About this mod
Pokémon SV+ is a Pokemon Scarlet and Violet rom hack that aims to provide a Vanilla+ experience and includes QOL changes, trainer overhaul, new post game, and much more! With this mod, you will be able to catch every single Pokemon in the Paldean Pokedex and all variations the first time.
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
Pokemon SV+ is Pokemon Scarlet and Violet overhaul Rom Hack that aims to provide a more challenging Vanilla+/New Game+ style experience. Includes QOL changes, full trainer overhaul, new post game, all unobtainable pokemon re-added, Pokedex restoration, improved map, and much more. Also features SV+ patches, which can transform the game in (sometimes radically) different ways.
With this mod, you will be able to catch every single Pokemon in the Paldean Pokedex and all variations in one game!
Updated for patch 1.3.0. Standalone works only on 1.3.0, Trinity version works on 1.2.0 and 1.3.0 using the correct trpfd for the patch you're on.
Older patches will no longer be supported, so make sure you update your game to the newest version. If you want to stick with 1.1.0 instead, the final supported version (SV+ v1.0.4) can be found in the file archives.
Title screen and thumbnails were created with art by baku-inu and used with permission -- to see more, check them out on pixiv.
End credits song created by Zebra And The Bandit -- to see more, check out their Youtube channel
Note: Only connect to other Pokemon SV+ or Pokemon Compass players while you are using this mod. Do not use otherwise unobtainable items or Pokemon from SV+ online in any way or you may be banned.
Note 2: Save frequently and keep backup saves. This mod was thoroughly tested, but we are a small team and the base game is already notorious for crashing.
Note 3: SV+ DOES NOT INCLUDE THE ACTUAL GAME. You will still need to buy your own copy.
Want to chat about this mod or learn how it was made?
Click here to join Inidar Academy on Discord
1. Post Game+
All 5 star raids have been replaced with 50+ currently unobtainable Legendary/Mythical Pokémon as well as opposite version Paradox Pokémon (including Walking Wake/Iron Leaves)
This large scale mod will be the base of Pokemon SV+ and aims to recreate the feel of Hoopa portals from OR/AS and increase playability post-game.
- Legendaries will battle you at level 85, but will be level 70 when caught. They will be tough, so don't show up underprepared!
- Each Legendary will be holding its special item (such as Griseous Core for Giratina) when applicable. Other 5 star raid Pokemon will hold generous amounts of tera shards or herba mystica.
- Each 5 star raid Pokemon can only be captured twice.
2. Trainer Overhaul
All trainers and static event Pokemon have had their levels increased by 40%.
- This change is meant to make the game more challenging while keeping the original difficulty curve and progression order intact.
- Raids 1-4 have also had levels increased to match.
3. Alternate Evolutions
Adds alternate method for trade evolutions, Hisuian Pokémon, and Espeon/Umbreon/Sylveon
- Also allows Spewpas to evolve into any patterned Vivillon.
Trade Evolutions
- Level Up Holding Destiny Knot
- Use Dusk Stone
- Level Up Holding Destiny Knot
- Level Up Holding Power Bracer @ Level 38
Hisuian Pokémon:
- Hold Strange Mirror While Leveling at Level 37
- Hold Strange Mirror While Leveling at Level 36
- Hold Strange Mirror While Leveling at Level 36
- Hold Strange Mirror While Leveling at Level 40
- Hold Strange Mirror While Leveling at Level 36
- Hold Strange Mirror While Leveling at Level 54
- Hold Strange Mirror While Leveling at Level 30
- Hold Strange Mirror While Leveling at Level 30
- Use a Shiny Stone
Special Hisuain Evolutions:
- 295 points worth of recoil damage + level
- Level while knowing Barb Barrage (level 30+)
- Level while knowing Psyshield Bash (level 25+)
- Note: Stantler now learns Psyshield Bash @ 21. Check the Remember Moves option if you missed it.
- Use Dawn/Dusk/Moon stone
4. Expanded Wild Pokemon OR No Version Exclusives
Re-adds all wild Pokémon that normally spawn exclusively in one version. Also adds 50+ HOME transferrable Pokémon to the wild, including regional forms and the various starters. Full description below.
Warning: This part of the mod creates many illegal Pokemon that should not be used online. To remove it and only allow Paldean native Pokemon to spawn, download alternate_pokedata_array.zip and paste its contents into the world folder of SV+.
This will replace the original SV+ pokedata_array.bin located at the world\data\encount\pokedata\pokedata with the alternate, and can be done at any time -- either before or after combining mods with Trinity.
Important note: If you have upgraded to patch 1.2.0, you must download the new "alternate_pokedata_array" included in SV+ 1.0.6 onwards.
Alolan Pokémon Added
- All Mines, Caves, Underground areas
- All Mines, Caves, Underground areas
- Pokemon League Entrance
- South Areas 2, 5, 6
- Asado Desert
- East Area 3
- Asado Desert
- East Area 3
- West Areas 1, 3
- East Areas 1, 2, 3
- East Area 3
- West Area 3
- East Area 3
- Note: Pikachu can be evolved into Raichu (Alolan) by using a Shiny Stone.
Galarian Pokémon Added
- South Area 2
- West Areas 1, 3
- North Area 2
- West Area 3
- North Area 2
- West Area 3
- East Area 2
- Casseroya Lake
- West Area 3
- East Area 2
- Casseroya Lake
- Casseroya Lake
Hisuian Pokémon Added
- West Areas 2, 3
- Tagtree Thicket
- East Area 3
- Tagtree Thicket
- East Area 3
- All Oceans & Lakes
- Casseroya Lake
- All Lakes & Rivers
- Casseroya Lake
- Glaseado South & North
- Casseroya Lake
- North Areas 1, 2, 3
- Glaseado South & North
- North Areas 1, 2, 3
- West Area 3
- Tagtree Thicket
- Glaseado South & North
- Glaseado South & North
- West Area 3
- East Area 3
- North Area 2
- North Area 2
- South Area 6
- Casseroya Lake
- South Area 6
- Casseroya Lake
- Tagtree Thicket
- Casseroya Lake
- Area Zero
- Glaseado South & North
- North Sea
- North Areas 1, 2
- South Area 5
- Glaseado South, North Aresa 1, 2
- West Area 3
- Casseroya Lake
- North Area 2
- East Area 3
- Asado Desert
Other HOME Pokémon Added
- Asado Desert
- Asado Desert
- Asado Desert
- Asado Desert
- East Area 3
- Asado Desert
- East Area 3
- Asado Desert
- West Area 3
- East Area 2, 3
- Tagtree Thicket
- East Area 2, 3
- East Area 3
- West Area 1
- East Area 1,2,3
- West Area 1
- East Area 1,2,3
- East Area 2, 3
- West Area 1
- East Area 1,2,3
- West Area 1
- East Area 1,2,3
- East Area 2, 3
- West Area 1
- East Area 1,2,3
- West Area 1
- East Area 1,2,3
- East Area 1,2,3
- South Area 2, 4, 5
- Tagtree Thicket
- South Area 2, 4, 5
- Tagtree Thicket
- Tagtree Thicket
- West Area 1
- East Area 1
- West Area 1
- East Area 1
- West Area 1
- East Area 1
- West Area 1
- East Area 1
- West Area 1
- East Area 1
- West Area 1
- East Area 1
- West Area 2
- East Area 1, 2
- South Area 1, 4, 5
- East Area 2
- South Area 5
- East Area 2
- Casseroya Lake
- Glaseado South & North
- North Area 3
Paldean Starter Pokémon Added
- East Area 3
- West Area 3
- North Area 2
- East Area 3
- West Area 3
- North Area 2
- North Area 2
- East Area 3
- West Area 3
- North Area 2
- East Area 3
- West Area 3
- North Area 2
- North Area 2
- East Area 3
- West Area 3
- North Area 2
- East Area 3
- West Area 3
- North Area 2
- North Area 2
5. Vivillon Restoration (removed, see note)
The world is now colorful again. All 20 Vivillon patterns have been restored to the wild.
- Spewpas can also evolve into any patterned Vivillon
- Important Note: This was removed because of incompatibility with official patch 1.2.0 onwards. If you want to use this feature, download the older SV+ v1.0.5 instead and use it with official patch 1.1.0.
Restores the Pokedex and all Pokedex entries for previously home-exclusive Pokemon.
(note: This feature has been temporarily removed to prepare for DLC and home patches)
7. Better Map Markers
Adds markers, borders and level ranges to the in game map. Also adds level Ranges for each area, and makes area names stay visible while zoomed in.
- Thank you Fokson for the help in creating a tool to make this process easier
Added Markers:
- Watchtowers
- Pokemon League Reps
- Ominous Stakes
8. Faster Battles
All battles have been sped up by removing or reducing unnecessary action delays.
9. Raid Tweaks
Increases the difficulty of 1-4 star Raid battles, smooths out star ratings for mid to late game raids, and increases the frequency of higher star raids.
- Raid assist trainers have also been overhauled to match the increased difficulty
Old Rate --> New Rate
★ 20% Chance 0% Chance
★★ 20% Chance 10% Chance
★★★ 30% Chance 45% Chance
★★★★ 30% Chance 45% Chance
Mid-Late Game
Old Rate --> New Rate
★★★ 40% Chance 30% Chance
★★★★ 35% Chance 70% Chance
Late/Post Game
Old Rate --> New Rate
★★★ 30% Chance 0% Chance
★★★★ 40% Chance 40% Chance
★★★★★ 30% Chance 60% Chance
10. Better Picnics
Eggs will now spawn significantly faster while picnicking.
11. Better Player movement
Player movement has been increased by 25%. Slope tolerance has been increased (no more slipping!)
12. Better Ride Pokemon
Glide forever!
- Drop off while gliding has been reduced to zero. Full stalls are now possible (To do: fix the auto-return to floor when stalling in place for too long)
- Gliding and Gliding speed have been increased.
- Sprint speed has been slightly increased.
These changes were all made with control and balance in mind. You will be faster, but still able to move precisely when
13. Shiny Lock Removal
Shiny locks have been removed from Starters, Legendaries, Gift Pokemon, Battled Pokemon, and Event Pokemon.
14. Improved Delibird Presents
Adds evolution items and all Arceus plates to Delibird Presents in Mesogoza.
Notes: Evolution Stones require a minimum of 3 Victory Road Gym badges to purchase. Auspicious Armor, Malicious Armor, Galarica Cuff, Galarica Wreath, and Strange Mirror require 4 Gym badges. Arceus plates require 5 Gym badges.
15. Extra Features
- Custom title card
- Custom intro music
- Custom end credits song
Future Features
Looking for suggestions!
SV+ Patches
Since Pokemon SV+ is meant to be a Vanilla+ mod, many changes that could be fun to add don't fit into the main download. SV+ patches fix this problem by extending the mod in many -- sometimes radically -- different ways.
Want your own mod listed here? Contact me on Discord and I will share the files you'll need to make it compatible with SV+
1. Instant EggsDownload Link (Instant Eggs)
- Makes eggs spawn instantly while picknicking. To use, download the Trinity Version of Instant Eggs During Picnic then drop the ZIP contents into the SV+ romfs.
2. Faster Player SpeedDownload Link (Faster Player Speed)
- This patch increases player speed beyond what is included in this mod.
- To use, download any Trinity version of Run Speed and Slope Tolerance then drop the ZIP contents into the SV+ romfs.
3. Stronger Eeveelutions
Created by Likara, Stronger Eevelutions vastly increases the stats of Eevee and all its evolutions.
- Eevee itself has a BST of 570, while its evolutions have a BST of 670! This puts them at the same BST as Legends.
- This also makes Eevee itself viable to use without evolving. Each one, including Eevee, has also gained an extra move at level 60, in line with its typing.
- To see all changes made, see their mod description
Note: Must be combined with SV+ using Trinity Mod Loader -- make sure you use the version listed as compatible with SV+!
Download Link (Stronger Eeveelutions)
4. Shiny Wild Pokemon Indicator
Adds glowing eyes to all shiny Pokemon that can be seen from afar so you never miss another shiny during a hunt.
- Especially useful for shiny Pokemon with only subtle changes like Pikachu.
- This change will be active as long as you have the mod installed, even for Pokemon in your party. So unless you love the laser-eyes look, you will have to uninstall/reinstall this mod in between shiny hunts.
Note: Must be combined with SV+ using Trinity Mod Loader (tutorial link in Installation Instructions)
Download Link (Shiny Wild Pokemon Indicator)
More patches coming soon!
Installation Instructions (Standalone)
Note: For Scarlet, replace 01008F6008C5E000 with 0100A3D008C5C000
Installation on Switch
Copy romFS folder into sdcard:
Installation on Emulator
Step 1. Open the emulator.
Step 2. Right click on the game, select "Open Mod Directory" (Ryujinx) or "Open Mod Data Location" (Yuzu) and a folder will open.
Step 3. Create a new folder in the directory you opened in Step 2 and name it SVPlus (or whatever you want). Then, place the romFS folder into the new folder you created. Your final directory path should look like this:
Installation Instructions (Trinity Version)
If you want to combine SV+ with other mods, download the trinity version and follow these tutorials.
Link to Video Version
Link to Written Version
Some home-exclusive Pokemon get stuck when evolvingHouses/Trees/Pokémon do not appear, or have graphical glitches
- This is can be fixed by restarting the game and trying the evolution again.
When will the next update be released?
- This is a Yuzu issue. To fix it, go to the advanced tab then gpu accuracy (or click the lower left corner where it says "gpu normal") and change the setting to "GPU high". Or better yet, switch to Ryujinx or Switch hardware.
Can you add X feature to SV+ in a future update?
- I don't have a fixed update schedule, but I am constantly working on something and release anything I find as soon as I can. To get notified of any changes, join us on Discord or check back here.
Can you help me with a technical issue to do with installing or creating a new mod?
- Probably! I always consider every suggestion, and as you can see from my update log, lots of user recommendations make it in. Come by my Discord and let me know what you'd like to see added!
- For sure! The best way to reach me is on Discord, I am usually around and if not we have a great community who is always willing to help :)
Feedback & Acknowledgments
Thank you to everyone who contributed to make this mod possible:
- Aria & Kas Seri: Main collaborators for this project, contributed to every aspect. This project is designed to link with their rom hack called Pokémon Compass and uses some modified elements of their mod Expanded Wild Pokemon, so make sure to check that out too!
- baku-inu: Original artist of the Koraidon and Miraidon used to make the in game title screen and thumbnails
- Zebra And The Bandit: Created end credits song
- Li'Kara: Contributed to raid balancing, bug fixes, created multiple SV+ patches, and helped with updating the mod for compatibility with new patches.
- Reisyukaku & mv_oripoke: Creators of Trinity Mod Loader
- Fokson: Tool used to create Better Map Markers
- Duckdoom5: For general advice and support
- All my supporters, including Jamorhi, VulgrPixel, itskurtly, Omegatron3423, TheSnorlaxBoi, H3roDude, Ænigma, TTiN, Ph30n1xFl4r3, SaintSolo, and Quill: Thank you for sticking with me through these slower times while I was still working on SV+ and releasing nothing!
- Everyone in Inidar Academy ♥
All my mods are always free, but if you want to support my work and get your own shoutout, check out my Patreon or buy me a coffee below :)