness resist
- 880300 Confessor Boots Armor Effect 3% damage to undead enemies
- 881000 Confessor Hood (Altered) Armor Effect 10% duration
- 881100 Confessor Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 3% casting speed
- 890000 Prisoner Iron Mask Armor Effect 3% thrust absorb
- 890100 Prisoner Clothing Armor Effect 10 flat physical damage
- 890300 Prisoner Trousers Armor Effect 4% max stamina
- 891000 Blackguard's Iron Mask Armor Effect 10 flat holy damage
- 900000 Traveling Maiden Hood Armor Effect 3% equip load
- 900100 Traveling Maiden Robe Armor Effect 3% damage to void enemies
- 900200 Traveling Maiden Gloves Armor Effect 40 bleed resist
- 900300 Traveling Maiden Boots Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 901100 Traveling Maiden Robe (Altered) Armor Effect 3 hp regen
- 902000 Finger Maiden Fillet Armor Effect +3 faith
- 902100 Finger Maiden Robe Armor Effect 40 sleep resist
- 902300 Finger Maiden Shoes Armor Effect 3% damage to void enemies
- 903100 Finger Maiden Robe (Altered) Armor Effect 10% duration
- 910000 Preceptor's Big Hat Armor Effect 3% casting speed / Armor Effect +3 mind
- 910100 Preceptor's Long Gown Armor Effect 10 flat magic damage / Armor Effect 40 madness resist
- 910200 Preceptor's Gloves Armor Effect 3% magic absorb / Armor Effect 3% damage to void enemies
- 910300 Preceptor's Trousers Armor Effect 4% max fp / Armor Effect 10 flat fire damage
- 911000 Mask of Confidence Armor Effect 10 flat holy damage
- 911100 Preceptor's Long Gown (Altered) Armor Effect 3% casting speed
- 920000 Grass Hair Ornament Armor Effect 40 poison resist
- 930000 Skeletal Mask Armor Effect 40 blight resist
- 930100 Raptor's Black Feathers Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 930200 Bandit Manchettes Armor Effect 3 hp regen
- 930300 Bandit Boots Armor Effect +3 dex
- 931100 Bandit Garb Armor Effect 3% damage to dragon enemies
- 940000 Eccentric's Hood Armor Effect 3% damage to void enemies / Armor Effect 40 poison resist
- 940100 Eccentric's Armor Armor Effect +3 arcane / Armor Effect 40 madness resist
- 940200 Eccentric's Manchettes Armor Effect 3% holy absorb / Armor Effect +3 int
- 940300 Eccentric's Breeches Armor Effect 10 flat holy damage / Armor Effect 3 fp regen
- 941000 Eccentric's Hood (Altered) Armor Effect 3% casting speed / Armor Effect +3 faith
- 950000 Fingerprint Helm Armor Effect 40 madness resist / Armor Effect 3% damage to undead enemies
- 950100 Fingerprint Armor Armor Effect 3% fire absorb / Armor Effect 40 bleed resist
- 950200 Fingerprint Gauntlets Armor Effect 3% equip load / Armor Effect 3 hp regen
- 950300 Fingerprint Greaves Armor Effect 4% max hp / Armor Effect 40 frostbite resist
- 951100 Fingerprint Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 40 toxic resist / Armor Effect 3 fp regen
- 960000 Consort's Mask Armor Effect 40 frostbite resist / Armor Effect 3% casting speed
- 960100 Consort's Robe Armor Effect +3 mind / Armor Effect 10% duration
- 960300 Consort's Trousers Armor Effect 3 hp regen / Armor Effect 40 frostbite resist
- 961000 Ruler's Mask Armor Effect +3 vigor / Armor Effect +3 dex
- 961100 Ruler's Robe Armor Effect 3% damage to dragon enemies / Armor Effect +3 int
- 962100 Upper-Class Robe Armor Effect 10 flat fire damage / Armor Effect +3 faith
- 963000 Marais Mask Armor Effect 3% fire absorb / Armor Effect 10 flat fire damage
- 963100 Marais Robe Armor Effect 4% max stamina / Armor Effect 10% duration
- 963200 Bloodsoaked Manchettes Armor Effect 3% equip load / Armor Effect 40 bleed resist
- 964000 Bloodsoaked Mask Armor Effect 3% holy absorb / Armor Effect 3% equip load
- 964100 Official's Attire Armor Effect 3% damage to void enemies / Armor Effect 10 flat holy damage
- 970000 Omen Helm Armor Effect 40 poison resist / Armor Effect 40 madness resist
- 970100 Omen Armor Armor Effect +3 vigor / Armor Effect 3% damage to undead enemies
- 970200 Omen Gauntlets Armor Effect 3 fp regen / Armor Effect 3% equip load
- 970300 Omen Greaves Armor Effect 10 flat holy damage / Armor Effect 3% strike absorb
- 980000 Carian Knight Helm Armor Effect 4% max fp
- 980100 Carian Knight Armor Armor Effect 3% magic absorb
- 980200 Carian Knight Gauntlets Armor Effect 10 flat magic damage
- 980300 Carian Knight Greaves Armor Effect 10% duration
- 981100 Carian Knight Armor (Altered) Armor Effect +3 int
- 990000 Hierodas Glintstone Crown Armor Effect +3 arcane / Armor Effect 40 sleep resist
- 990100 Errant Sorcerer Robe Armor Effect 3 fp regen / Armor Effect 3% lightning absorb
- 990200 Errant Sorcerer Manchettes Armor Effect 3% casting speed / Armor Effect 10% duration
- 990300 Errant Sorcerer Boots Armor Effect 3% damage to void enemies / Armor Effect 40 frostbite resist
- 991100 Errant Sorcerer Robe (Altered) Armor Effect 10 flat magic damage / Armor Effect 3% holy absorb
- 1000000 Haima Glintstone Crown Armor Effect 4% max fp / Armor Effect +3 mind
- 1000100 Battlemage Robe Armor Effect 3% slash absorb / Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 1000200 Battlemage Manchettes Armor Effect 10 flat fire damage / Armor Effect 40 bleed resist
- 1000300 Battlemage Legwraps Armor Effect 3% casting speed / Armor Effect 10 flat magic damage
- 1010000 Snow Witch Hat Armor Effect 3% casting speed / Armor Effect 10% duration
- 1010100 Snow Witch Robe Armor Effect 10 flat magic damage / Armor Effect 3% damage to void enemies
- 1010300 Snow Witch Skirt Armor Effect 3 fp regen / Armor Effect 3 hp regen
- 1011100 Snow Witch Robe (Altered) Armor Effect +3 int / Armor Effect +3 faith
- 1020100 Traveler's Clothes Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 1020200 Traveler's Manchettes Armor Effect 3 hp regen
- 1020300 Traveler's Boots Armor Effect 40 bleed resist
- 1030000 Juvenile Scholar Cap Armor Effect 40 madness resist
- 1030100 Juvenile Scholar Robe Armor Effect 3% damage to void enemies
- 1040000 Radiant Gold Mask Armor Effect 10 flat lightning damage / Armor Effect 3 fp regen
- 1040100 Goldmask's Rags Armor Effect 3% fire absorb / Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 1040200 Gold Bracelets Armor Effect 4% max fp / Armor Effect 3% holy absorb
- 1040300 Gold Waistwrap Armor Effect 10 flat physical damage / Armor Effect 3% damage to void enemies
- 1050100 Fell Omen Cloak Armor Effect 10% duration
- 1060000 Albinauric Mask Armor Effect 3% damage to undead enemies
- 1060100 Dirty Chainmail Armor Effect 40 bleed resist
- 1070000 Zamor Mask Armor Effect +3 mind / Armor Effect 3% lightning absorb
- 1070100 Zamor Armor Armor Effect +3 dex / Armor Effect 4% max stamina
- 1070200 Zamor Bracelets Armor Effect +3 vigor / Armor Effect 4% max fp
- 1070300 Zamor Legwraps Armor Effect 3 hp regen / Armor Effect 4% max hp
- 1080000 Imp Head (Cat) Armor Effect 40 toxic resist
- 1081000 Imp Head (Fanged) Armor Effect 3% holy absorb
- 1082000 Imp Head (Long-Tongued) Armor Effect 3% casting speed
- 1083000 Imp Head (Corpse) Armor Effect 3% equip load
- 1084000 Imp Head (Wolf) Armor Effect 10 flat physical damage
- 1085000 Imp Head (Elder) Armor Effect 4% max stamina
- 1090000 Silver Tear Mask Armor Effect 4% max hp
- 1100000 Chain Coif Armor Effect 3% standard absorb
- 1100100 Chain Armor Armor Effect 10 flat holy damage
- 1100200 Chain Gauntlets Armor Effect 40 poison resist
- 1100300 Chain Leggings Armor Effect 40 frostbite resist
- 1101000 Greathelm Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 1101100 Eye Surcoat Armor Effect +3 int
- 1102100 Tree Surcoat Armor Effect +3 str
- 1110000 Octopus Head Armor Effect +3 dex
- 1120000 Jar Armor Effect 3 hp regen
- 1130000 Mushroom Head Armor Effect 3 fp regen / Armor Effect 40 poison resist
- 1130100 Mushroom Body Armor Effect 40 madness resist / Armor Effect 40 toxic resist
- 1130200 Mushroom Arms Armor Effect 3% casting speed / Armor Effect 40 frostbite resist
- 1130300 Mushroom Legs Armor Effect 10% duration / Armor Effect 40 madness resist
- 1300000 Nox Mirrorhelm Armor Effect 10 flat lightning damage
- 1301000 Iji's Mirrorhelm Armor Effect 3% magic absorb
- 1400000 Black Hood Armor Effect 3% strike absorb
- 1400100 Leather Armor Armor Effect 4% max stamina
- 1400200 Leather Gloves Armor Effect 10 flat physical damage
- 1400300 Leather Boots Armor Effect 10% duration
- 1401000 Bandit Mask Armor Effect 40 sleep resist
- 1500000 Knight Helm Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 1500100 Knight Armor Armor Effect 3 hp regen
- 1500200 Knight Gauntlets Armor Effect 40 toxic resist
- 1500300 Knight Greaves Armor Effect 10 flat physical damage
- 1600000 Greathood Armor Effect 3% slash absorb
- 1700000 Godrick Soldier Helm Armor Effect 10 flat magic damage
- 1700100 Tree-and-Beast Surcoat Armor Effect 3% fire absorb
- 1700200 Godrick Soldier Gauntlets Armor Effect 3% casting speed
- 1700300 Godrick Soldier Greaves Armor Effect 3% holy absorb
- 1710000 Raya Lucarian Helm Armor Effect 40 poison resist
- 1710100 Cuckoo Surcoat Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 1710200 Raya Lucarian Gauntlets Armor Effect +3 int
- 1710300 Raya Lucarian Greaves Armor Effect 3 fp regen
- 1720000 Leyndell Soldier Helm Armor Effect 3% magic absorb
- 1720100 Erdtree Surcoat Armor Effect 10 flat fire damage
- 1720200 Leyndell Soldier Gauntlets Armor Effect 3% casting speed
- 1720300 Leyndell Soldier Greaves Armor Effect 40 bleed resist
- 1730000 Radahn Soldier Helm Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 1730100 Redmane Surcoat Armor Effect +3 str
- 1730200 Radahn Soldier Gauntlets Armor Effect 3 hp regen
- 1730300 Radahn Soldier Greaves Armor Effect 10 flat physical damage
- 1740100 Mausoleum Surcoat Armor Effect 10 flat fire damage
- 1740200 Mausoleum Gauntlets Armor Effect 4% max hp
- 1740300 Mausoleum Greaves Armor Effect 3% magic absorb
- 1750000 Haligtree Helm Armor Effect 3% lightning absorb
- 1750100 Haligtree Crest Surcoat Armor Effect 10 flat magic damage
- 1750200 Haligtree Gauntlets Armor Effect 3% damage to undead enemies
- 1750300 Haligtree Greaves Armor Effect 40 toxic resist
- 1760000 Gelmir Knight Helm Armor Effect 40 madness resist / Armor Effect 3 fp regen
- 1760100 Gelmir Knight Armor Armor Effect +3 str / Armor Effect 10 flat holy damage
- 1760200 Gelmir Knight Gauntlets Armor Effect 3 hp regen / Armor Effect 10% duration
- 1760300 Gelmir Knight Greaves Armor Effect 3% damage to undead enemies / Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 1761100 Gelmir Knight Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 10 flat physical damage / Armor Effect 40 poison resist
- 1770000 Godrick Knight Helm Armor Effect 4% max hp
- 1770100 Godrick Knight Armor Armor Effect 3% thrust absorb
- 1770200 Godrick Knight Gauntlets Armor Effect 10 flat physical damage
- 1770300 Godrick Knight Greaves Armor Effect 3% equip load
- 1771100 Godrick Knight Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 40 bleed resist
- 1780000 Cuckoo Knight Helm Armor Effect 40 frostbite resist
- 1780100 Cuckoo Knight Armor Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 1780200 Cuckoo Knight Gauntlets Armor Effect 3 hp regen
- 1780300 Cuckoo Knight Greaves Armor Effect 10 flat magic damage
- 1781100 Cuckoo Knight Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 3% standard absorb
- 1790000 Leyndell Knight Helm Armor Effect 10 flat magic damage / Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 1790100 Leyndell Knight Armor Armor Effect 3% equip load / Armor Effect 40 poison resist
- 1790200 Leyndell Knight Gauntlets Armor Effect 3% damage to dragon enemies / Armor Effect 3% damage to undead enemies
- 1790300 Leyndell Knight Greaves Armor Effect 3% slash absorb / Armor Effect 4% max stamina
- 1791100 Leyndell Knight Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 4% max hp / Armor Effect 10 flat holy damage
- 1800000 Redmane Knight Helm Armor Effect 3% strike absorb / Armor Effect +3 endurance
- 1800100 Redmane Knight Armor Armor Effect 10 flat fire damage / Armor Effect +3 mind
- 1800200 Redmane Knight Gauntlets Armor Effect 40 poison resist / Armor Effect +3 dex
- 1800300 Redmane Knight Greaves Armor Effect +3 vigor / Armor Effect +3 arcane
- 1801100 Redmane Knight Armor (Altered) Armor Effect +3 str / Armor Effect +3 faith
- 1810100 Mausoleum Knight Armor Armor Effect 3 hp regen / Armor Effect 3% damage to dragon enemies
- 1810200 Mausoleum Knight Gauntlets Armor Effect 40 bleed resist / Armor Effect 40 sleep resist
- 1810300 Mausoleum Knight Greaves Armor Effect 10 flat lightning damage / Armor Effect 3 fp regen
- 1811100 Mausoleum Knight Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 3% strike absorb / Armor Effect +3 faith
- 1820000 Haligtree Knight Helm Armor Effect 4% max hp / Armor Effect 3% strike absorb
- 1820100 Haligtree Knight Armor Armor Effect 10 flat holy damage / Armor Effect 10 flat lightning damage
- 1820200 Haligtree Knight Gauntlets Armor Effect 40 toxic resist / Armor Effect 3% damage to dragon enemies
- 1820300 Haligtree Knight Greaves Armor Effect +3 endurance / Armor Effect 40 madness resist
- 1821100 Haligtree Knight Armor (Altered) Armor Effect 3 hp regen / Armor Effect +3 faith
- 1830000 Foot Soldier Cap Armor Effect 3 fp regen
- 1830100 Chain-Draped Tabard Armor Effect +3 str
- 1830200 Foot Soldier Gauntlets Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 1830300 Foot Soldier Greaves Armor Effect 40 sleep resist
- 1840000 Foot Soldier Helmet Armor Effect 40 poison resist
- 1840100 Foot Soldier Tabard Armor Effect 3% casting speed
- 1850000 Gilded Foot Soldier Cap Armor Effect 10% duration
- 1850100 Leather-Draped Tabard Armor Effect 10 flat fire damage
- 1860000 Foot Soldier Helm Armor Effect 3% lightning absorb
- 1860100 Scarlet Tabard Armor Effect 3% thrust absorb
- 1870100 Bloodsoaked Tabard Armor Effect 4% max fp
- 1880000 Sacred Crown Helm Armor Effect 4% max hp
- 1880100 Ivory-Draped Tabard Armor Effect 10 flat physical damage
- 1890000 Omensmirk Mask Armor Effect 10 flat magic damage / Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 1890100 Omenkiller Robe Armor Effect 3% equip load / Armor Effect +3 faith
- 1890200 Omenkiller Long Gloves Armor Effect 3% damage to dragon enemies / Armor Effect 10% duration
- 1890300 Omenkiller Boots Armor Effect 40 toxic resist / Armor Effect 40 sleep resist
- 1900000 Ash-of-War Scarab Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 1901000 Incantation Scarab Armor Effect 40 sleep resist
- 1902000 Glintstone Scarab Armor Effect 3% damage to void enemies
- 1910000 Crimson Tear Scarab Armor Effect 10% duration
- 1920000 Cerulean Tear Scarab Armor Effect 10 flat lightning damage
- 1930100 Deathbed Dress Armor Effect 3% lightning absorb
- 1930300 Deathbed Smalls Armor Effect 4% max stamina
- 1940000 Fia's Hood Armor Effect 4% max hp / Armor Effect 3% damage to void enemies
- 1940100 Fia's Robe Armor Effect 10 flat fire damage / Armor Effect 3 hp regen
- 1941100 Fia's Robe (Altered) Armor Effect 3% casting speed / Armor Effect 3 fp regen
- 1950100 Millicent's Robe Armor Effect 40 poison resist
- 1950200 Millicent's Gloves Armor Effect +3 vigor
- 1950300 Millicent's Boots Armor Effect +3 arcane
- 1970100 Millicent's Tunic Armor Effect 3 fp regen
- 1970200 Golden Prosthetic (greaves) Armor Effect 3 hp regen
- 1980000 Highwayman Hood Armor Effect 3% holy absorb
- 1980100 Highwayman Cloth Armor Armor Effect 3% damage to void enemies
- 1980200 Highwayman Gauntlets Armor Effect 10 flat fire damage
- 1990000 High Page Hood Armor Effect 3% equip load
- 1990100 High Page Clothes Armor Effect 3% fire absorb
- 1991100 High Page Clothes (Altered) Armor Effect 10% duration
- 2000000 Rotten Duelist Helm Armor Effect 3% slash absorb / Armor Effect 10 flat physical damage
- 2000100 Rotten Gravekeeper Cloak Armor Effect 4% max hp / Armor Effect 10% duration
- 2000300 Rotten Duelist Greaves Armor Effect 10 flat physical damage / Armor Effect 4% max fp
- 2001100 Rotten Gravekeeper Cloak (Altered) Armor Effect 3% damage to undead enemies / Armor Effect 4% max stamina
- 2010000 Mushroom Crown Armor Effect 40 blight resist / Armor Effect 40 poison resist
- 2020000 Black Dumpling Armor Effect 40 madness resist
- 2030000 Lazuli Robe Armor Effect 3 fp regen
- Shields:
- -BUCKLER Armor Effect 16% max hp / Armor Effect 160 bleed resist
- -PERFUMER'S SHIELD Armor Effect 16% max fp / Armor Effect 80 blight resist
- -MAN-SERPENT'S SHIELD Armor Effect 16% max stamina / Armor Effect 160 frostbite resist
- -RICKETY SHIELD Armor Effect 12% slash absorb / Armor Effect 160 madness resist
- -PILLORY SHIELD Armor Effect 12% strike absorb / Armor Effect 1600 sleep resist
- -BEASTMAN'S JAR-SHIELD Armor Effect 160 blight resist / Armor Effect 12% fire absorb
- -RED THORN ROUNDSHIELD Armor Effect 12% standard absorb / Armor Effect +12 mind
- -SCRIPTURE WOODEN SHIELD Armor Effect 12% magic absorb / Armor Effect +12 endurance
- -RIVETED WOODEN SHIELD Armor Effect 12% fire absorb / Armor Effect +12 vitality
- -BLUE-WHITE WOODEN SHIELD Armor Effect 12% lightning absorb / Armor Effect +12 str
- -RIFT SHIELD Armor Effect 40 baset physical damage / Armor Effect +12 dex
- -IRON ROUNDSHIELD Armor Effect 40 base magic damage / Armor Effect +12 int
- -GILDED IRON SHIELD Armor Effect 40 base fire damage /Armor Effect +12 faith
- -ICE CREST SHIELD Armor Effect 40 base lightning damage / Armor Effect +12 arcane
- -SMOLDERING SHIELD Armor Effect 12% equip load / Armor Effect 12 hp regen
- -SPIRALHORN SHIELD Armor Effect 40% duration / Armor Effect 12 fp regen
- -Coil shield Armor Effect 40 baset physical damage / Armor Effect +12 dex
- -Kite shield Armor Effect 12% standard absorb / Armor Effect +12 vigor
- -Marred leather shield Armor Effect 12% slash absorb / Armor Effect 160 madness resist
- -Marred wooden shield Armor Effect 12% casting speed / Armor Effect 16% max hp
- -Banished Knight's Shield Armor Effect 80 scarlet rot resist / Armor Effect 12% standard absorb
- -Albinauric Shield Armor Effect 12% strike absorb / Armor Effect 1600 sleep resist
- -SUN REALM SHIELD Armor Effect 12% casting speed / Armor Effect 16% max hp
- -SILVER MIRRORSHIELD Armor Effect 12% damage to void enemies / Armor Effect 16% max fp
- -ROUND SHIELD Armor Effect 12% damage to undead enemies / Armor Effect 16% max stamina
- -SCORPION KITE SHIELD Armor Effect 12% damage to dragon enemies / Armor Effect 12% slash absorb
- -TWINBIRD KITE SHIELD Armor Effect 12% holy absorb / Armor Effect 12% strike absorb
- -BLUE-GOLD KITE SHIELD Armor Effect 160 poison resist / Armor Effect 12% thrust absorb
- -BRASS SHIELD Armor Effect 80 scarlet rot resist / Armor Effect 12% standard absorb
- -GREAT TURTLE SHELL Armor Effect 160 bleed resist / Armor Effect 12% magic absorb
- -SHIELD OF THE GUILTY Armor Effect 12% thrust absorb / Armor Effect +12 vigor
- -CARIAN KNIGHT'S SHIELD Armor Effect 160 frostbite resist / Armor Effect 12% lightning absorb
- -LARGE LEATHER SHIELD Armor Effect 160 madness resist / Armor Effect 40 baset physical damage
- -HORSE CREST WOODEN SHIELD Armor Effect 1600 sleep resist / Armor Effect 40 base magic damage
- -CANDLETREE WOODEN SHIELD Armor Effect +12 vigor / Armor Effect 40 base fire damage
- -FLAME CREST WOODEN SHIELD Armor Effect +12 mind / Armor Effect 40 base lightning damage
- -HAWK CREST WOODEN SHIELD Armor Effect +12 endurance / Armor Effect 12% equip load
- -BEAST CREST HEATER SHIELD Armor Effect +12 str / Armor Effect 40% duration
- -RED CREST HEATER SHIELD Armor Effect +12 dex / Armor Effect 12% casting speed
- -BLUE CREST HEATER SHIELD Armor Effect +12 int / Armor Effect 12% damage to void enemies
- -ECLIPSE CREST HEATER SHIELD Armor Effect +12 faith / Armor Effect 12% damage to undead enemies
- -INVERTED HAWK HEATER SHIELD Armor Effect +12 arcane / Armor Effect 12% damage to dragon enemies
- -HEATER SHIELD Armor Effect 12 hp regen / Armor Effect 12% holy absorb
- -BLACK LEATHER SHIELD Armor Effect 12 fp regen / Armor Effect 160 poison resist
- -DRAGON TOWERSHIELD Armor Effect 16% max hp / Armor Effect 80 scarlet rot resist
- -DISTINGUISHED GREATSHIELD Armor Effect 16% max fp / Armor Effect 160 bleed resist
- -CRUCIBLE HORNSHIELD Armor Effect 16% max stamina / Armor Effect 80 blight resist
- -DRAGONCLAW SHIELD Armor Effect 12% slash absorb / Armor Effect 160 frostbite resist
- -BRIAR GREATSHIELD Armor Effect 12% strike absorb / Armor Effect 160 madness resist
- -ERDTREE GREATSHIELD Armor Effect 12% thrust absorb / Armor Effect 1600 sleep resist
- -GOLDEN BEAST CREST SHIELD Armor Effect 12% standard absorb / Armor Effect +12 vigor
- -JELLYFISH SHIELD Armor Effect 12% magic absorb / Armor Effect +12 mind
- -FINGERPRINT STONE SHIELD Armor Effect 12 hp regen / Armor Effect 16% max hp
- -ICON SHIELD Armor Effect 12% fire absorb / Armor Effect +12 vitality
- -ONE-EYED SHIELD Armor Effect 12% lightning absorb / Armor Effect +12 str
- -VISAGE SHIELD Armor Effect 40 baset physical damage / Armor Effect +12 dex
- -SPIKED PALISADE SHIELD Armor Effect 40 base magic damage / Armor Effect +12 int
- -MANOR TOWERSHIELD Armor Effect 40 base fire damage / Armor Effect +12 faith
- -CROSSED-TREE TOWERSHIELD Armor Effect 40 base lightning damage /Armor Effect +12 arcane
- -INVERTED HAWK TOWERSHIELD Armor Effect 12% equip load /Armor Effect 12 hp regen
- -ANT'S SKULL PLATE Armor Effect 40% duration / Armor Effect 12 fp regen
- -REDMANE GREATSHIELD Armor Effect 12% casting speed / Armor Effect 16% max hp
- -ECLIPSE CREST GREATSHIELD Armor Effect 12% damage to void enemies / Armor Effect 16% max fp
- -CUCKOO GREATSHIELD Armor Effect 12% damage to undead enemies / Armor Effect 16% max stamina
- -GOLDEN GREATSHIELD Armor Effect 12% damage to dragon enemies / Armor Effect 12% slash absorb
- -GILDED GREATSHIELD Armor Effect 12% holy absorb / Armor Effect 12% strike absorb
- -HALIGTREE CREST GREATSHIELD Armor Effect 160 poison resist / Armor Effect 12% thrust absorb
- -WOODEN GREATSHIELD Armor Effect 80 scarlet rot resist / Armor Effect 12% standard absorb
- -LORDSWORN'S SHIELD Armor Effect 160 bleed resist / Armor Effect 12% magic absorb
- -Added Ascended Mod Easy Mode-
- -Status Effects have 50% less duration
- -Added Ascended Mod Hell Mode-
- -Status Effects have 50% more duration and buildup faster
- Donations
Premium membership donations accepted
Use this link to donate is you like the mod: PayPal.Me/vanbuinen
The Elden Ring of Elden Ring Mods
(Warning: This Mod is Extremely Hard!)
(If you don't like Hard or Unfair Fights don't play this Mod)
(May cause more PC usage then normal, so reduce Graphics if needed)
Only the top 5% of Players complete Ascended Mod, Are you that top 5%?
The Elden Ring of Elden Ring Mods
(Warning: This Mod is Extremely Hard!)
(If you don't like Hard or Unfair Fights don't play this Mod)
(May cause more PC usage then normal, so reduce Graphics if needed)
Only the top 5% of Players complete Ascended Mod, Are you that top 5%?
Age of Stars Mode-For Veterans
-Enemies deal 50% more status damage
-Enemy count is increased while new bosses are added to boss fights
-The time of day is now always night which makes night spawns and elites always appear in the world
Age of Frenzy Mode-For the Insane
-Enemies deal 50% more status damage
-Enemy count is increased while new bosses are added to boss fights
-The time of day is now always night which makes night spawns and elites always appear in the world
-Enemies are faster
Age of Death Mode-Good luck
-Enemies deal 50% more status damage
-Enemy count is increased while new bosses are added to boss fights
-The time of day is now always night which makes night spawns and elites always appear in the world
-Enemies are faster
-Terrain now reduces player and enemy status resists
-Players now lose runes at a continuous rate
-New boss fights for players to experience
-Added legendary weapons with two status affixes
Install Video Guide
1. Turn on Offline Mode
2. Download Anti-cheat toggler and offline launcher:
3. Follow the directions to install the Anti-cheat toggler
4. Make a Character Save file in game.
5. Put the ModEngine contents from the ModEngine folder into your game directory
6. Put the Regulation file into your game directory
7. Double-click "launchmod_eldenring.bat"
8. Play Mod
If a fromsoft patch update is released, follow these steps
1. Update to fromsoft patch or if you have, verify the integrity of the game files in Steam
2. Run the normal game Elden Ring, without mods (this is important), create a new character in a different slot, not the one where your character Ascended.
3. Quit the game, download the latest Ascended update and install in your Elden Ring folder.
4. Run the mod and load your character. Play.
Ascended Mod for Dark Souls 3
Ascended Mod Salt and Sanctuary
Ascended Mod for SOTFS Dark Souls 2
Ascended Mod for Remastered
Ascension Mod for Prepare to Die Edition