File information
Created by
NaughtyScottyUploaded by
EpicFlyinBananaVirus scan
About this mod
My first Halo 3 mod taken to new heights, now with an entire second act. The original first half has been fully remastered as well with all of the knowledge I've gained from the last 2 years of creating Campaigns for Halo 3. Enjoy the cinematics as the snow falls, and beautiful or epic music accompanies you as you explore this world.
- Permissions and credits
- Donations
- Assault Rifle is more accurate
- Battle Rifle is more accurate and fires faster
- DMR has been added
- SMGs have had fire rate increased
- Silenced SMG has been added
- Silenced SMG is more accurate, stronger and fires slower and duel wields
- Pistols have had damage increase and accuracy increased
- Silenced Pistols fire faster and dual wields
- Shotgun functions as a fully automatic variant
- Rocket Launcher round travels faster
- Machine Gun turrets holds more ammo and fires faster after dismounted
- Plasma Rifle fires faster and is more accurate
- Brute Plasma rifle fires much faster and drains more quickly
- Burst fire Plasma Rifles have been added
- Plasma Pistol does more damage and projectile travels quicker
- Fully automatic Plasma Pistol has been added
- Needler fires faster and holds more ammo. Requires more needles to Super-Combine
- Carbine holds more ammo
- Brute Shot projectile travels slower
- Mauler fires faster, holds more ammo and shoots slower but more deadly projectiles
- Plasma Cannon holds more ammo, fires more accurate and faster
Vehicles -
- Banshee has two new reskins to fit the faction they are fighting for
- Hornet weapons have been made more effective
- Phantom has reskins for each faction and main cannon fires new projectile
- Special Variant of Warthog added
- New version of the shade has been added
Characters -
- Brutes have been beefed up and redesigned to fit the feel of the mission
- Grunts have been improved as their ranks increase and also have been retextured
- New grunts have been added
- Jackals have a Major variant that is much more of a challenge
- Shield Jackals have a new sharpshooter variant
- Drones have many more variants
- Hunters have new variants and weaponry
- Marines and ODST are more capable in fights and can use new weapons effectively
- Elites and Arbiter have been improved
- Many new types of elites have been added
- Miranda Keys fights alongside you
- Custom Sentinel Guardians have been added
- Flood have been redesigned and beefed up slightly
- ODST flood boss added
- Jetpack brute changes
- Auto-turret is even more deadly
- Marine Prisoners added
Equipment -
- Frag grenade has a larger radius and does more damage
- Plasma Grenade does less damage, has a larger radius and EMPs
- Bubbleshields lasts an additional 5 seconds to provide more use
- Invincibility lasts 15 seconds instead of 10
- Invisibility has 3 charges
- Regenerator lasts longer
- Tripmine has been redesigned to fit the map and does not self destruct
- Some Equipment already spawns active
- Added Custom environmental bubble shields that do not break
Added -
- New custom weapons
- New custom enemies
- In-game Voice Acting
- AI battles above
- New environmental hazards
- Custom weather
- Custom scenery
- Custom skybox
- Special cinematic scripts
- New vehicles
- *Rest are spoilers*
Recommend Normal or Heroic Solo and Heroic or Legendary Co-op for the best experience
Must launch with Anti-Cheat disabled
Co-op supported
H3 Shielded Grunts - ketcham1009
H3 Variety Drones - Calantorn
H3 Variety Hunters - Calantorn
H3 AA Shade Turret - MythicJaqui
H3 Tactical BR - MythicJaqui
H3 MP Elite Ranks - killamanjaro53
H3 Plasma Repeaters - MythicJaqui
H3 Grunt Combi - Calantorn
H2A Elites for H3 - FunnyAnyway
H3 Flood ODST - xM120