Skyrim Special Edition
Dwarven Armors and Weapons Retexture SE WIP

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  1. deadman1998
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    If you're taking suggestions how about making a patch for 4thunknown's Dwemer armor? It'd be cool to see that covered as well. Though I'm sure you need their permission first in order to do it but if you do it'd be a neat lil addition 
  2. riverbord
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    You're quickly becoming the most important texture god of skyrim mods. Keep it up!
  3. TheDarkEmperor
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    I feel like with this, you opened pandora's box and there may be a future project to retexture all the Dwemer machinery and automatons in the game. Such a price to pay in creating one of the most absolute stunning retextures.
    1. xavbio
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      thanks! Retexturing all the non-armor/weapons dwemer stuff is something I might do eventually, after all my armors and weapons retexture are done. Especially if the reception to the dwemer retexture is good and I get requests for it
    2. Timthelegend
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      This would honestly be amazing, but I would love to see you finish the marathon of retexturing the Skyrim populace armor and weaponry haha.
  4. ExtremeTacticalBlaster
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    i've been waiting for this one! :D
  5. FriedBumGooch
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    Fantastic job on this set and every set you've done before. Can't wait to see everything be covered eventually. Here's hoping Dead Man's Dread makes it on the list!
  6. Sym3tric
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    xavbio doing the lords work as usual. BIG W.
  7. JDTonts
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    I really love what you've done with the unique Dwarven Armors from Mods and the variants added by the CC. You've made the Dondoran Juggernaut and Immaculate Dwarvern Armor look like they're unique sets even amongst other Dwarven sets with different designs.
    1. xavbio
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      Thanks! I'm glad you like them. Dondoran's Juggernaut was probably the one I struggled the most with, since it shares the same normal and environment maps, so I could only change the diffuse colors
    2. JDTonts
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      Any plans for the CC's Ward of Seasons? A similar diffuse might work, or perhaps just giving the cloth a different colour?
  8. RealCakez
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    How consistent will these retextures be when combined with ancient dwemer metal items?
    1. Timthelegend
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      Considering he posted pictures of the sets w/ the ancient dwemer metal cubemap, you should be able to tell. (It's on the right on each image).
    2. xavbio
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      yes, exactly. Plus I use ADM in my game and think the textures fit pretty well. They don't look out of place, imo
    3. RealCakez
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      Yeah i could see the cubemaps but that doesn't necessarily mean they will 100% look like the JS item retextures for example. Looking forward to this retexture for sure!
  9. Timthelegend
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    I've been wanting a full dwemer set retexture since FOREVER. Cabal never finished his set, so this is gonna be a long time coming..
  10. blo0d1k
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    Finally, the best Dwemer armor retexture =)