Skyrim Is My Escape

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To start, I'm not looking for sympathy. I just wanted to thank Bethesda for making a great game and SkyrimNexus for hosting a place where modders can present such great additions to such an epic game.

On Jan. 5th, 2012, my daughter, Miya was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma at the age of 13. It has been almost a year now and we are still fighting to save her life. But thanks to her wonderful doctors, surgeons, and nurses - my wife, Miya's three brothers, her little sister, and myself are positive we will beat this monster.

Being that she needs to be tended to 24/7, I took a leave from my job to stay home and take care of her. That's where Skyrim (and this site) comes into the picture. When she is asleep in her bed, I sit next to her at my desk and play for an hour or two and it has become my escape from the constant worry of being a father of a child with cancer. It's almost therapy for me.

My daughter is very brave and strong, and no matter what life has thrown at her over the past year, she always smiles through it all. She has been through 11 surgeries and countless rounds of chemo, but has never once complained or felt sorry for herself. She is an inspiration to all who meet her and she is my rock. I know we'll make it through this.

So to the makers of this game, the modders and the kind people who post here and share the world of Skyrim - Thank You for creating a place for me to escape to when things get a little rough to deal with.



  1. voodoohammer
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    Thank each and every one of you for your words of condolence and kindness. God bless you all.
  2. voodoohammer
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    Sadly, my sweet daughter passed away on May 15th. We miss her sorely, but are very proud of the battle she fought with courage and grace. Thank all of you for your kindness.
    1. Ramses1337
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      My deepest condolences. I cannot even begin to imagine how much pain you must have felt. She truly was inspiring.
    2. AnOldFriend
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      My brother died of multiple myeloma 12 days after you uploaded this picture on December 14 2012. I haven't seen this until just now, but it made me think about him. I think about him every day, but this brought tears to my eyes for the first time in a while. I can't even begin to imagine what it is like to lose a child, but I do know what it is like to lose somebody who I deeply loved. I wish I could have given him just a few of my healthy years so he could experience life without pain.

      My brother had some great times while alive, maybe not always making smart decisions, but he had damn fun doing it. That is something I find some comfort in. I hope that the good times you all had can bring a smile while you are crying, perhaps even a bit of a laugh.
    3. TheWretchedAndForgotten
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      I am so terribly sorry for your unspeakably tragic loss. Thank you for sharing this with all of us, and please take care. I lost my Father when I was only a child, and I've never been the same, but I'll also never forget everything he has given and taught me, and the amazing man that he was. Miya was so strong and brave, and now she needs you to be as well. Peace, my friend, and may you find solace and continuing joy in the imprint that this special soul has left upon your life and heart.

      I'm here if you ever need to chat, for whatever it may be worth.

      Peace and strength to you,

      aka TheWretched
    4. voodoohammer
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      Thank you. My heart goes out to you, as well.
    5. konasama
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      I just lost someone dearly for me to this, I know how effing unfair it is, You are a hero, everyday you live even after this fight is a day you won. I say never give up to this sickness, it is a fight we must fight so that in the future fathers dn't need to suffer through this. My condolences
    6. voodoohammer
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      My heart is with you. 
    7. Nas00
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      Just seen the picture of your daughter and I'm truly sorry for your loss. My heartfelt condolences and I wish you all the best.

  3. LilithVassal
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    I uh.. I just found this. I have to say, I'm extremely sorry and upset that I read she was lost to us all. 
    Hopefully someone could, if you wanted them to, make a mod of her to be your follower in the world of Skyrim. 
    When someone part of this Skyrim community is lost, it's more than just a loss. 
    Skyrim has been a part of my life since it came out, and I love it, there's a quote from Skyrim I love too.
    "Sometimes life puts you in difficult circumstances you didn't choose, but being happy or unhappy is a choice you make, and I've chosen to make the best of things that I can" - Shahvee 
    That quote got me through a lot in this life, I hope it can do the same for you.
  4. thevampyr
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    Sadly, my sweet daughter passed away on May 15th. We miss her sorely, but are very proud of the battle she fought with courage and grace. Thank all of you for your kindness.

    I know it's been years since she passed, and I know that only time can mend the wound, even though the scar will remain forever.    
    I hope you still take the time to still play.  
  5. ExpandWong
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    Jesus that is heartbreaking, I dont mean to sound judgmental because I dont know you but please dont neglect your mental health and socialize as much as ya can.
  6. cyrocryptic
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    How did I get here? In 2019!
  7. xrayy
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    my condolences. this is very touching! your daughter lost her fight in this world. but i'm sure she lives now in a better world free of pain. i hope this could give you comfort in these hard times.
  8. User_6335173
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    Sorry for your loss :( I hope you stay strong and have great future even when she is gone.
  9. MsFrankenstein
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    It's amazing how truly wonderful and supportive the Nexus community can be at times, despite most of us having never met eachother but are still able to show support and connect through the means of the mods and forums.

    I remember when I saw this image in the gallery for the first time, all those years ago when it was uploaded. 2012 feels like an eternity ago compared to 2017 now(and closing in on 201, I truly hope OP is doing okay despite his awful loss.
  10. axl001001
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    ??????????? ??????????????
  11. axl001001
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    May God bless you and hope you will enjoy your stay in the future
  12. Toxicwyvern
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    I am sorry for your loss D=