File information
Last updated
Original upload
Created by
Gambit77 - Thirdstorm - ValdacilUploaded by
valdacilVirus scan
Tags for this mod
- Companion/Follower Friendly
- Lore-Friendly
- English
- Models/Meshes
- Textures
- Modder's Resource
- Tutorials for Modders
- Tutorials for Players
- Utilities for Modders
- Armour & Shields
- Weapons
- Weapons - Components
- Batch File
- DLC: Far Harbor
- PS4 version available
- DLC: Vault-Tec Workshop
- Crafting
About this mod
This is a master file to create a standardize framework for armor so that modders can create and modify armor (like Armorsmith) while making edits compatible with mods that adjust dynamic item naming (like Valdacil's Item Sorting). Also adds a standardized set of crafting menu categories for armor/clothing/weapons and adds two workbenches for m
- Requirements
DLC requirements
DLC name Automatron Far Harbor Contraptions Workshop Vault-Tec Workshop Nuka World Mods requiring this file
- Permissions and credits
Author's instructions
Mod authors have permission to link to this resource as a required file, however, DO NOT include a copy of AWKCR in your mod download. Users should get AWKCR from the AWKCR page to prevent versioning issues.
File credits
Plugin work by Gambit77, Valdacil, & Thirdstorm. Part of AWKCR color swap framework contributed by AndrewCX.
Armorsmith Workbench by Gambit77, Aldebaran90, & Stndmunki.
Armorsmith Workbench Mini variants by FadingSignal.
Weaponsmith Workbench by Gambit77.
Weaponsmith Workbench Mini variants by FadingSignal.
Ammunition Workbench by KKtheBeast, Gambit77, BenEphla, KingTobbe, Wanamingo, & LoneRaptor.
Ammunition Workbench F4NV variant by Circles, Leldorado, Wanamingo, & KKtheBeast.
Explosive Workbenches by Chucksteel.
AWKCR compatibility patches by DrDanzel.
SuperMutant Outfit / Armor Nifs from m150 (SuperMutant Clothing), MadMax713 and Thirdstorm (Super Mutant Redux).
Child Outfits / Armor Nifs from Bandit01(Child Outfits Vanilla and Conversions Standalone), Thirdstorm (Unique NPCs), gift2 (Orphans of the Commonwealth - More Children), JTesmer (ANiceOakTree's Diverse Children)
DoktorSoviet for Minuteman Combat Armor - Standalone colors
Donation Points system
This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points
- Ukrainian
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Translations available on the Nexus
Language Name Ukrainian Author: VWTrotsky Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR) Ukrainian translation French Author: Aogara Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR) - FR Portuguese Author: Painstaking Rick Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR) v8.6.0 CORRIGIDA Spanish Author: dantephoenix - nexusernesto Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource V8.6.0 -Spanish- Mandarin Author: ShrimpBallin Armor and Weapons Keyword Community Resource (AWKCR) - Chinese Portuguese Author: Nadex Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource v8.6.0 Translation PT-BR Russian Author: Djezendopus Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR) - Russian Translation German Author: mattiiz Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR) - German Translation Russian Author: cat-boy AWKCR (RUS) Spanish Author: oscarpelluz Armor And Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR) - Spanish 8.51 (WIP) Russian Author: Gambit77 - Thirdstorm - Valdacil Translation - HustleGG Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR) RUS Translation Italian Author: alfx3 Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR) (Traduzione italiana) Czech Author: Irasik with Palko team Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR) Czech Russian Author: mprikhodko Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR) RUS Italian Author: DaBigPit Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR) v3.2 - Italiano Italian Author: Lexor987 Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR) ITA German Author: Shivux Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR) - German Translation Italian Author: Max17x Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR) - Traduzione Italiana Russian Author: nestquik (RU) Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource German Author: romeo1408 und PhilippHe Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR)- german translation Spanish Author: Wartinald Armor and Weapon Keywords - Spanish Translation French Author: Dermophile74 ArmorKeywords.esm Italian Author: franchiceddhu90 Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR) - Traduzione ITA Italian Author: Puxxup Armor Keywords Community Resource (AKCR) - Traduzione Italiana - Mirrors
- Changelogs
Version v8.51
- Bugfix: removed leveled list entry causing CTD in Creation Kit
- Patches: fixed ap keyword related bug in vanilla PAMAP.esp
Version v8.6
- Fixes:
- -Minutemen Combat Armor had a path error in the Material files. (Credit to kirin66.)
- -Fixed an issue with a few of the BoS Paints (Credit to phlogistinator)
- -Corrected an issue with the T-60 Tesla Torso.
- DLC01_Armor_Power_T60_Tesla_Torso "T-60 Chest Piece" [ARMO:0100C57B]
- -ArmorKeywords v8.51 Bugfix added to the main ESM
- Updates:
- -Brotherhood Power Armor Overhaul.esp (Standard)
- -Brotherhood Power Armor Overhaul.esp (Unique NPC's)
- -Consistent Power Armor Overhaul.esp
- -clothingoverhaul.esp
- -ClothingOverhaulSP_XB1_PC.esp
- New Content:
- -Keywords and OMOD's added for mod compatibility.
- New Patches:
- -Replacer Plugin's for the "Functional Displays" Mod
- -Replacer Plugin's for the "Wasteland Imports" Mod
Version v8.5
- New Features:
- -Added workaround to prevent CTDs for Fallout 4 VR users: added override entries for records that Bethesda has been adding only to the non VR version for support for Creation Club releases. It should prevent the CTDs they were experiencing from missing keywords that the game was looking for. It should also allow them to start using CC content that they bought for Fallout 4 in their Fallout 4 VR mod build as well. This should also help people that have not gotten around to updating their game in a timely fashion. This is untested though as none of us have VR, so please give us some feedback on whether this works for you or not, I think I got all the records needed.
- -Added more groundwork for upcoming Raider Overhaul update.
- -Started adding new leveled list framework for apparel to make it easier to add mod apparel into the leveled lists to propogate it exactly where you want it. Including leveled lists for accessories to make it easier to add items while avoiding slot conflicts amongst the npcs' given equipment.
- -Armor_Power_Raider_Torso "Raider Power Chest Piece" [ARMO:00140C57] Raider Power Armor Torso now has "Decals" opened up as an option through a new nif creation.
- Updates:
- -Added dn_HasPaint_03_Metal02_GunMetal [KYWD:06000C88] to several available PA Paints.
- -Removed a number of NPC's from the ESP
- -SpaceSuit Helmet (DLC04) Brought in line with the other Hazmat Helmets.
- DLC04_Armor_SpaceSuit_Helmet "Spacesuit Costume Helmet" [ARMO:060296B8]
- -SpaceSuit Body (DLC04) Brought in line with the other Hazmat parts.
- DLC04_Armor_SpaceSuit "Spacesuit Costume" [ARMO:0600D2AE]
- -Updated Tegan's Paint list, giving him a Unique list with all paints available.
- VendorBoSTeagan [CONT:0006A392]
- bugfix: fixed some messed up BoS arm decal material swaps and modcols that were giving the wrong rank decal to a couple ranks, thanks to ThisNameHasBeenOccupied for finding this bug.
- Fixes:
- -ClothesSlinkyDress "Red Dress" [ARMO:000FD9A8] Bone Data removed from Child ArmorAddon, for some reason it was effecting the female NPC as well. (Thanks to ezfreee, Silberoak and Hellpig)
- -Armor_GunnerRaiderMod_Underarmor "Gunner Leathers" [ARMO:00223CFC] Edited File path and Fixed it (Thanks to skiro11)
- -ClothesMinutemanOutfit "Minuteman Outfit" [ARMO:000E517B] Edited File path and Fixed it (Thanks to skiro11)
- -AAClothesDesdemona [ARMA:0701CEAB] Removed "Null" entry
- -DLC01_Armor_Power_T60_TeslaTorso "T-60 Tesla Chest Piece" [ARMO:0100C57B] Decal MA Keyword added to allow decal swaps.
- -FancyLadSnackCakes "Fancy Lads Snack Cakes" [ALCH:000330B4] Added a material file to allow material swaps.
- -FancyLadSnackCakes_PreWar "Fancy Lads Snack Cakes" [ALCH:000E3778] Added a material file to allow material swaps.
- -Food_Gumdrops "Food_Gum Drops" [ALCH:000330FC] Added a material file to allow material swaps.
- -Chem_Jet "Jet" [ALCH:000366C5] Added a material file to allow material swaps.
- -Stencil32_Raider01_Anarchy01 "Stencil - Raider Anarchy 01" [MISC:07002401]
- Moved Stencil to try and isolate the issue with picking it up.
- -Stencil24_Vault077 "Stencil - Vault 077" [MISC:0700241C] Repositioned Raider stencil in Corvega so it can be picked up because it's ground object mesh was being covered by the activator for the power armor station preventing a player from picking it up unless they managed to move it to where they could pick it up. Thanks to Madcat221 and willyb9 for finding this issue.
- -Corrected BoS Knight Captain Decal Material Swap.
- PA_T60_Decal_ArmLeft_Rank_BOSKnightCaptain "Faction | BOS Knight CPT Rank Decal [ArmorKeywords]" [OMOD:07002F75] (Credit to ThisNameHasBeenOccupied)
- -Corrected BoS Knight Sgt Decal Material Swap.
- PA_T60_Decal_ArmLeft_Rank_BOSKnightSgt "Faction | BOS Knight SGT Rank Decal [ArmorKeywords]" [OMOD:07002F76]] (Credit to ThisNameHasBeenOccupied)
- -Corrected the MODCOL's in the T-60 Left Arm Series
- Armor_Power_T60_ArmLeft "T-60 Left Arm" [ARMO:00140C3D] (Credit to ThisNameHasBeenOccupied)
- Armor_Power_T60_ArmLeft_Danse "T-60 Left Arm" [ARMO:0024984B]
- DLC01_Armor_Power_T60_Tesla_ArmLeft "T-60 Tesla Left Arm" [ARMO:0100C576]
- -Repositioned the Vault 77 stencil in Hardware Town so it can be picked up because it the crate it was on was preventing you from picking it up. Thanks to 05Kaboom and lilmayo for finding this issue.
- -Fixed crafting recipes for Blue and Zealot Marine Armor alternate mesh omods, their paint requirements were swapped backwards. Thanks to Ulisespacapum for finding this issue.
- Patches:
- -"Brotherhood Power Armor Overhaul"
- Updated for changes in AK.
- -"Brotherhood Power Armor Overhaul" (Unique NPCs)
- Updated for changes in AK.
- -"Consistent Power Armor Overhaul"
- Updated for changes in AK.
- -"More Power Armor Mods"
- Patch was remade, the old Keywords are not "replaced", the new Keywords living in ArmorKeywords are copied in and put in the OMODs, this should resolve all compatibility issues.
- -"Power Armor Material and Paints"
- Patch was remade, the old Keywords are not "replaced", the new Keywords living in ArmorKeywords are copied in and put in the OMODs, this should resolve all compatibility issues.
- -"Power Armor Material and Paints" (New Materials)
- Patch was remade, the old Keywords are not "replaced", the new Keywords living in ArmorKeywords are copied in and put in the OMODs, this should resolve all compatibility issues.
- -"Unified Clothing Overhaul"
- Updated to come in line with changes in AK.
- the MPAM and PAMAP's patches are a big change, and should help with the people who needed "backwards compatibility"
Version v8.4
- Fixes:
-Fixed the hidden armoraddon slot for DLC04_Armor_Disciples_Heavy_LegLeft_A "Disciples Metal Left Leg" [ARMO:05026BBC]
-Added the Missing SuperMutant GasMask with Goggles ArmorAddon
-Corrected OMOD on Armor_Synth_Helmet_Open "Synth Helmet" [ARMO:00187976], Flightcap texture Primary to Secondary.
-Corrected OMOD on Armor_Synth_Helmet_Closed "Synth Field Helmet" [ARMO:0018796A], Flightcap texture Primary to Secondary.
-Hazmat Suit Clean and Dirty has Secondary (Helmet) and Tetiary (Glove) MODCOLS and OMOD's made for them, allowing for specific swaps. Edited for compatibility with upcoming RaiderOverhaul update
-Armor_Dog_Torso Series Indexes updated (They will not change in game visually, it's to resolve a ongoing issue some mods have suffered with "invisible dog armor"
-Armor_Dog_Torso Series MODCOL series updated
-Updates to MODCOLS and INNR's for RaiderOverhaul's update coming.
-Fixed co_paint_Red_from_Paint_Base [COBJ:06000F56], changing out a bugged requirement, thanks to elijhahill for finding it.
New Content:
More _If_Temp_ Faction gated Armor LL's to allow NPC's to spawn with Faction specific colors.
-Brotherhood Power Armor Overhaul:
Replaced with correct ESP
-Clothing Overhaul
Updated the Armor records updated in line with the changed templates in ArmorKeywords.
- Fixes:
Version v8.3
- Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource v8.3
-Added the ESM flag back to the ESM...
We have to remove then re-add this every time we make changes in Creation Kit.. It sucks.
-Updated the dn_PowerArmor [INNR:00188160] INNR to resolve a accidently inclusion of the VIS naming rules for Power Armor Limbs (LegL vs Left Leg)
-Updated the DLC01dn_PowerArmor [INNR:0100E6F9] INNR to resolve a accidently inclusion of the VIS naming rules for Power Armor Limbs (LegL vs Left Leg)
-Updated the dn_DLC04_PowerArmor_Overboss [INNR:06040D3B] INNR to resolve a accidently inclusion of the VIS naming rules for Power Armor Limbs (LegL vs Left Leg)
-Updated the dn_DLC04_PowerArmor_Quantum [INNR:06042A81] INNR to resolve a accidently inclusion of the VIS naming rules for Power Armor Limbs (LegL vs Left Leg)
-Updated the dn_DLC04_PowerArmor_NukaCola [INNR:0604B190] INNR to resolve a accidently inclusion of the VIS naming rules for Power Armor Limbs (LegL vs Left Leg)
New Content:
-Brotherhood Power Armor Overhaul:
INNR Updates
INNR Updates
-More Power Armor Mods
INNR Updates
- Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource v8.3
Version v8.2
- Re-Upload as v8.2 with a repacked Arhive due to reports of issues.
-Corrected the MA_ Keywords in the DLC04-NukaWorld "Strapped" Armor Set
-Fixed Vault 77 White Decal OMOD's
-Fixed Helmeted Cage and Spike Armor
-Tweaked Male Combat Armor Nifs, Decal was clipping into the body.
-MiscMod's added to all of the Vault number decals, good debate was had and it makes sense they would be removeable.
-Secondary VaultSuit (Restricted) Decals made "Free", but don't have MiscMods attached.
-Corrected the Extra Space in "BOS Knight Commander" in a number of items.
-Updated Transforms thanks to Gernash
New Content:
-Clothing Overhaul series:
A few OMOD updates, Decal Description / Full Name updates
Helmeted Cage/Spike Armor Updates
-Brotherhood Power Armor Overhaul:
Decal Description / Full Name updates
- Re-Upload as v8.2 with a repacked Arhive due to reports of issues.
Version v8.1
- Fixes:
-Corrected the MA_ Keywords in the DLC04-NukaWorld "Strapped" Armor Set
-Fixed Vault 77 White Decal OMOD's
-MiscMod's added to all of the Vault number decals, good debate was had and it makes sense they would be removeable.
-Secondary VaultSuit (Restricted) Decals made "Free", but don't have MiscMods attached.
-Corrected the Extra Space in "BOS Knight Commander" in a number of items.
- Updated Transforms thanks to Gernash
New Content:
-Clothing Overhaul series:
A few OMOD updates, Decal Description / Full Name updates
-Brotherhood Power Armor Overhaul:
Decal Description / Full Name updates
- Fixes:
Version v8.0
- Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource v8.0
-Created MODCOLS for the Power Armor Left Arm Rank Decal slot, and added the correct decals for the BOS ranks.
-Fixed double MA_ Keyword in the X-01 Left arm
-Nulled the co_DLC04_PA_Material_Placeholder [COBJ:05011529], It's a duplicate of the "Sugar Bombs" paint job for the T-51
New Content:
-Added a number of DN_HasDecal_* Keywords
-Added a number of DN_HasPaint_* Keywords
-Added Nuka-Cola Paintjob OMOD (T-51, just the paint job)
-Added Nuka-Quantum Paintjob OMOD (X-01, just the paint job)
-Added "Null" Material Swaps, so if you choose to, you can have No Decal in selected locations.
UCO Unified Clothing Overhaul includes Costume Party and Immersive Crafting series Patches added to FOMOD
- Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource v8.0
Version v7.9
- Fixed a slot issue on Squire Uniform leading to inappropriate shenanigans on the Prydwen.
Version v7.8
- updated the AWKCR - Mod Power Armor Engine Glitch Fix.esp (we forgot because none of experience that mysterious bug)
Version v7.7
- Fixes:
-Updated T-45, T-51 and X-01 Left arm OMODs, adding the Decal AP_ for rank.
-Fixed a few of the Brotherhood of Steel Power Armor paints.
-Corrected the BOS01, BOS02 and BOS03 Chest Decal creation.
-Updated VaultSuit INNR's to allow for proper naming when applying a non-Vault number decal
-Updated the COBJ_Pigments_ to use WaterPurified "Purified Water" [ALCH:000366C0] vs WaterDirty "Dirty Water" [ALCH:000366BF] by popular request to balance the difficulty.
-Updated FarHarbor's, Automatron, NukaWorlds power armor's to allow for the decals also
-Created Power Armor INNRs to add naming support for material omods from AWKCR version of PAMAP, misc omods from AWKCR version of MPAM, for paint omods from WarTags v1.2, and paint and decal omods for WIP Worsin's Power Armor Paint Garage.
-Added a Minuteman CombatArmor paint thanks to DoktorSoviet
-Added new Keywords for compatibility with "More Power Armor Mods"
-Added New keywords for Compatibility with "Power Armor Materials and paints"
-Added new Keywords for Compatibility with "WarTags" (Updated ESP being worked on)
-Edited Patches for CPAO and BPAO
-Added a Replacer Plugin set for "More Power Armor Mods"
-Added a Replacer Plugin set for "Power Armor Materials and Paints"
- Fixes:
Version v7.6
- -Updated the PowerArmor bugfix plugin (Updated in 7.4 but accidently rolled back, our apologies)
-Couple small Keyword updates
- -Updated the PowerArmor bugfix plugin (Updated in 7.4 but accidently rolled back, our apologies)
Version v7.5
- Fixes:
-Updated the DLC03 - FarHarbor Marine armor to by default spawn with the "Generic" color scheme (Vanilla bug)
-Corrected the T-60 Chest, Minutemen if_Tmp_PA_Minutemen (Last update to this record didn't save, sorry for that!)
-Corrected Armor_BoS_Soldier "Brotherhood Fatigues" [ARMO:00169523], adding back a MODCOL that was removed at some point by mistake.
-Corrected an error in the modcol_ColorSwaps_Armor_BoS_Soldier_Primary [OMOD:0B000FBA] (Thanks to SassyRed for helping us run this down)
-Corrected the Armor_BoS_Quinlan "Quinlan's Armor" [ARMO:00136335] Armor, resetting the ArmorAddon to default, and updating the material paths in the Nif's to point at the "Vanilla" material file to allow the swaps to properly work.
-Corrected the Armor_BoS_Teagan "Teagan's Armor" [ARMO:00136166] Armor, resetting the ArmorAddon to default, and updating the material paths in the Nif's to point at the "Vanilla" material file to allow the swaps to properly work.
-Created Missing Material File(s) for the BOS_ScienceScribe. ScienceScribeOfficerAlpha.BGSM
-Created Missing OMOD / Color Swap for the BOS Science Scribe Outfit.
-Fixed the BosEngineerScribeOfficer [MSWP:00136164] Material Swap, Adding the EngineerScribeBody2sided.BGSM path
-Fixed the ArmorAddon pathing on DN054ZekesJacket "Zeke's Jacket and Jeans" [ARMO:0014A0DC] to be AAClothesGreaserJacket [ARMA:0014BF4F], allowing for Material Swaps
-Corrected the ArmorAddon for ClothesDeaconScientist "Lab Coat" [ARMO:00237677], matching the other VaultTec Scientist variants
-Removed and Replaced the T-45 Gunner MODCOL and OMOD for the Paint record. CreationKit was reporting it corrupted, and had to be replaced.
***Please Note***
These FORMID's Changed, so please check your patches
MODCOL_PA_T45_PaintGunner [OMOD:07014404]
PA_T45_Paint_Gunner01 "Gunner Paint" [OMOD:07014405]
New Content:
Permissions for the "Consistent Power Armor Overhaul" Arm Nif's obtained, you can now apply Rank Decals to the arms of of the T-45, T-51, T-60 and X-01 Power Armor.
-SuperMutant ArmorAddon records added to hundreds of items to increase mod compatibility. (m150, Thirdstorm, MadMax713)
-Child ArmorAddons added Hundreds of Outfits (Bandit01 and others)
Generally it should be seamless, some things to note.
-I had to rebuild all of the Underarmors by hand, replacing the CBBE resized body with the correct Child Body and hand meshes. If you use a Playable Child mod and also CBBE Skins you'll need to use the original loose files from the "Child Outfits Vanilla and Conversions Standalone" page.
-There may be some imperfections, please be understanding or don't put that outfit on a child if it doesn't "work" for you.
-Clipping / Imperfection Bug reports will be deleted, make a post and let us know, maybe try and fix it yourself, or again don't use that outfit.
-Helmeted Cage and Spike armor don't have a child helmet AA, I decided it was better to have a partially working outfit then a completely non-working. A helmet will likely be made later (and if one of you wants to do it, and send it our way...)
- Fixes:
Version v7.4
- Fixed the rest of the power armor object template if_tmp keywords.
Fixed pigment components so that they're now linked to scrap misc items.
Added PA keyword for Vault-Tec PA
Updated Mod Power Armor Engine Glitch Fix plugin.
- Fixed the rest of the power armor object template if_tmp keywords.
Version v7.3
- -Corrected the T-60 Chest, Minutemen if_Tmp_PA_Minutemen (Last update to this record didn't save, sorry for that!)
Version v7.2
- -Edited out the additional weapons sounds due to conflicting reports / effectiveness of it.
-Changed Eldar to Elder (How the hell does that keep creeping back in?)
-Corrected the T-60 Chest, Minutemen if_Tmp_PA_Minutemen
-Added a few more MODCOLs
-Edited Jackalope Horn and Blood to remove the scrap option, Fixed Preview Transform.
-Fixed Keyword mismatch on the Raider Power Armor Object template. (Thanks to Czasior)
Armor_Power_Raider_Torso "Raider Power Chest Piece" [ARMO:00140C57]
- -Edited out the additional weapons sounds due to conflicting reports / effectiveness of it.
Version v7.1
- -New Keywords
-Modcols further refinded.
-Featured Item Keyword restore to items.
-X-01 had the Chest Decal AP Added (Sorry I missed it!)
-Some new Misc items.
-New Keywords, MODCOLS and OMOD's for the "Tattered Vaultsuits" in some mods on the Nexus
-New MODCOL for the Secondary color swap for the DLC04 Hand made rifle
- -New Keywords
Version v7.0
- -New Keywords
-Modcols further refinded.
-Featured Item Keyword restore to items.
-X-01 had the Chest Decal AP Added (Sorry I missed it!)
-Some new Misc items.
- -New Keywords
Version v6.8
- -Corrected all the rest of the Eldar to Elder (Thanks to HadToRegister for pointing it out.)
-More work on Adding "IfTmp*" Faction filters to Outfits and Leveled lists (Minutemen, Gunners and AtomCats finished)
-Fixed Chest Decal "No Torso Decal" OMOD, wrong MA PA_Shared_Decal_Torso01_Null "- No Torso Decal -" [OMOD:07002F5E]
-Added "No Arm Rank Decal" PA_Shared_Decal_ArmLeft01_Null "- No Arm Rank Decal -" [OMOD:07003068]
-LLD created for DiamondCity
-Added Components and Scrap items for a unified "Food" system.
-Edited some Misc Items to add some of the new food based Components
-Added Keywords for Weapons, Item Sorting and Ingestibles
-Armor_BoS_Engineer_Scribe "Engineer's Armor" [ARMO:000DEDE7] Object Template correct (Thanks to DW420 to seeing it)
- -Corrected all the rest of the Eldar to Elder (Thanks to HadToRegister for pointing it out.)
Version v6.7
- -Template Spelling corrected Eldar to Elder (Thanks to xyloritus for pointing it out.)
- -Fixed Child Vaultsuit Nif issue, NIF was moved accidently. (Thanks to WerewolfOfTheWater for posting)
Version v6.6
- Corrected ArmorAddon for DLC03_Clothes_FishermanOutfit04 "Green Fisherman's Overalls" [ARMO:030570D4]
Thanks to sparrowhawk92 for assisting.
-Corrected ArmorAddon for DLC03_Clothes_FishermanOutfit05 "Brown Fisherman's Overalls" [ARMO:030570DA]
Thanks to sparrowhawk92 for assisting.
-Armor_Vault081_UnderwearChild "Vault 81 Jumpsuit (Child)" [ARMO:001D5F43]
Fixed the ArmorAddon direction to the new AAVault111SuitChild [ARMA:0700164E] (Allows for full vault decal swapping)
-Added MA_ Keywords to some "Null Mods" missing them.
-Started work on COBJ's for the color swaps, adding pigments, paints and dyes as requirements to craft.
-Updated Damaged Hazmat suits world model.
-Missing Keywords adding the VaultTec Security Armor
-Corrected Dirty Army Fatigues ArmorAddon record to the new standard
-Updated DLC04_Clothing_HubologistRobes "Hubologist Outfit" [ARMO:06029C0C] to correct the OMODS, making the Hood and Body seperate targets
-Updated LL_Armor_Settler_All [LVLI:070021E3] to have better Diversity, and sublists to be random
-Brought the DLC FarHarbor Vim! T51 set into line with the other PA Changes
-Brought the DLC NukaWorld NukaCola T51 Set into line with the other PA changes
-Brought the DLC Nukaworld Quantum X01 Set into line with the other PA changes.
-Added Index based Paint swaps for several Vanilla Power Armor Frames missing those colors, X-01 got a White paint job for example.
-Updated a number of CoBJ's to require pigments or paints to craft them, mostly PA Paint Records.
-Created very basic BoS Paints for the other Vanilla Power Armor. It follows the Remapping Index as in the T60, and when available the "RawMetal" material swap.
-Started work on Breaking off Decals from Power Armor's "Paint" to a Decal selection.
The Decal Material Swap has been broken off from Paints, and decals have been creature for the available Vanilla decals.
This means you might see a decal missing from XXX suit of PA until it resets (If NPC owned) or until you modify it.
This is to increase compatibility for all PA mods, such as Worsins Power Armor etc.
Power Armor Torso Decals (BOS, Military Star, Gunner) require the same Decal / Stencil requirements as the other decals.
Power Armor Rank Decals (Left Arm, BOS Only atm) Require Paint and quest / Global condition flags in Vanilla FO4
-Gunners in Power Armor will now spawn in Gunner Paint jobs.
- Corrected ArmorAddon for DLC03_Clothes_FishermanOutfit04 "Green Fisherman's Overalls" [ARMO:030570D4]
Version v6.5
- -Fixed Error we created in the PowerArmor Right Arm/Leg Object Templates
(Sorry about that!)
- -Fixed Error we created in the PowerArmor Right Arm/Leg Object Templates
Version v6.4
- -Cage/Spike Armor:
MA_Keyword Fix
Change of Primary and Secondary modcols to make it more compatible.
-Minutemen General's Outfit:
Combat Armor Secondary Color swap added
-Keyword Additions
-Start of the Power Armor Object Template "Combinations" to match the Combat Armor format.
-Leveled Lists
Further Flushing out of the Leveled lists for Faction specific armor / colors.
This means leveled lists with the "If_Temp" keywords added, so if you set up faction specific paints and these leveled lists are used for the factions the NPC's will spawn with them correctly.
- -Cage/Spike Armor:
Version v6.3
- -Pipewrenches custom sound was fixed.
-"Hidden Armor" Entries edited with a new Nif to hopefully resolve the issue some people saw.
-New Keywords added
- -Pipewrenches custom sound was fixed.
Version v6.2
- -New Keywords added
-dn_Vault_xxxx "Zero Filled" so they properly sort.
-Added Asymmetric Paint MA_ Keywords to a few items (Combat Armor, Power Armor, more to come) to allow for Right/Left paint jobs for armor items that use one material file and selection on a texture for both limbs. (Thanks to Halgoth for the reminder). This will assist mods like "WarTags" with better OMOD assignment to remove 1D10T errors.
-Keywords that are in the middle of being phased out / changed are now "Numbered" as we see them. Thank you to all the people who have been reporting them but we are aware.
We know there are some duplicates, it's occuring as we "Merge up" keywords and re-assign some. When it involves for example, power armor, one will be a "Material" and one will be a "Paint" once we are done.
- -New Keywords added
Version v6.1
- -Fixed a incomplete Material swap for the Vaultsuits, which should resolve the female suit issue. (Thanks to LXYDuckboy for pointing it out)
Version v6.0
- -Resolved the "Double Naming" issue SuperMutant, DLC Based, and some random items had.
This was caused by the Vanilla iNNR injections occuring in DLC03-FarHabor. Issue was resolved by correcting the DLC03 iNNR's.
-Removed some duplicate COBJ's
-Added some misc items we missed adding to leveled lists.
-Updated Ownership of the Stencils on the Prydwen, the Stencils are available for purchase from the BOS upon reaching each rank, the ones on display are for those who have "sticky fingers" or like to hunt the Brotherhood, so no one felt left out. (Thanks to Zooey for pointing out the issue)
-Removed a keyword added to the PowerArmor records preemptively (Content is not yet published), which should resolve the issue some saw.
- -Resolved the "Double Naming" issue SuperMutant, DLC Based, and some random items had.
Version v5.9
- -AWKCR - Mod Power Armor Engine Glitch Fix.esp Updated
-Creative Clutter Compact Ammunition Mini-Workbench interaction points tweaked (Thanks to Demanding and Ms Rae)
-Creative Clutter Compact Armorsmith Mini-Workbench interaction points tweaked (Thanks to Demanding and Ms Rae)
-Creative Clutter Compact Weaponsmith Mini-Workbench interaction points tweaked (Thanks to Demanding and Ms Rae)
-Added the Missing Vault111 Decal Creation COBJ (ThanksLXYDuckboy)
-Added Missing COBJ's for the Vaultsuit Clean and Dirty Texture swaps
-PA_Raider_Torso_2 "Raider Standard Torso Variant II Mesh" [OMOD:001AE25D], Corrected a property
-PA_Raider_Torso "Raider Standard Torso Variant I Mesh" [OMOD:00137B7C], Corrected Order of Properties [CK error].
-PA_Raider_LLeg "Raider Standard Left Leg Mesh" [OMOD:00137B7E], Corrected Order of Properties [CK error].
-PA_DLC04_Overboss_LArm "Raider Overboss Left Arm Mesh" [OMOD:0600B8E8], Corrected Order of Properties [CK error].
-PA_DLC04_Overboss_LLeg "Raider Overboss Left Leg Mesh" [OMOD:0600B8E9], Corrected Order of Properties [CK error].
-PA_DLC04_Overboss_RArm "Raider Overboss Right Arm Mesh" [OMOD:0600B8EA], Corrected Order of Properties [CK error].
-PA_DLC04_Overboss_RLeg "Raider Overboss Right Leg Mesh" [OMOD:0600B8EB], Corrected Order of Properties [CK error].
- -AWKCR - Mod Power Armor Engine Glitch Fix.esp Updated
Version v5.8
- -Removed the ColorSwapp Hider ESP.
This was created because people complained about an open upgrade slot without options, but as there should be colorswaps available for almost every Armor and Clothing record, that is no longer an issue.
Support for this plugin has been removed, and will, at this time, not be restored.
[b][u]If you are one of the people using the colorswap remover, please take the time to actually Explore what is added in AK 5.x, before posting / venting your anger.[/b][/i]
-Armor_RaiderMod_ArmLeft "Raider Left Arm" [ARMO:0018E411] MODCOL error (Size C instead of Size B paints) (Thanks to Halgoth)
-Armor_RaiderMod_LegRight "Raider Right Leg" [ARMO:0018E40D] Object Template Error (Missed the New templates)
-ClothesDeaconWig "Pompador Wig" [ARMO:0004A521] | Spelling Corrected to "Pompadour Wig" (Thanks to Halgoth)
-Removed Unused entries for the "Book" category
-Removed Unused Perk override
-Armor_BoS_Knight_Lancer "Bomber Jacket" [ARMO:000E1AF6], Fixed Object Template (Thanks to Gambit77)
-ClothesChildofAtomBrown "Child of Atom Long Brown Rags" [ARMO:0022C674], Removed Duplicate Keyword (Thanks to Gambit77)
-DLC03_CoA_Armor_Combat_Torso_OBSOLETE "Atom's Bulwark" [ARMO:03022601], brought inline with the Marine Armor, keywords, Object template, etc.
-Keyword _ClothingSlotWeddingRing_Slot51 [KYWD:07000ECE] changed to _ClothingSlot_Ring_Slot51 [KYWD:07000ECE] (More generic keyword usage)
-Fixed a couple hundred Armors and Clothing records missing the MODCOLS but had the OMOD's in them
- -Removed the ColorSwapp Hider ESP.
Version v5.7
- -Vault Suit Trim, Female, Material swap updated
Version v5.6
- -Decal bench spray paint can material path fix, thanks to Amber/Kakistos & Radiomasson in troubleshooting
- -Fixed Decal Misc item preview for the "New" paper, they were upside down
- -Isolated the decal preview issue to "Crafting Highlight Fix" conflict, author contacted to try and find a work around. (Thanks to amber1019 and Battousai124 for the assistance.)
Version v5.5
- -CBBE Pathing manually fixed in the FMOD
- -Few more Keywords added
Version v5.4
- fixed dynamic naming for vault suits
added missing keyword to gauss rifle
- fixed dynamic naming for vault suits
Version v5.2
- Bugfix: I had setup the ruleset that controls a vaultsuit's "# Jumpsuit" to support Vaults 1-1080 for a modder that is making all those decals. Unfortunately I've discovered that having 1091 rules in a ruleset makes it not function. Which is too bad. Up until this point we had never encountered a ceiling to the amount of rules that could be in a ruleset, and I've had several hundred in one before this point. So I've trimmed it back to ones that we currently use and a few more that we will be.
Version v5.1
- fixed missing texture on spray paint can.
fixed CTD issue in paint bench.
removed duplicate paints.
changed preview transforms of some decals.
- fixed missing texture on spray paint can.
Version v5.0
- Huge update. TLDR version
New workbenches.
Massively expanded the color swap framework:
- turned all vanilla texture variants into color swaps.
- built color swap modcols for all apparel and built them into the armor record object templates to make it easier for modders to propagate their color swap mods to npcs.
- built out lots of object templates to support faction specific color swap propagation.
- new paint and dye crafting system.
- new decal stencil crafting system and scavenger hunt.
- built vanilla based Instance naming rule for dynamic naming support for all the included color swaps from this as well as several major mods like Armorsmith Extended, Raider Overhaul, Super Mutant Redux, etc.
I'm sure I'm forgetting stuff, but we've been working on this a long time and it's the largest update this mod has ever gotten. There will be a more detailed article about the update and how to take advantage of the new features in the near future.
- Huge update. TLDR version
Version 5.3c
- -Packed as a FMOD, and included the various optional plugins.
- -Resolves Crashing Issue some experienced caused by a corrupted *GO.Nif. (Thank you for the exceptional work Guys an Gals)
- -Added a couple missing MODCOLS that CK removed (darn CK)
- -Fixed the Material file for the Cait's Gloves, it had a Diffused Texture
Version 4.02
- fixed FOMOD so textures ba2 installs properly.
Fixed attribution on F4NV ammo bench variant, removed credit for Wanamingo as he didn't actually work on that.
- fixed FOMOD so textures ba2 installs properly.
Version 4.01
- fixed typo, accidentally wrote LordRaptor in recipe description and mesh file path, both fixed to say LoneRaptor.
Version 4.0
- New custom ammunition and explosive workbenches.
Added armorsmith and weaponsmith mini variants and vanilla variants.
Added keywords for decal swaps for dynamic naming use.
Reworked hidden power armor linings for crafting purposes (will be used in next Armorsmith update).
Fixed bug on DC Guard right arm armor.
Integrated missing UFO4P entries.
- New custom ammunition and explosive workbenches.
Version 3.2
- Added keywords for Armorsmith's clothing weave and carry weight omods.
Version 3.1.1
- Added weapon caliber keywords for 8mm Lebel, 7.5mm French, 8x56mmR Mannlicher, .408 Cheytac, .44 AutoMag Pistol (.44 AMP), .45 Schofield
Cleaned up naming of weapon caliber keywords to make them sort better alphabetically and be easier to read.
- Added weapon caliber keywords for 8mm Lebel, 7.5mm French, 8x56mmR Mannlicher, .408 Cheytac, .44 AutoMag Pistol (.44 AMP), .45 Schofield
Version 3.1.0
- - Fixed: ClothesDog_BandanaBlue change Race to HumanRace (like all the other bandanas); This is a bug fix for a vanilla issue.
- Fixed: ClothesSynth_SynthValentineCoat - Carryover UFO4P 1.0.5 changes
- Fixed: All Vault-tec DLC vaultsuits changed to _ClothesTypeUnderarmor_Slot33 instead of _ClothingTypeClothes_Slot33
- Fixed: Board - Added ap_Melee_Material (vanilla update)
- Fixed: Sledgehammer - Added ap_Melee_Material (vanilla update)
- Fixed: DLC01LightningGun - Updated Automatron patch with INNR dn_CommonGun (like All DLC and vanilla)
- Fixed: DLC04FakeAlienBlasterTurret - Updated NW patch with INNR dn_CommonGun (like All DLC and vanilla)
- Fixed: 09000B91 - dn_HasReceiver_Converted_145x114mmRussian - TNAM > None
- Fixed: 09000B92 - dn_HasReceiver_Converted_20x102mmVulcan - TNAM > None
- Fixed: 09000B93 - dn_HasReceiver_Converted_20x110mmHispano - TNAM > None
- Fixed: AEC_ck_AmmoLoadingCraftingKey - TNAM > None
- Fixed: DLC04_Armor_Disciples_Light_ArmLeft_02 "Disciples Strapped Left Arm" [ARMO:0503B559] - Corrected keyword to _dn_armor_Disciple_Strapped
- Fixed: Removed armor ratings from the 3 dog armor records
- Fixed: Renamed AEC_cm_UT_Other_Recipe to AEC_cm_Other_Recipe
- Added: Keywords for the following legendaries. Also updated the OMOD or base item as appropriate:
== Almost Unbreakable
== Low Weight
== Piezonucleic Lining
== Overboss Tesla Coils
== Freefall
== DiMA
== Atom's Bulwark
== Atom's Judgement
== Diver's
== Inquisitor's
== Charging
== M4 Carbine
== Lucky Eddy
== Striker
- Added: _WeaponType_Revolver keyword and added that keyword to base .44, DLC .44, Western Revoler, and Pipe Revolver
- Added: _WeaponType_Recharging keyword
- - Fixed: FakeAlienBlaster INNR corrected in NW patch
- - Fixed: ClothesDog_BandanaBlue change Race to HumanRace (like all the other bandanas); This is a bug fix for a vanilla issue.
Version 3.0.9
- - Removed keywords from Operators Armored Skirt: DLC04_ma_Operators; _dn_Armor_Operators
- - Moved Operators Armored Skirt to dn_clothes INNR
- - Removed _dn_Armor_Operators from Operators Armored Dress
Version 3.0.8
- - Operators Chestpiece: Added missing _dn_Armor_Operators keyword
- - Operators Belted Chestplate: Added missing _dn_Armor_Operators_Belted keyword
- - Robot Left Leg: Added missing ma_color_Armor_Robot keyword
Version 3.0.7
- - Added keywords for Operators, Operators Heavy, and Operators Belted
Version 3.0.6
- added keywords for .300 Winchester Magnum, 14.5x114mm Russian, 20x102mm Vulcan, 20x110mm Hispano, and Annie Boom ammunitions
Version 3.0.5
- - moved Tesla Rifle INNR to dn_CommonGun to match vanilla
- - Removed extra \ from NIF path of primers
Version 3.0.4
- bug fix: cleaned the DLC masters from the No DLC version of the plugin.
Version 3.0.3
- - bug fix for invisible dog armors.
- Added framework keywords:
== ap_color_index
== ap_armor_index_value
- new keywords added to combat, synth, and marine armor pieces
- - bug fix for invisible dog armors.
Version 3.0.2
- - Bug fix for invisible DC guard helmets
Version 3.0.1
- - Removed extra 'data' path from FOMOD installer (for MO compatibility)
Version 3.0.0
- - There are now only 2 versions of the ArmorKeywords.esm in the FOMOD, one for no DLC and one for all DLC. If you don't have all the DLCs, there are now patches for each of the 5 DLCs, so you can use whichever ones you need for what DLCs you have. All 5 patches are only override records so it's easy for you to merge them to make whatever combination you need.
- Added support for Vault-Tec and Nuka World DLCs.
- Added a new color swapping keyword framework. It will allow modders to take retextures of any of the vanilla apparel and make them into OMODs for that outfit, with no altering of the Armor records necessary. This framework is supported by AWKCR, Armorsmith Extended, and Unified Clothing Overhaul. There are 4 color/decal swap mod slots: primary, secondary, tertiary, and decal. For each outfit the amount of mod slots they have corresponds to how many armatures they have (how many armor addon records they are tied to). This allows the color customization of different parts of the outfit independantly, for example such as one color swap for the outfit, one for the gloves. The exception to this is vault suits, that while they only have 1 armature, they are set up with primary, secondary(for the trim), and decal for the vault #. Another difference is in a few of the Armored Nuka World outfits, that have armatures for each piece of armor that is part of the outfit. Fortunately, a single color swap will work for changing the color of all the armor pieces on the outfit. This system should help with greater built in mod compatibility for any modder that wants to create color swaps for outfits. - - Since UFO4P is now a master (it is an .esm even though the name is still .esp) it can now be loaded BEFORE AWKCR. The AWKCR-UFO4P patch is no longer necessary and thus has been removed. The proper load order is as follows:
<All DLC .esm>
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
<All other .esm>
<AWKCR DLC patch(es)>
<All other .esp>
- - There are now only 2 versions of the ArmorKeywords.esm in the FOMOD, one for no DLC and one for all DLC. If you don't have all the DLCs, there are now patches for each of the 5 DLCs, so you can use whichever ones you need for what DLCs you have. All 5 patches are only override records so it's easy for you to merge them to make whatever combination you need.
Version 2.4.0
- - Added Combination to Flare Gun so it will run INNR
- Removed duplicate _WeaponMeleeClass_Axe from Pole Hook
- Removed _WeaponMeleeClass_Axe from Meat Hook
- Added keywords for Contraptions:
== _WeaponCaliber_Paintball
== _WeaponCaliber_Firework
== _dn_Firework_xxx (one each for all firework types)
== _dn_PaintballColor_xxx (one each for each paintball color)
== _dn_HasPAPaint_Abaxo
== _dn_HasPAPaint_SugarBombs
- Added Contraptions Paintball and Fireworks weapons with AWKCR keywords
- Added Contraptions object modifications for T-51 paint to add the appropriate keywords
- Changed All DLC version to also require Contraptions DLC
- Added Automatron and Far Harbor version that does not require Contraptions
- - Added Combination to Flare Gun so it will run INNR
Version 2.3.4
- - Fixed the archive folder structure
Version 2.3.3
- Added selection of primers for ammo crafting similar to Fallout New Vegas, currently utilized by Weaponsmith Extended v2 and the version of Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp located on that page.
Version 2.3.2
- - Added 5 ammo crafting keywords for ammo from New Calibers v3
Version 2.3.1
- - Corrected FOMOD installer to put ArmorKeywords - Main.ba2 in the right place.
Version 2.3.0
- - Added _weapon_caliber, dn_hasReceiverConverted, and ammo crafting menu keywords for the 5 new calibers from New Calibers v3
- Added _dn_HasPAPaint_VIMRed and _dn_HasPAPaint_VIMGreen to account for the new paint jobs from Far Harbor (thanks Bethesda for not giving us a way to identify what paint was applied... don't worry, we'll just fix that for you)
- Added all vanilla and DLC weapons with appropriate AWKCR keywords - - Archived meshes into ArmorKeywords - Main.ba2; no longer needs loose mesh files or even ArchiveInvalidation
- Changed mesh of Ammo Workbench to use the vanilla weapon workbench B mesh until a new mesh can be created.
- - Added _weapon_caliber, dn_hasReceiverConverted, and ammo crafting menu keywords for the 5 new calibers from New Calibers v3
Version 2.2.2
- Added Automatron Only and Far Harbor Only versions
Version 2.2.1
- Added a few missing entries from Far Harbor
- Added change from UFO4P 1.0.2
Version 2.2.0
- Added keywords for additional calibers from New Calibers (New Calibers not required)
- Added Ammunition Reloading Bench (requires Crafting Workbenches mod for the mesh)
- Added melee weapon categories
- Updated for Far Harbor DLC
Version 2.1.1
- Fixed fomod condition to allow unselecting UFO4P
Version 2.1.0
- FOMOD Installer
- Includes changes from UFO4P
- UFO4P override patch included
Version 2.01
- Added a keyword I missed.
Version 2.0.3
- fixed a typo on one of the menu names
Version 2.0.2
- slight typo fix renaming of a couple keywords RefIDs, one for clarity and one for sorting
Version 2.0
- With the crafting menu keyword cap problem fixed, I've pivoted from slim and trim trying to be as frugal as possible with menus, back to something more robust with more specific menus that are similar to what was available from Armorsmith and Crafting Workbenches before the unified system.
Version 1.87
- Changed _ClothingSlotMeleeOnBack_Slot58 to _ClothingSlotMeleeOnBack_Slot36
Version 1.86
- Changed _ClothingSlotBelt_Slot55 to _ClothingSlotBelt_Slot57
Changed _ClothingSlotGunOnHip_Slot57 to _ClothingSlotGunOnHip_Slot39
added _ClothingSlotMeleeOnHip_Slot57 [KYWD:020008B4]
- Changed _ClothingSlotBelt_Slot55 to _ClothingSlotBelt_Slot57
Version 1.85
- Added version for Automotron DLC
- Added keywords for Automotron DLC items
- Added AWKCR keywords to Automotron DLC armor and cosmetics
- Fixed Bethesda bug with Tesla Rifle using the wrong Instance Naming Rule
- Added AWKCR keywords to Automotron DLC weapons that needed them
Version 1.83
- Added
- Added
Version 1.82
- Added dn_HasReceiver_Converted_______ for all vanilla ammunitions.
Added ap_Shared_Upgrade_1, ap_Shared_Upgrade_2, & ap_Shared_Upgrade_3.
Added ap_Gun_Caliber
- Added dn_HasReceiver_Converted_______ for all vanilla ammunitions.
Version 1.81
- Added caliber keywords to make setting up dynamic naming sorting easier. They go in KWDA on the weapons.
Added dn_HasConverted (Caliber) keywords for the calibers that were missing in vanilla, if you ever need those for receivers that change the caliber of the gun.
Added dn_has keywords for the generic blade upgrade OMODs, and for guns' tactical lights/ laser sights/ and tact light-laser sight combos OMODs.
Added 5 tiered generic blade weapon damage upgrading OMOD set.
Added AEC_ma_Master_Weaponsmith_Keyword for weapon modders to use for their OMODs. Weaponsmith Extended is a proof of concept of how to use GetEquipped conditions on the OMOD recipes to take the place of individualized ma keywords. This framework is a workaround to avoid adding a 1 ma keyword footprint with each new weapon mod. There is only around 41-46 ma keywords to go around for mod usage, before the array cap is hit and you get the mod menu category formlist cap bug and start losing mod menus and/or getting invisible robots.
- Added caliber keywords to make setting up dynamic naming sorting easier. They go in KWDA on the weapons.
Version 1.71
- Added missing Mesh files for the workbenches
Version 1.70
- Renamed _ArmorType* keywords to _ClothesType* for clarity purposes
- Swapped slots for Footwear and Bottom to conform to community agreed standards
Version 1.69
- Changed category keywords to all caps, to match in game crafting stations (like the chemistry station).
- Changed category "DOGMEAT ARMOR" to "NON-HUMAN ARMOR" to include armors for Super Mutant or other creatures as well.
Version 1.68
- Some bug fixes.
Added a unified set of crafting menu category keywords for armor and weapons, as well as two new crafting benches, the Armorsmith and Weaponsmith workbenches.
- Some bug fixes.
Version 1.55
- Changed sorting keywords to be more descriptive of what slot they are associated with which will help modders by guiding them through what slot is used for what using the Slot Usage Standard.
Added some new sorting keywords to cover some new things and to cover instances where one slot might have multiple types of items associated with it. The changes should make the system easier for people to learn.
- Changed sorting keywords to be more descriptive of what slot they are associated with which will help modders by guiding them through what slot is used for what using the Slot Usage Standard.
Version 1.51
- just a few bug fixes.
Version 1.5
- Created some keywords and moved some keywords from Armorsmith Extended to allow the new feature in VIS v6.0 that adds suffixes to clothing to show what AE clothing mods are attached.
Created some keywords for tagging various accessories to match their slot usage standard categories.
- Created some keywords and moved some keywords from Armorsmith Extended to allow the new feature in VIS v6.0 that adds suffixes to clothing to show what AE clothing mods are attached.
Version 1.4
- Fixed various omissions and changed a couple mis-tags.
Version 1.3
- I fixed the synth armor fix. When I first tested it showed the no misc as an option. But I discovered that was only when the synth armor piece was unmodded, but it disappeared when a mod was added. I've thoroughly tested it and fixed that.
Version 1.2
- Removed changes to synth armor pieces Armor entries from Simple Bug Fixes. Instead added modification additions from Synth Armor No Misc Fix - compatible with everything.
Version 1.1
- Added missing _ClothingPartEyewear for Patrolman Sunglasses
- Incorporated fixes to armor by Simple Bug Fixes


This resource accomplishes the following things:
1) Creates a standardized framework of keywords for: armor and weapon records for use by dynamic naming mods (and other mods that utilize these keywords to do cool things), crafting menus, and a color swap & decal swap framework.
2) Standardizes apparel slot usage to prevent conflicts between mod authors creations to increase inter usability.
3) Creates standardized armor, weapons, ammunition, and explosive workbenches to be utilized for crafting items added by mods.
4) Creates a collection of object modifications for blade weapons to recreate blade tempering from Skyrim for use by weapon modders.
Mod Users
Mods you have installed may require this file as a base resource. Simply download and install the mod using the standard installation methods (recommended NMM: Newbie Guide). Links
Xbox: All-DLC:
Xbox: No-DLC:
Xbox: Automatron Patch:
Xbox: Contraption Patch:
Xbox: Far Harbor Patch:
Xbox: Nuka World Patch:
Xbox: Vault-Tec Patch:
Mod Authors
Purpose of this resource:
Create a standardize framework for armor so that modders can create and modify armor while making edits compatible with mods that adjust dynamic item naming (like Valdacil's Item Sorting).
Adds a standardized set of crafting menu categories for armor/clothing/weapons and adds tow new crafting benches, the Armorsmith and Weaponsmith workbenches. This was done so that modders could share category menu keywords in order to lower our combined footprint in order to help the community avoid the formlist cap bug. And as a bonus to consolidate everybody's crafting recipes onto just 2 benches for convenience.
Why create this:
Problem 1: many users want items sorted better in their inventory
Solution 1: rename items so they start with a tag that groups and sorts them alphabetically
Drawback: modifying the name of the record causes conflict with any other mod that modifies the same record. As simple rename causes incompatibility
Solution 2: use Fallout 4's dynamic naming mechanism to automatically tag armor and weapons so that the base record need not be modified
Advantage 1: since base records aren't modified, this method is compatible with mods that adjust stats, models, slots, etc
Advantage 2: mods that add new items can be tagged for sorting without addition work or compatibility patches
Complication: keywords on weapons are really consistent, but keywords for armor are far less consistent with many classifications missing keywords altogether.
So this is a resource to fix Bethesda's inconsistent keywords on armor pieces and force all armor items to run dynamic naming rules. If not using a mod that modifies the dynamic naming rules, then these edits will have no negative effect. However, by using this resource your mod will the primed for dynamic naming.
Vanilla Fallout 4 gives us the following ways to identify armor
ArmorTypeHat - hats
ArmorBodyPartHead - helmets
ArmorBodyPartEyes - glasses/goggles
ClothingDogmeat + playerCannotEquip - Dogmeat only equipable
ArmorBodyPartChest - chest armor overlays
And that is it. As you can see we're missing the same left/right arm/leg breakdown for armor overlay pieces (leather, combat armor, etc). We're also missing an standard keywords on clothing, armor suits, and the like. The is also no Super Mutant keyword.
This resource solves that problem by adding keywords to tag armor/cosmetics so that mod authors can properly classify their items. See tutorial article attached to this page for more specifics.
If you are creating a mod that adds new wearable items, use this resource and one of the keywords and follow the instructions outlined in this article, then your new items will be prepared for dynamic naming automatically with no need for compatibility patches. The resource includes all vanilla items properly tagged and prepared for dynamic naming.
Instructions for Mod Authors
Make ArmorKeywords.esm a master on your .esp and link it as a required file when you upload your mod to Nexus.
To override an item, start with the resource item and copy as override into your .esp. All pieces to run dynamic naming are already set as detailed below.
To create a new item, start with a resource item that is close then copy as a new item into your .esp. All pieces to run dynamic naming should carryover. Adjust community keywords as needed to properly tag and classify your item.
Dynamic naming works off the INNR records in FO4Edit (latest version calls these Instance Naming Rule). These rules run as If...Then statements looking for keywords on the object and applying a piece of the item's name if a matching rule is found.
However, by default many armor items don't run dynamic naming rules because they didn't have any upgrades available in vanilla. In order to force them to run dynamic naming rules the INRD of the item records must be set to the EditorID of the rule to run for that item. Additionally, the OBTS must have a minimal definition as follows (if the item already has OBTE defined, do not change it; below is only for items where OBTE is undefined):
OBTE - Count = 1
OBTS Parts A Count = 0
OBTS Parts B Count = 0
OBTS Unknown (first instance) = 00 00 00 00 FF FF 01
OBTS Unknown (second instance) = 00 00
With INRD and OBTE set, it is then up to the author of sorting mods or mods that modify naming rules how to utilize the keywords the item is tagged with. In this way, sorting mods do not need to modify armor records to accomplish sorting and mods that add new armor/clothing can be sorted automatically as long both modders use these community keywords.
This community resource was initially envisioned and realized by Valdacil and Gambit77 in order to make Valdacil's Item Sorting (VIS) compatible with Armorsmith. Once we got started, we realized this would be a great framework to universalize the armor modding community and make life easier for both armor modders and sorting modders.









Plugin work by Gambit77, Valdacil, & Thirdstorm. Part of AWKCR color swap framework contributed by AndrewCX.
Armorsmith Workbench by Gambit77, Aldebaran90, & Stndmunki.
Armorsmith Workbench Mini variants by FadingSignal.
Weaponsmith Workbench by Gambit77.
Weaponsmith Workbench Mini variant by FadingSignal.
Ammunition Workbench by KKtheBeast, Gambit77, BenEphla, KingTobbe, Wanamingo, & LoneRaptor.
Ammunition Workbench F4NV variant by Circles, Leldorado, & KKtheBeast.
Explosive Workbenches by Chucksteel.
AWKCR compatibility patches by DrDanzel.
Compatibility patch installer
An NMM installer for multiple compatibility patches is available as an optional download in the files section. If you're missing a compatibility patch for a certain mod, leave a comment. The installer contains patches for the following mods:
Author: ff7cloudstrife
R91 Standalone Assault Rifle
The AK-2047 Standalone Assault Rifle
The M9 Standalone Pistol
Author: ZunaSW
AK-47 Standalone Weapon
Viking Sword - Standalone Melee Weapon
Author: billyro
Crecy - Standalone Sword
Author: invalidfate
Lightsaber Renew
Author: Intension89
Carbon Fiber Combat Guns (Stand Alone)
Author: Dhegonus
Parang Machete HD
Author: ruddy88
Author: fadingsignal
Gloves of the Commonwealth - Equippable Gloves
Author: DixiePig
Slooty Vault Jumpsuit
Author: tookiejones
Commonwealth Survivalist Gear