File information
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Made by ElPascal and friendsUploaded by
ELPascalVirus scan
About this mod
This mod adds hundreds of NPCs and several scripted events to the world of Fallout: New Vegas; people patrolling the roads, traveling between towns, occupying locations, exploring the desert and reacting dynamically to your choices throughout the game. The Mojave will never feel empty again.
- Requirements
DLC requirements
DLC name Dead Money Honest Hearts Old World Blues Lonesome Road Gun Runners' Arsenal Nexus requirements
Mod name Notes JIP LN NVSE Plugin Needed from version 1.3 onwards. Off-site requirements
Mod name Notes xNVSE If you don't use NVSE, what the hell are you even doing Mods requiring this file
- Permissions and credits
Credits and distribution permission
- Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
- Upload permission You can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file
- Modification permission You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator
- Conversion permission You can convert this file to work with other games as long as you credit me as the creator of the file
- Asset use permission You are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission as long as you credit me
- Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
- Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
Author notes
This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions
File credits
deedes for the Gallow and Noose textures and meshes.
11linda at Freesound org for the sound effects used up until v1.55.
jazzisparis for JIP LN NVSE Plugin
PushTheWinButton, whose scripts in Karmic Balance helped me figure out how to fix my intrusive assasins from v.1.4 onwards.
kingbeast88 for creating the Navmeshes for the ElRey NCR camp and the Deserter fortress for v1.5 and earlier.
Kazopert for his valuable advice and assistance with v1.59 and 1.6, 1.62, as well as making 1.61 himself.
Brandherre for his help in building the new hitsquad tracking system for v2.0.
The folks on the various Fallout Discord servers patiently answering any modding-related questions or listening to my frustrated ramblings about how much I hate this engine.
And, last but not least, all the people downloading my mods and commenting on them. Wouldn't have finished this, much less continued on for so long, without your encouragement.Donation Points system
This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points
- Spanish
- Portuguese
- Polish
- Mandarin
- German
- French
Translations available on the Nexus
Language Name Spanish Author: Kazopert - ElPascal - klebitz1392 The Living Desert (2.5) - Spanish (SPA) Mandarin Author: daiwanqi - ElPascal - v1 61 by Kazopert - additional scripting by AVeryUncreativeUsername The Living Desert(CHS) Polish Author: Wojtek The Living Desert (Polish Translation) Portuguese Author: Padaria The Living Desert - Travelers Patrols Consequences Increased Population and more PT-BR German Author: Partybus1-indola The Living Desert DE-Translation 2.3 French Author: ElPascal and Kazopert - traduction par zebumper The Living Desert (2.3) - traduction francaise - Mirrors
Name Mods-In-Exile - Changelogs
Version 2.5
- BUGFIX: BoS Safehouse map marker no longer gets disabled after the Brotherhood Remnants are wiped out.
- BUGFIX: BoS Safehouse no longer gets renamed while Sato is still alive.
- BUGFIX: FPGE-related map marker checks are only checked for if FPGE is installed
- BUGFIX: master file requirements are in correct order again.
- BUGFIX: reactive inventory changes are now implemented via global variables, as the previous method would allow the levelled lists to reset to their default state.
- BUGFX: fixed spelling error in Coyote Mine interaction textbox. Next I'll fix this whole encounter by removing it wholesale.
- BUGFIX: added AI Packages to Securitrons at Switching Station
- BUGFIX: fixed two Legion soldiers who wouldn't despawn in non-Legion endings.
- BUGFIX: hitsquads now have a script that immediately teleports them out of interiors if they spawn inside despite all other safeguards.
- BUGFIX: hitsquads should now no longer follow you into the D.C. wasteland.
- BUGFIX: fixed five issues that would cause error messages.
- BUGFIX: fixed campfire sounds playing in Underpass even while the town is set to be disabled in the .ini
- BUGFIX: fixed a misspelled name by removing an erroneous dash in-between the words "Super" and "Mutant" (you'll never guess which generic creatures in particular were affected by this)
- BUGFIX: fixed dead dog in Westside sometimes spawning outside of the truck trailer.
- BUGFIX: Fixed table in BoS outpost being misalligned with workbench animation marker.
- CHANGED: Novac's townspeople and "visitors", such as prospectors and some wanderers will now aid each other in combat.
- CHANGED: Massive balance pass - merchants have less caps and goods, item and armor levelled lists have generally been debuffed insofar as expensive and powerful weaponry is rarer and spawns later in the game.
- CHANGED: Removed console print.
- CHANGED: Gave nearly all notes another writing pass to match a higher standard and do some subtle groundwork for my upcoming quest mod.
- CHANGED: Gun Runner Guards are now set to sandbox if their leader was killed. Naturally, they don't actually do what their AI package tells 'em, but I'll leave this feature in anyway and will take another look in the future.
- CHANGED: Hanged Troopers around Fiend territory now despawn after the gang's leaders have been taken out.
- CHANGED: Removed barriers surrounding northern switching station post Securitron MKII update, as they were visually distracting and causing pathfinding issues.
- CHANGED: Fiend Underbosses now also carry melee weapons, since they were basically defenseless in close combat before.
- CHANGED: Tweaked lights around BoS Outpost
- CHANGED: Temporarily removed Freeside Thug hitsquad, as they were annoying to deal with. WIll revamp this encounter in the future.
- CHANGED: Powder Gangers and Legion are now hostile to hitsquads by default.
- CHANGED: Removed all navmesh edits for the sake of compatibility.
- CHANGED: rebalanced the power armored NCR Prospector encounter near Nipton. The armor is now only at 1% condition, making it nearly useless. Both NPCs are much tougher now, and killing them gains you NCR infamy again. On the flipside, there is now a little more loot and environmental detail. May change more about this come the next version.
- CHANGED: Novac's generic prospectors now have unique appearances.
- NEW: Quest consequences for 'Come Fly With Me' :
- If you sabotage the rockets, the test site will become radioactive. After leaving Novac for a few days, some feral ghouls will attack the town. Some non-respawning ghoulified prospectors will spawn on the test site.
- If you kill the ghouls or succesfully launch the rockets, Novac's Prospectors will loot the site during the day , fending of the remaining feral population in the process. The Junk Merchant will also spawn in.
- If you don't correct the rockets' course on the launch pad terminal, you'll find them crashed across the northern edge of the map, with a handful of survivors in need of saving. Credits for the crashed rocket asset go to PineAppleSurprise's Vehicle Resources mod. - NEW: If you irradiate Cottonwood Cove, the entire area from the southern riverbank to Coyote Mines becomes overrun with Legion Ghouls. Additionally, Aurelius will return as a miniboss unless you killed him some other way. Currently they're set up not to respawn, so you can clear them out if you wish to do so. For some extra fun I recommend waiting for a leftover Legion patrol or caravan to attempt passing through the camp. All credit for the new ghoul models goes to CarlZee's "Feral Ghoul Armor and Outfit Pack"
- NEW: Added a reloading bench to the NCR's presence at El Rey.
- NEW: BoS-House truce mods are now natively supported.
Version 2.3
- BUGFIX: Fixed or removed all bathtub water. Previously the refraction and reflection settings were missing from it.
- BUGFIX: Fixed bug with the H&H Tools Ambush event, as well as placing the trigger differently so players don't just get jumped immediately after leaving the factory.
- BUGFIX: Fixed some NCR Troopers and Sharecroppers remaining at Sharecropper farm after House ending. Also fixed related potential script loop.
- BUGFIX: Removed remnant shelf and plates from the LOOOOONG-ago removed Follower's Farm.
- BUGFIX: Removed dam war face mask from Khan Pusher due to it clipping into her eyepatch.
- CHANGED: Removed now-redundant hotfix from TLD's control quest. This was implemented as a temporary measure in v2.0.
- CHANGED: You can now tip over the Brahmin at El Rey. 10/10 this whole mod.
- CHANGED: FPGE-related quests now only run if FPGE is actually loaded. This also ensures compatibility with FPGEL. Thanks to AVeryUncreativeUsername for bullying me into including this.
- CHANGED: Freeside Thugs now chase you down for having a very positive rep in Freeside rather than the other way around, since helping the community would cut into their business.
- CHANGED: Reduced Fiend population by 8 in total, since in combination with Mojave Raiders or similar mods it'd get kind of silly how many of them there were, also wrecking performance on weaker systems.
- CHANGED: Removed GetQuestCompleted check that was left over still. Thanks to AVUUN for pointing that one out.
- CHANGED: Slightly changed the script in regards to the Brotherhood Alliance.
- CHANGED: Underpass Brahmin and gore tub are now back at their original position. Their presence is dependent on the Underpass Disabler .ini setting.
- CHANGED: Decompressed NPC records again. Forgot to last time.
- NEW: After completing Debt Collector and leaving the Wrangler, McCafferty's hat will appear as a wall trophy, like Francine Garrett mentioned. Unless you kill her before then, for some reason.
- NEW: Map Marker Reputation of locations affected/added by TLD is now reactive to takeovers and story event. All credits for that one go to AVeryUncreativeUsername whose script, which was originally intended for one of his mods, was only slightly modified by me and pasted straight into TLD.
- CHANGED: Levelled lists now match a max level of 50 rather than 30. This should space out the appearance of powerful and expensive items and is the first step of a larger balance pass. JSawyer users may wanna build a patch or adjust the levels manually in Xedit.
- REMOVED: Cut out the entirety of Fisherman's Shack, because it's a bad and embarrassing remnant of a time when the whole mod was bad and embarrassing. Might remake that one to a higher standard (such as it being good, for example) in Westside Story.)
- REMOVED: A now-superfluous dialogue quest. Moved all dialogue into a single quest instead, because there is no reason not to.
Version 2.2
- BUGFIX: Put Wastelanders at Pylon Camp into a separate faction so they don't attack the Strange Man during Birds Of A Feather (note: untested but ought to work.)
- BUGFIX: Put in extra line of script to 100% ensure the NCR caravan at the Sharecropper Farms despawns in any non-NCR ending, independently of Hard Luck Blues. (note: untested but ought to work.)
- BUGFIX: Set Silver Rush Sign on top of Von Graf's Lazr Gunz to be initially disabled, eliminating a visual bug that would occur when re-generating LOD.
- BUGFIX: Commented out some leftover console prints.
- BUGFIX: Hooked smoke at California Sunset Drive-In up with its campfire's enable parent.
- BUGFIX: Added DT to Tunneler Queen. Reported by LedZepIv
- BUGFIX: Deleted leftover matress in Underpass Trailer. Wow, can't believe I never noticed this.
- BUGFIX: Fixed one Prospector near Crimson Caravans not being linked to the correct enable parent.
- BUGFIX: Fixed/completed Happy Trails Caravan route which appears to have been broken despite me insisting on the contrary for all these years - oops!
- CHANGED: Vigilantes are now in a faction of their own, leading to more sensible faction reactions. First proposed by Reaper.
- CHANGED: All Wasteland Securitrons now help Friends and Allies.
- CHANGED: Wasteland Securitrons will now aid the player in combat if they completed the MKII update. First proposed by AVeryUncreativeUsername.
- CHANGED: Replaced GetReputation checks in hitsquad control script with GetReputationTresholds checks, ensuring they will no longer chase after you just for minor infamy. Proposed by ryanmar.
- CHANGED: Followed FPGE's example and removed needless edit to Wasteland water type.
- CHANGED: .ini has been re-structured, as per AVeryUncreativeUsername's suggestion.
- CHANGED: The Underpass Disabler option in the .ini is now enabled by default. Switch it off if you wish to have the settlement in your game still.
- NEW: Made Westside's Population Boost customizable in the .ini
- REMOVED: Removed edits to "Unfriendly Persuasions" to continue TLD's push away from direct edits to vanilla NPCs and quests. The standalone mod will soon become available again.
Version 2.1
- NEW: Implemented an INI for players to adjust their games with. All optional files are now obsolete and incompatible, please remove them from your files if still present.
- BUGFIX: Fixed Syntax error that could occur and potentially lead to slowdowns if the player had any hitsquads after them. Special thanks to c6, karut and Xilandro for their aid in finding and fixing this issue quickly. No thanks at all to the entitled weirdo who called me a nazi in the DMs for doing so. How embarrassing!
- BUGFIX: Fixed NCR Propaganda appearing at Primm even if Meyers or Primm Slimm were made sheriff. Implemented script to clean all that back up again if this bug occured for you.
- BUGFIX: Fixed beds at Novac gas station appearing prematurely.
- BUGFIX: Fixed hitsquads no longer pursuing player if all 16 of them were activated normally.
- CHANGED: Manually disabled all junk wall pieces around switching station north of Vegas. This may help during LOD generation.
- CHANGED: More generic NPCs now don't spawn in until level 8. This to make the "less civilians" ini option more attractive.
- CHANGED: A number of small details, fixes, etc. that are mostly unnoticable while playing, but still improve the mod's overall quality.
Version 2.0
- BUGFIX (FPGE): Fixed NCR MP at Camp Golf not disappearing after non-NCR endings
- BUGFIX: Fixed Underpass campfire smoke not being tied to enable parent
- BUGFIX: Fixed floating idle marker in Underpass
- BUGFIX: Fixed typo in Murphy's Log
- BUGFIX: Fixed one Legion patrol leader's AI settings being set to Very Aggressive - might not've been an issue, but better safe than buggy
- BUGFIX: Fixed Westside Drunks occasionally using wrong voice type. Reported by BlooperReel
- BUGFIX: Fixed grave at NCR Deserter camp near Followers' Safehouse floating
- BUGFIX: Fixed COC'ing to Goodsprings Saloon placing you out of bounds.
- BUGFIX: Fixed BoS Outpost's map marker being positioned too low, making it impossible to actually discover.
- BUGFIX: Fixed NCR Rangers patrolling the I-15 not disappearing after certain non-NCR endings.
- BUGFIX: Fixed NCR Prospectors' buried land mines not disappearing when disarmed.
- BUGFIX: Fixed Tunnelers not actually appearing after completing Lonesome Road (in some cases, at least.)
- BUGFIX: Fixed Legion slaves at Coyote Mines being in wrong factions; temporarily put Legion Prospector leader in different faction and voice type until more in-depth edits to area implemented.
- BUGFIX: Fixed Strip hitsquad not being triggered due to scripting error.
- CHANGED: Deleted some unused scripts.
- CHANGED: Removed superfluous quest for handling of Haggling Harry's Rest Stop event.
- CHANGED: Reworked almost all scripts; used more efficient functions, cleaned up layout and syntax and added comments in some places.
- CHANGED: Moved away from inefficient and less-reliable quest stage system.
- CHANGED: Removed all edits to vanilla quests besides Unfriendly Persuasions
- CHANGED: Added holotags to BoS NPCs.
- CHANGED: Some slight edits to Harry's place.
- CHANGED: Some edits to various notes.
- CHANGED: Ensured some events despawn once occured.
- CHANGED: Overhauled hitsquad system. Hitsquads no longer follow you into interiors or quest hubs. Only one hitsquad is allowed to spawn at once, making installation mid-playthrough far less annoying. Optimized system by making tracker quest only run once appearance of any squad triggered. Credits to Brandherre for helping me out with the new region check-based system.
- CHANGED: Removed NCR Medic tent at Mojave Outpost; Medic will now only spawn in a tent-like kitbash structure at the Brahmin Pens in the event the NCR was nuked.
- CHANGED: Removed names from some NPCs. Giving certain NPCs names was an attempt to please people who were looking for a different kind of mod entirely, which doesn't fit in with TLD's more tightly defined aims anymore.
- CHANGED: Prospector Merchant in Novac now only spawns in when Repconn quest completed peacefully. Sells all sorts of junk, making her an attractive contact person for players who enjoy crafting stuff.
- CHANGED: Decrompressed NPC records, which apparently gives a slight perforamnce boost.
- CHANGED: Reworked faction relations of some hitsquads so other NPCs no longer just ignore their presence. May lead to messier fights with more collateral damage, but you wanted a world that's a little more alive and dynamic, didn't you?
- CHANGED (FPGE): Sharecropper farms will now be taken over by the Legion, Mr. House or the Followers of the Apocalypse respectively after the ending if Hard Luck Blues was solved by saving the farms. The fences will also be fixed up if NCR, Legion or House win.
- NEW: Gave all Prospector Merchants unique appearances, as the original levelled list by Obsidian recycled some very recognizable faces like Cass, Veronica, Vulpes Inculta, Red Lucy, etc.
- NEW: NCR Heavy Troopers added by this mod will now spawn in combat armor if a truce was brokered between NCR and BoS.
- NEW: Added unique appearances to all NCR Trooper patrol followers, to generally combat clone syndrome.
- NEW: A Freeside Thug will attempt to stick up Haggling Harry's place upon first entering it. If you've taken out the Van Graffs, a squad of their men will attempt to raid the "Von Graf Lazr Gunz" store the second time you enter it.
- NEW: Viper dogs now spawn in levelled variants making use of the game's various dog models. Past level 30 you may rarely encounter tamed Nightstalkers - the Vipers worship snakes, after all, and I'm assuming Nightstalker are fairly docile if fed the occasional traveling merchant.
- NEW: If Hardin was made Elder or a NCR-BoS truce was brokered and the Brotherhood destroyed afterwards, a gang of very well-equipped Powder Gangers will take over the Brotherhood checkpoint.
- NEW: If you teach Jack how to cook up meds, the various Great Khan chem pushers around the Mojave will sell some medical supplies. Suggested by Th3Overseer, because who else cares about the Khans.
- NEW: Added navmesh to overturned trailer/hunter camp near Searchlight to accomodate newly added event there.
- NEW: If both the Hunters at the camp die, the location will get taken over by a handful of Vipers.
- NEW: The first time you enter the truck trailer, a few ghouls will spawn nearby, potentially getting into a fight with either you or the hunters. After that you may be attacked by a Legion patrol if you are hostile with them and enter that area again.
- NEW: After taking out Nelson, Camp Forlorn Hope will receive a slight population boost.
- NEW FILE: Mojave's Most Wanted: combines "Respawning Hitsquads + All Hitsquads Enabled" into one package.
- NEW FILE: No DLC creatures: removes the appearance of Tunnelers and Yao Guais in the Mojave Wasteland.
- NEW FILE: I Can't Find It In My Heart: spawns travelers along I-95 without the need to complete 'Can You Find It in Your Heart' for Ranger Jackson.
Version 1.67
- Fixed broken condition setting in BoS Turret Control Terminal that'd give people errors when trying to build a patch
- Changed some stuff for the sake of compatibility with Robbable Caravans
- Fixed Rogue NCR Ranger spawning too early
- Fixed Securitrons and BoS being set to Allies rather than neutral in House BoS-alliance scenarios
- Removed feature creep-y edit to random vanilla NPC
- Carried over some YUP fixes re: water type of WastelandNVmini worldspace.
- Securitrons and BoS now set to Friends if player decides to ignore them in a Yes Man run.
- A top corner message now shows up upon installing the mod.
Version 1.66
- QUICK UPDATE: Fixed a number of smaller inconsistencies, bugs or oversights.
- NEW: NCR Rangers attack Great Khans or NCR Deserters near RS Foxtrott if you approach their position.
- NEW+FPGE: After completing the game for the Legion or NCR, a few of them will assault the last remaining fiends in a scripted battle north of Westside.
- NEW: If the NCR retook Nelson and turned the gas station at the dry lake into an outpost, the Legion will assault their position as you enter it for the first time.
- NEW: As a fun surprise, especially for those who don't read changelogs or the compendium, there are now Yao Guais in the forest near Jacobstown :) They will appear in scripted attacks, which will only stop if you manage to find and take out the Den Mother. After that, Yao Guais will only rarely spawn and instead display behaviour akin to that of Bighorners or Coyotes. Idea by Valde, aka Cheesehole
There aren't any scorpions living in Boston or D.C. either. Let's say they wandered up there during the Great Winter of 2130 and leave it be. - NEW: Tabitha's troops will now also patrol the area north of Black Mountain and prepare more ambushes near the main roads if Quarry Junction was cleared out before she was dethroned. There also is an additional two man patrol of fiends in the area.
- NEW: Quest consquence for There Stands the Grass. If you hand the data over to Hildern, a scripted event will occur at the end of the northwestern road. Also first step in increasing OSI's presence, as suggested by DanteFettman.
- NEW+FPGE: Additional non-respawning remnants of the NCR and Legion will appear after their respective faction lost. See compendium for more details.
- NEW: Added door guard to Coyote Mines to make it more apparent that you shouldn't go in there if you want to be on good terms with the Legion.
- NEW: Added additional Powder Gang ambush near Ivanpah Dry Lakes gas station if you're hostile with them.
- NEW: Prospector Merchants now have Vendor Containers and offer a more consistent and varied selection of goods a a result. Brought to my attention by RoyBatty.
- NEW: House-BoS alliance mods should be supported now. (Untested.)
- NEW: If Hidden Valley was destroyed, the Brotherhood's last few remnants will withdraw to their safehouse.
- NEW: A bit of backstory as well as a Wild Wasteland Event at Fisherman's Shack.
- NEW: Added hackable turrets to certain locations.
- BUGFIX+FPGE: Fixed a ton of inconsistencies and errors. Special thanks to ledzepiv who found many of them.
- BUGFIX: Fixed crashing in Coyote Mines.
- BUGFIX: Fixed wrong AI behaviour of Coyote Mines' inhabitants.
- BUGFIX: Fixed Legion Explorers sometimes wandering into Safehouse.
- BUGFIX: Fixed slave in Coyote Mines shack not despawning correctly.
- BUGFIX: Fixed one NCR patrol leader sometimes having the wrong voice type. Reported by ledzepiv.
- BUGFIX: Removed leftovers from otherwise cut prospector camp. Reported by ledzepiv.
- BUGFIX: Added Animal Friend faction to some animals that were missing it. Reported by ledzepiv.
- BUGFIX: Fixed some Legionaires missing Legion Ear script. Reported by ledzepiv.
- BUGFIX: One low level NCR patrol leader no longer spawns as a Recon Unit.
- BUGFIX: Recon Units now wear dogtags. Reported by ledzepiv.
- BUGFIX: Fixed Phobos the dog following the wrong NPC, leading to him being stuck at the 188.
- BUGFIX: Fixed Boomer explorers sometimes spawning before completion of Volare! Reported by ledzepiv.
- BUGFIX: Fixed NCR Deserters not always engaging other npcs.
- BUGFIX: Fixed Wandering Securitrons having Strip dialogue. Reported by AVeryUncreativeUserName, aka NCR Trooper.
- BUGFIX: Don Hostetler no longer tries to sleep in the Sharecropper's beds rather than in his own home, as a side effect of the changes to the area made for Hard Luck Blues' consequences. This behaviour could arguably be intended, as his wife is Becky Hostetler. Reported by ledzepiv.
- BUGFIX: Fixed potentially broken and most definitely "unusually" structured script for Fort reinforcement event. Reported by korri123.
- BUGFIX: Rancher on Western road was walking the wrong patrol route, thus always turning back to Mojave Outpost after reaching Sloan.
- BUGFIX+FPGE: Certain hitsquads no longer show up after the game ending.
- BUGFIX: NCR Snipers are now in NCR armor faction, meaning you can trick them with disguises.
- CHANGED: Removed disabled walls and guard tower at ElRey gas station. Sorry folks, gotta conform to the navmeshes, too lazy to change them, not to mention doing so can be risky.
- CHANGED: Removed Hermit Camp map marker.
- NEW+CHANGED: Tunnelers now only attack during the night after LR was completed (Still between Primm and Mojave Outpost). You can find and kill their queen to stop them from spawning altogether.
- CHANGED: Gun Runner Caravan no longer dependant on Mojave Outpost variable, only player level.
- CHANGED: Fiend Underbosses now have unique item lists to distinguish them more. Inspired by Roy mopping the floor with them in his stream.
- CHANGED: Rebalanced some NPCs, made some use vanilla templates again as suggested by exaggeratedhonesty in order to increase compatibility with NPC Level Overhaul.
- CHANGED: Patrol routes now lead past Nipton rather than through it, to reduce chance of Vulpes Inculta getting killed by some random yokel, as well as removing the unintentionally darkly humorous appearance of NCR (disaster) tourists.
- CHANGED: Restructured certain locations to more closely allign with navmeshes.
- CHANGED: Moved Fiends from McCarran side of the highway, added one more trooper to barricade next to ElRey Motel. Suggested by RoyBatty.
- CHANGED: Removed some obsolete scripts.
- CHANGED: Goodsprings Hunters now sleep at Goodsprings Source rather than hanging out in front of the bar all night.
- CHANGED: Prospector Saloon's visitors now hang out in front of the bar all night.
- CHANGED: Rebalanced NCR Deserter's levelled lists a bit. Suggested by ledzepiv.
- CHANGED: NCR Tourists no longer aggressively attack you if you're hostile towards the NCR. Only their bodyguard will, but can be tricked with disguises.
- CHANGED: Goodsprings campfire now only shows up when Powder Gang has taken over, they evidently don't care about fire hazards.
- CHANGED: NCR's Trooper Patrol Leaders now have unique appearances.
- CHANGED: Changed some things about "Von Graf's" store.
- CHANGED: AI package for Primm customer.
- CHANGED. Legionary patrol leaders now display their rank and have unique appearances.
- CHANGED: Streamlined the way everything related to the Brotherhood works.
- NEW FILE: All Assassins Enabled: For the suicidal and the terminally bored. Does what the title states.
- RETURNED: Respawning Hitsquads. These two make a great pairing.
- A lot of minor stuff I couldn't be bothered to note down
Version 1.65
- Fixed 2 overlapping scripts preventing McCarran Fiend event from spawning when it should.
- Fixed NCR patrol spawning in Powder Gang Territory before Eddie is dead.
Version 1.64
- Rebalanced several levelled list to ensure high-powered weapons don't appear too early in the game and item progression is more logical and clearly tiered.
- Removed unnecessary beds in northern Vegas.
- Removed 1 NCR Prospector from the road north of Vegas.
- Removed 1 Prospector from the south-western map.
- Increased level requirement before certain npcs show up from 5 to 8.
- Removed several Powder Gangers.
- Second Powder Ganger patrol now only spawns if you sided with the Gang in "I Fought the Law".
- Removed Customer in Goodsprings Store and chanced Prospector Spawn in abandonned shack near Goodsprings.
- Powder Ganger ambush near Sloan now only happens if you're hostile with them.
- Fixed 2 vanilla chairs being affected by Underpass enable parent
- Gun Runner Caravan now only spawns past level 15 due to their powerful equipment.
- Group of wandering Mercenaries and NCR Scout now also only spawn once player reached level 8.
- Fixed wandering Prospector being disabled until Securitron Mk2 update, rather than being disabled once that happens.
- Fixed slight script errors in some victory quest scripts.
Version 1.63
- Fixed slight script error that would trigger NVAC warnings
- Removed a handful of dirty records
Version 1.62
- Fixed spelling error in roaming Securitron’s name.
- Fixed some Mercenaries spawning prematurely in Fiend territory.
- Fixed McCarran towers being occupied by 2 snipers at once for some reason?
- Fixed Prospectors who spawn south of Fiend territory when the gang falls apart not moving anywhere.
- Fixed Gas Station event only occurring 50% of the time or not at all.
- Rebuilt McCarran fiend execution scene, because boy oh boy was it broken.
- Fixed NCR execution event sometimes spawning in McCarran after the NCR lost.
- Fixed Prospector’s dog sticking to their owners even in combat.
- Fixed Prospector not caring if you kill their robots.
- Fixed “Assassins” being impressively consistently misspelt internally due to my huge brain
- Fixed NCR patrol in Fiend territory still wandering about despite NCR having lost the battle.
- Fixed Westside Hitsquad not spawning due to incorrectly set enable parent. (Might not've been a bug in previous version)
- Fixed NCR scouts having Low Level Processing flag enabled.
- Fixed some other npcs NOT having Low Level Processing flag enabled
- Fixed some Legion guys spawning without Legion ears.
- Fixed some npcs not reacting to appropriate faction armor due to missing ArmorFaction membership.
- Fixed Fiend attack dogs sticking with their master during combat rather than running up to the player
- Fixed some NCR Rangers not having sniffer script.
- Carried over a handful of new YUP fixes
- Completed abandoned vanilla X-Marker route in use by Wasteland Wanderer.
- Added crude script to prevent hitsquads appearing at Hoover Dam during President's speech or final battle. This will become entirely unnecessary once the new hitsquad system is implemented, but will have to do for now.
- Fixed GunRunner Merchant not having any voicelines due to misnamed files
- Almost all vanilla npcs reset to unaltered state.
- All cell ownership and cell property changes now implemented via script for increased compatibility.
- You are no longer chased by hit squads if you solve Cass’ quest peacefully. This serves to support pacifist playstyles.
- Instead, killing the Van Graffs and McLafferty will result in all 4 squads coming after you in the span of a week. You messed with powerful people, deal with it.
- Changed several npc factions for reasons of balance and to ensure everyone uses fitting voiced lines.
- Ensured roaming Khan Chem Pusher and Super Mutant don’t spawn before player reaches Level 5 for balance reasons
- Removed “TLDHunterFaction” from npcs where it wasn’t needed to ensure regular people don’t side with Paranoid Prospectors.
- Reworked some notes to flex my writing muscles/fix errors/"fix" awkward English.
- Made dogs a little stronger across the board.
- Reduced amount of Tunnelers that spawn post Lonesome Road
- Removed a handful of npcs that needed removing.
- Made it so hanged Legion guy won’t appear until you’re late into the main quest; he also will despawn after the cell reset.
- Gave NCR Field Medic a surgical mask because his face does weird things when combined with certain mods
- Also enabled No Low Level Processing on him
- Removed changes to various vanilla quests
- Made it so Cliffside Prospector Event is despawned once it is concluded.
- Added more detail to a certain wandering npc.
- Some wandering npcs now look for a bed to sleep in at night again, making encounters more unpredictable and dynamic (I saw one storm a raider base just to be able to sleep on a cardboard mattress, that man was TIRED)
- Slightly optimized performance by implementing some more “layered” spawns.
- Added more people and 2 events to Westside and surrounding, to ensure it feels like the disgusting filthy slum it apparently is.
- Added Khan Chem Dealer to Westside, small optional “event” included.
- Added two Great Khan snipers with a day-night schedule to Red Rock Canyon’s entrance for better defense.
- Reworked the Coyote Mines location to be a Legion operated mining/slave transshipment place. You can free the slaves and stuff. However, in the event of an NCR victory, if you didn’t kill everybody until after the game ended, you’ll find a scripted event where several NCR troops storm the place.
- Added a *pretty* cool scripted event at Haggling Harry’s Stop & Shop that occurs if you don’t enter the north Vegas area for at least 3 days in a row after you killed the Van Graffs
- Upon completing “Why Can’t We Be Friends” various Khans now spawn with dynamite in their inventory.
- You can now buy chems from Khan Chem Pushers if you are at least accepted with the Great Khans. They will be far, far less accommodating if you are vilified with them, however.
- Added NCR Ranger patrol to area around RS Bravo
- Added NCR Ranger patrol to area near RS Echo, they don’t spawn until you’ve reached the faction lockdown point in the main quest
- Added NCR Ranger patrol to area near RS Alpha, they don’t spawn until you’ve confronted Benny or solved the equivalent of the NCR main quest.
- Added some Legion patrols, NCR patrols or and 3 roaming Securitrons who will spawn after the game ending, depending on which side won, utilizing other faction’s abandoned Patrol paths.
- Added some more life to Red Rock.
- Added a trader/mechanic and her grandson to Novac. She sells an assortment of junk and crafting materials.
- Published optional file that disables Underpass Settlement. This to reduce compatibility issues with other mods that utilize the area.
- Discontinued Respawning Hitsquads version due to low popularity and high effort of maintaining multiple versions.
Version 1.61
- Update made by Kazopert
- - Made every creature and NPC persistent to avoid issues with them not being enabled, etc.
- - Gave dead NPC's the quest item flag so they don't disappear.
- - Gave all mod records the TLD prefix instead of 11a, this can break the mod, especially scripts.
- - Gave some factions the "Hidden from PC" flag.
- - Cleaned up some unnecessary record edits.
- - Carried over YUP fixes.
- - Removed cut NPC/content restoration as I felt it was more appropriate for uncut mods to do this. (Which they do.)
- - Optimized scripts in the mod a good bit.
- ElPascal:
- - Removed pond at Underpass again due to visual glitches. Will make a seperate file for that soon-ish
- - Fixed bug at Repconn HQ event
Version 1.60
- This mod is now by default FPGE-compatible and also includes some post game content.
- Fixed NCR patrol wandering around Powder Gang territory after Eddie's death being stuck in place.
- Fixed sandboxing NCR troopers spawning as mercenaries
- Fixed high-level hitsquad mercenaries spawning with two pieces of armor and headgear.
- Fixed NCR patrol and mercenary patrol in fiend territory spawning before the gang's destruction.
- Removed test Brahmin accidentally left behind at McCarran
- Changed ownership of bedrolls in east Vegas so Don Hostetler no longer prefers sleeping with some random hobos rather than his wife, though that might be considered lore-friendly
- Fixed Omerta, Kings and New Vegas Strip hitsquads not spawning
- Fixed Lonesome Road NCR hitsquad not spawning (untested due to high effort and little time, but should work on paper)
- Fixed Goodsprings hitsquad spawning without note on leader
- Fixed Primm hitsquad note spawning on random goon rather than leader
- FIxed bedroll at Barton Thorn's camp floating above ground
- Fixed Wasteland Wanderer displaying an empty trade inventory
- Restored cut Jacobstown pond in a prophylactic measure against incompatibility with Uncut Wasteland
- Restored large pool of radioactive near Underpass - this was cut sometime during evelopment and arguably intended to be there, if not for "adorable consoles". Keep an eye out for new, related releases by yours truly this week.
- Slightly rebalanced some levelled lists
- Changed McCarran fiend execution event to be compatible with mods that add new weapons to NCR troopers.
- Added some more unique notes to various hitsquads.
- Removed several npcs for better performance
Version 1.59
- Now requires Old World Blues as a Master File.
- All data is now stored inside a .BSA file, leading to better performance and eliminating the white face/white body bug for people who don’t have bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles set to 1 in their ini, which would also lead to performance loss. Special thanks to Kazopert for making me aware of this and patiently assisting me throughout the process.
- You can now trade with Ranchers.
- Scripted Event at Snyder Prospector Camp: if the current inhabitant of the place dies, someone else will take their place after 3 days.
- Various npcs across the wasteland now have a unique appearance and/or less generic name, helping fight New Vegas clone syndrome.
- New type of npc: NCR Mercenaries. They supplement NCR patrols. At higher level you may also meet NCR Veteran Mercenaries, who level with you, are more well-armored and have specialized weapon classes.
- Added 1 new NCR deserter camp including one miniboss.
- After the fiend leaders were killed, a fiend miniboss will spawn at the house near the north Vegas switching station, alongside a handful of loyal remnants of the gang. Once he’s dead, they’ll all disappear.
- Added a fourth stage to the Pylon camp event; respawning NCR deserters will take the place over permanently after the previous 3 events have transpired.
- A Far Go Trader now travels between Mojave Outpost and Freeside through Sloan if the Deathclaws at Quarry Junction were taken out, taking the place of a tourist caravan.
- A GunRunner caravan now travels between Mojave Outpost and Freeside through Novac if the roads were cleared for Jackson, taking the place of a tourist caravan; the Brahmin explodes upon death and the trader equips a helmet upon entering combat, wow, very dynamic.
- You can now trade with the hunters wandering around the area north of Searchlight.
- 2 additional Securitrons now roam the wastes after the MKII update was completed, increasing their total number to 3. They take the place of generic Prospectors.
- 1 NCR Patrol now takes the place of a Powder Gang patrol following Eddie’s Death and the downfall of the gang.
- Re-enabled 1 cut NCR soldier at the 188.
- Upon working out the alliance between the Great Khans and Powder Gangers, a handful of “Great Khan Initiates”, bearing a great resemblance to some of the Vault 19 Powder Gangers will appear at Red Rock
- If the Khans were wiped out, the camp in the forest will be taken over by NCR deserters instead.
- A Prospector now lives inside the Novac garage. Just there for show, at the moment, but still, worldbuilding.
- Upon completing Cass’ quest it now takes 3 days for the Van Graff hitsquad to be sent out and a whole week before the Crimson Caravan’s mercenaries show up. This was implemented to prevent them from overwhelming the player.
- Removed redundant script from Hitsquad members
- Hitsquads now despawn after the leader died.
- Removed a whopping total of 45(!) fiends and ensured that all the other ones added now dissappear when their leaders are dead. I recommend you to use Uncut Wasteland and Mojave Raiders if you like western Vegas to be ridiculously overcrowded with moving targets.
- Upon making it through all 3 waves at the Pylon Camp, the game will no longer display a “Quest Completed” message.
- Removed all changes to “I Fought the Law” and “Heartaches by the Numbers”
- Massively streamlined the way spawns are handled.
- The player will no longer lose Karma for killing “Paranoid Prospectors” when using JsawyerUltimate
- Removed wrong animation marker from McCarran mechanical bay.
- Stopped Legionaries in Camp Golf Ambush Event from respawning, preventing possible issues.
- Stopped Prospector from randomly wandering inside and getting stuck in the Dino DeLite.
- Removed NCR flag in Primm that was blocking the doorway … again.
- The hanged Legionary at Mojave Outpost now no longer despawns.
- Stopped Fiend Dogs from sticking to their masters even during combat.
- Added DT and poison resistance to robot type npcs - oops.
- Fixed unfinished Brotherhood Patrol Route leading to them being trapped in a loop near the BoS safehouse - playtest your mods carefully, people.
- Fixed NCR deserters assaulting Withtakers Farm sometimes wearing Powder Ganger armor.
- Fixed super mutant ambushers north of Sloan being in wrong faction.
- Fixed Powder Gangers not attacking certain travellers for whom it would make a lot of sense to be attacked.
- Fixed Wasteland Wanderer showing empty trading inventory when trading
- Fixed animation marker at Goodsprings campfire floating above ground.
- Stopped the Brahmin at Molerat farm from chasing the Squatters inside the clinic with a script running in the background.
- Fixed Procurement Specialist death scripts that would lead to the player being vilified with the Brotherhood instantaneously if they kill one.
- Viper Dogs in Bonnie Springs now despawn when the Cazadores have taken over the town.
- Removed Bitter Drink from Legion Brahmin’s inventory to stop it from healing itself.
- Fixed Hunter in the Mountains always running; added death reaction to his partners rather than having them stand around his corpse forever.
- Fixed Mercenaries standing around the Jacobstown Gates even after Unfriendly Persuasions was completed/failed. ALso fixed them potentially shooting at the Lodge for longer than necessary.
- Added script to all traders’ inventories to improve overall balance.
- Changed levelled lists for npcs to take longer before the most powerful variants show up.
- Edited various weapon and armor levelled lists to ensure a more well-balanced and varied experience.
- Standardized spelling for First Recon Units.
- Moved Camp Golf ambush event up to the Lake Mead Shore for the sake of compatibility with mods that restore the Camp Golf Confrontation.
- Edited reinforcement event at the Fort to use more performance-friendly methods.
- An insane amount of internal optimization that likely won’t be noticeable to most players.
- Cloned the entirety of Underpass’ population for an upcoming Underpass restoration that’s going to be better than mine.
- Renamed Mark’s Rest Stop as well as the man himself, because I felt like it.
- Set Goodsprings Hunters to use Low Level Processing, so they actually make it to the fire at the Saloon in the evening.
- Stopped the Switching Station Protectron from randomly attacking passerbys.
- Removed 2 test npcs that were accidentally left behind in Victor's Shack
Version 1.58
- “The Living Desert II: Unfriendlier Persuasions” has been merged into this mod. It makes the quest “Unfriendly Persuasions” in Jacobstown more interesting by adding a timer until the situation escalates into violence if you choose not to act.
- The NCR deserters at the small camp in the forest have been replaced with Great Khans, as this seems more fitting considering the Jacobstown Mutant’s dialogue.
- Ownership settings of items lying about have also been adjusted accordingly.
- The boards at the Sharecropper’s farm fence have been removed. Sorry for the inconvienience^^
- Fixed NCR Prospector at Coyote Den spawning inside the rock in certain circumstances.
- Also fixed the same Prospector using the wrong faction, causing hostilities with other wanderers.
- Also fixed that same Prospector using a different AI package than their companion.
- Deleted rudimentary Triggerbox object from cut scripted event.
- Deleted unneeded npc from cut scripted event.
- Procurement Specialists are now titled as such.
- *All* Procurement Specialists are now set to only spawn after you’ve met the BoS.
- Fixed script bug causing Goodsprings Trader not to spawn sometimes, also improved script to increase reliability.
- Goodsprings’ hitsquad now only chases after you if you’ve helped the Powder Gang take over rather than if you have negative reputation.
- 3 Powder Gangers now patrol Goodsprings if they have taken over the town. They’ll rest at a newly added campfire at the Saloon’s entrance at night. Thanks to dantefettman for the idea!
- Fixed Goodsprings Hunters having an empty trade inventory.
- The Goodsprings Hunters now rest in front of the Saloon at night.
- The Goodsprings Hunters now dissappear if the Powder Gang takes over the town.
- Fixed NCRCF patrols not despawning after Eddie’s death.
- Two groups of Powder Gangers now dissappear after Eddie’s death.
- Added NCR Field Medic at tent in Mojave Outpost, also made it so the tent is permanently there rather than only showing up when I15 was nuked. He’ll equip a radsuit if I15 was nuked.
- Fixed items in Medical Tent being up for grabs.
- Fixed Legionary from RS Charlie event stalking player by deleting rudimentary AI package.
- Fixed Khan hitsquad not attacking under certain circumstances.
- Fixed BoS hitsquad not showing up due to wonky vanilla quest variables.
- Improved some notes.
- Fixed 1 BoS patrol not moving anywhere.
- Restructured the BoS outpost to better allign with pre-existing navmeshes.
- Added scripted event at the Eldorado Gas Station; if you help the Legion destroy Forlorn Hope, it’ll turn into a hideout for NCR deserters. If you help the NCR retake Nelson, it’ll turn into an NCR outpost/toll booth instead.
- Streamlined spawn process for local patrols.
- Temporarily disabled the walls for the ElRey NCR fort; will adjust the navmeshes in a following update, this is a hotfix to stop npcs from running into the walls.
- Removed 3 fiends from western Vegas.
- All fiend patrols are now disabled after the death of their leader; 1 group of NCR-employed mercenaries will now patrol in their place, cleaning up what’s left of the raiders.
- Slightly adjusted patrol routes for various raider gangs as to pose a lesser threat to Violet.
- Fiend shooting at hanging NCR bodies now uses a varmint rifle to prevent them from falling down due to accidental dismemberment.
- Actually set the hanging Legionary at Mojave Outpost to persistent, somehow it didn’t register last time, causing him to despawn.
- Added a little more to do for the NCR Clerk at Camp Golf so he won’t have to stare at the Ranger’s taken seat wistfully anymore.
- Added a script to hitsquad leaders that causes their entire squad to despawn if they were killed and the player leaves the cell. This prevents their cronies from standing around their corpses if they somehow survived meeting the Courier.
Version 1.57
- Removed NCR flag in Primm that was partially blocking the Vicky and Vance entrance.
- Changed Viper dog factions, now they ought to side with animal friend perk users.
- Changed hanging Legionary in Mojave Outpost to "persistant", which should stop him from dissappearing after 3 days.
- Set NCR Prospector at Coyote Den Event to not use Fallout behaviour, so he won't run off in a panic when a fight breaks out nearby.
Version 1.56
- Fixed syntax error in 11aAssasinscript (sic) that was causing NVAC's error log to go bonkers. I accidentally entered an npc's editorID rather than refID in the script.
Version 1.55
- - Removed Cannibal Ambush and Mark’s Rest Stop location entirely.
- - Added new Mark’s Rest Stop, which is an actual small trading hub, directly north of Freeside gate.
- - Removed deserter’s fortress in its entirety. Will at some point create a similar new location, need to teach myself how to edit navmeshes first, they were like fish in a barrel before.
- - Removed all edits to Atomic Wrangler due to crashes and frame drops.
- - Restored Mole Rat Ranch to vanilla state.
- - Moved Followers to Underpass instead and allied the two factions.
- - Added farming instructor as local trader in Underpass.
- - Fixed invulnerable tunnelers appearing due to rudimentary script.
- - Fixed Sunset Sarsaparilla HQ event triggering after Pressing Matters is completed rather than while the quest is active.
- - You can now see the specific ranks of NCR patrol leaders.
- - Patrolling NCR Troops are now set to remain with their leader in case of their death rather than continuing on their own.
- - Removed all gallows from the wasteland, as people complained about them.
- - Fixed GunRunner weapons clipping through store shelves
- - Fixed McCarran fiend execution event happening before all fiend leaders were taken out.
- - Added one more npc to McCarran fiend execution event.
- - Removed superfluous item ownership settings at destroyed raider camp, which could accidentally cause the Wastelanders there to turn hostile.
- - Removed Van Graff assassin who wouldn’t attack the player.
- - Westside Coop and Pawn Shop now owned by Westside faction, so the militia won’t let you steal from the shelves right in front of their eyes.
- - Added small encounter to Lucky Jim mine shack.
- - Fixed broken Prospector Guard ai package.
- - Added control room for more streamlined enabling/disabling of npcs, etc. to be used in future versions.
- - Fixed broken Legion explorer.
- - Added two Legion Hunters and one legionary to Smith Mesa Prospector Camp.
- - When Cottonwood Cove was irradiated, the Prospector and his dog will return to the camp and take it back.
- - Aerotech Camp now has a few more refugees and soldiers inside.
- - Added Legion Explorer to road north of Lake Mead, near Bitter Springs.
- - Set a new legion ambush to appear when RS Charlie has been destroyed.
- - Fixed CC and Van Graff assassins coming after you for failing Heartaches by the Number, which makes no sense at all.
- - Added scripted event to train station near Repconn HQ.
- - Edited some more notes for improved consistency, etc.
- - You can now trade with the Hunters near Goodsprings.
- - Added note to Van Graff assassins for better context.
- - Fixed floating skull at raider pylon camp.
- - Moved beds at ElRey gas station for compatibility with 3D npcs.
- - Removed a bunch of now superfluous npcs.
- - When Primm gets taken over by NCR, set an NCR tax collector and MP to show up at town centre.
- - Additionally, downtown Primm gets totally plastered with NCR flags and propaganda.
- - Added BoS-related event at Coyote Den.
- - Fixed Prospector at Abandoned Shack floating in air.
- - Fixed potential bug at El Dorado gas station event and turned it into a chanced event
- - Slightly changed Powder Gang patrol route near NCRCF to keep them out of I Fought the Law’s final fight.
- - Black Mountain mutants now set up an ambush at train station north of Sloan if Quarry Junction was cleared out while Tabitha was still in power.
- - Fixed various new traders across the Mojave displaying an empty inventory
- - Fixed some stuff in various scripts.
Version 1.5
Optimized several scripts to fix bugs and hopefully improve performance
Set Trudy’s bartending marker to owned so npcs stop going there.
Restored cars and trucks on Mojave Outpost road to their original position
BoS Procurement Specialists are now disabled until you’ve come into contact with the brotherhood, making their dialogue much more logical
Fixed floating light at BoS-camp
Made NCR deserters heading towards Hunter’s farm run rather than walk
Fixed scripted event at House Tools not triggering
Goodspring’s customers and visitors now actually despawn when the Powder Gang takes over
Fixed floating barrier at Coyote Mines
Added light effects to fire inside Coyote Mines
Improved layout for raider pylon camp
Added note to Cap Counterfeiting shack encounter
Changed several notes found on npcs a bit to improve consistency and to fix a few spelling errors that slipped in
Added smoke and lighting effect to Emergency Servie Railway station fireplace
Removed Legion Explorer who would occasionally find his way into Goodsprings.
Instead set a Legion Explorer to wander the hills near Camp Golf.
Fixed leader of the Hunters in the Forest being unable to trade with the player.
Fixed Goodsprings Hitsquad coming after you despite helping the town fend off the Powder Gang
Made it possible to trade with the hermit at the mountaintop (untested, but ought to work)
Version 1.4
- Comparatively small update to fix issues I've found during testing or learned about from comments.
- Replaced unnecessary and broken script for cannibal ambush that would negatively impact performance.
- Fixed some mercenaries being Sorrows tribals and possibly also standing around doing nothing for no good reason.
- Removed VisitorScript from all npcs and the mod as a whole - no more pointless fading out of existence for anybody!
- Changed Mountain Shadows event a bit in order to hopefully improve performance around 188 by removing one npc and disabling two more before you enter the area.
- Added some Legionaries and NCR Troopers to the road near Camp Golf, which should result in a skirmish between the two groups, as there isn't a lot of NCR vs. Legion fighting going on otherwise.
- Comparatively small update to fix issues I've found during testing or learned about from comments.
Version 1.3
- Now requires JIP LN nvse plugin to run properly, was required to fix the assasins.
- Powder Ganger Patrol at Vault 19 now de-spawns when Why Can't We Be Friends was ended in Cooke's favor, NCR scout spawns instead.
- Viper Patrol at Bonnie Springs now de-spawns once the Cazadores take over the town, Khan scout spawns instead.
- Added Sandbox Packages to Powder Gang Ambushers south of Sloan .
- Fixed Gas Station ambush at ElDorado Drylake spawning Prospector alongside Deserters.
- Made NCR deserters hostile to player and removed aggro radius behaviour.
- Removed all changes to Camp McCarran's interior.
- Removed all changes to the Fort except reinforcement event.
- Removed some npcs from Sharecropper Farms.
- Removed one NCR Trooper from East Pumpstation.
- Added real walls to ElRey Fort.
- Set Powder Gangers around South Vegas to appear only when Quarry Junction was cleared out.
- Set two of the Fiend Patrols to dissappear once their leadership was taken out. Set one Prospector Group to appear in place of one of them.
- Removed one Viper Patrol at Horowitz farm due to complaints about performance and patrols getting stuck on one another.
- Re-enabled Mojave Outpost street that was disabled by accident.
- Placed one additional mine near Horowitz Farm, for the Lulz.
- Removed Destitute Travelers from ruined building north of Freeside for improved Outsidebets compatibility.
- Removed VisitorSpawnScript from Customers.
- Fixed Switching Station fence tower not spawning correctly.
- Fixed Freeside Thugs in stage two of Pylon Ambush not being hostile towards Wastelanders settlig in there after stage one.
- Fixed Assasins following player into interiors and at all times.
- Generally thinned out number of travelers in various patrols throughout the wasteland.
- Made it so that BoS are actually allied/hostile to NCR depending on who's elder and if a truce was forged.
- Removed accidental edit to vanilla leveled list.
- Now requires JIP LN nvse plugin to run properly, was required to fix the assasins.
Version 1.2
- Removed script from NCR Scouts
- Removed a couple of npcs from the McCarran concourse
Version 1.1
- Changed TLDQuest-Script so that the travelers from Mojave Outpost and the main quest state 1 faction patrols are enabled even if the mod was installed on an already running playthrough.
- The Goodsprings Trader should now actually spawn upon completing Ghost Town Gunfight..
- Removed rudimentary empty Leveled List.
- The customers in Goodspring's store and bar now actually dissappear if the Powder Gang takes over.
Version 1.0
- The Living Desert 1.0
- Affected quests:
;Run Goodsprings Run & Ghost Town Gunfight
Enables a trader running between Mojave Outpost if PG are defeated.
Disables all customers in Goodspring's Saloon and Store and sends some vigilantes after you if you support the PG
;Can You Find It In Your Heart
Enables a bunch of travelers on the road to Vegas via Novac
;Sloan Deathclaw Quest
Enables travelers on the road to Vegas via Sloan
Enables some deathclaws near fiend territory as the pack disperses
;Why Can't We Be Friends
Enables 6 additional Khans in Red Rock if V19 Powder Gang form truce with GK
;I Fought The Law
DIsables Powder Gang Patrols
Enables some hanged Powder Gangers at Mojave Outpost
;Pressing Matters
Enables one Counterfeiter at Sunset Sarsaparilla HQ
;My Kind Of Town
If Primm has a Sheriff, enables a Gallow in front of Vicky and Vance and Customer in Mojave Express
;Main Quest
Enables several NCR and Legion patrols throughout their teritorry as you progress. Also enables Securitrons at switching station north of Vegas and one Securitron patrolling through the wasteland if you upgrade Securitrons to MkII
If you form a truce between NCR and BoS, Brotherhood Paladins will patrol I15 between Mojave Outpost and Sloan. Also a checkpoint appears on the road.
If you upgrade the Securitrons to MKII, the switching station north of Vegas is fortified and guarded by Securitrons. ALso spawns one Securitron rollling around the wastes.
;Three Card Bounty and Motor-Runner helmet quest
Lowers amount of Fiends in their territory
Increases amount of Fiends in North Vegas
Enables NCR patrol in West Vegas
;We Are Legion
Upon completion Legion soldiers patrol the area.
More soldiers in Nelson.
;Restoring Hope
Upon completion NCR soldiers patrol the area.
Upon attacking Nelson more Legion soldiers spawn in the town.
;Unfriendly Persuasion
Upon completion Mutants patrol through the forest
;Still In The Dark
If you lift the lockdown with Hardin in power, enables BoS checkpoint on road, two patrols and two scouts travelling between Hidden Valley and the BoS safehouse.
If you lift the Lockdown with Hardin still in power, enables the same stuff minus the BoS checkpoint.
;Lonesome Road MQ
Bombing NCR disables most travelers on the southern road and enables a NCR medical tent and soldiers wearing Radsuits at Mojave Outpost.
Upon completion a couple of tunnelers emerge around the road between Primm and the Gas Station.
;Honest Hearts MQ
Completing Honest Hearts without accidentally shooting Follows Chalk enables a Happy Trails Caravan selling basically all items from Zion, walking between the Northern Passage and the 188.
;Eye For An Eye
Irradiating Cottonwood Cove disables the Legion supply caravan.
;How Little We Know
Foiling the Omerta's plans or failing the quest spawns a hitsquad going after you.
;O My Papa
Failing the quest spawns a Great Khan hitsquad.
;King's Gambit
Wiping out the Kings spawns a hitsquad.
;Heartaches By The Number
Upon completing the quest both the Van Graffs and Crimson Caravan send some thugs after you.
;Birds Of A Feather
Upon failing this quest the Van Graffs send some thugs after you.
Upon completion a group of Boomer Explorers are spawned and wander around the wasteland.
- New Locations:
Hermit Camp in the mountains
Mark's Rest Stop near North Vegas
Raider Camp west of Raul`s Home
NCR Deserter Camp north of HH Tools
Brotherhood Checkpoint
Hunter Camp near Ruby Hill Mine
Small truck trailer camp north of Searchlight
- Changed vanilla locations:
Cleared road leading up to Mojave Outpost
Molerat Ranch turned into Follower`s Ranch; with scripted event
Fisherman's Shack turned into a small settelment
Ivanpah Gas Station now has scripted event
Mountain Shadow Campground now has scripted event
H&H Tool Company now has scripted event
Cap Counterfeiting shack has new inhabitants
The Prospectors inside Coyote Mines aren't quite as welcoming anymore
Turned Emergency Train Station into Prospector camp
Turned California Sunset Drive-In into small Prospector Camp
Put customers into Mick and Ralph's
Put only a few customers inside the Atomic Wrangler, to keep compatibility with NVR3
Put customers inside Westside Co-Op
Put customers inside Miguel's Pawn Shop
Put customer into Klamath Bob's store
Put customers into Bighorn Saloon
Added npcs to 188
Replaced guards on McCarran towers with First Recon snipers
Added a ton of npcs to McCarran
Added a bunch of npcs to the Fort
Added some npcs to Nelson, Mojave Outpost, Camp Golf.
Added a reinforcement-script to the Fort if you start a fight.
The ElRey gas station is now a NCR fort where supply caravans stop.
- Other
Added all sorts of travelers and new raiders all over the map, don't feel like listing each of them now though, they shouldn't cause any incompatibilities.
NCR deserters are now a new type of raider, though they first warn the player rather than shooting you on sight.
- The Living Desert 1.0
Version 1,66
- NEW: Added consequences to Hard Luck Blues. See compendium for more details.
- Donations
Both straight donations and premium membership donations accepted


What does this mod do?
Have you ever felt that the Mojave Wasteland is too empty, the lore underrepresented by what you actually see? That it's not worth traveling by foot since nothing new or unexpected ever happens out in the desert? Does it detract from your immersion that your choices in the game lack a visible impact on its world?
Then this might just be the mod you're looking for.
The Living Desert. Now fully FPGE-compatible.
All your worldbuilding needs in one package:
With Living Desert installed, actions such as clearing out dangerous critters on the roads, taking down the Fiends' leaders, working out an alliance between the Khans and Powder Gangers, lifting the Brotherhood's lockdown, nuking the NCR, wiping out the Kings, progressing through the main quest and many other actions you take throughout your playthrough will now have noticeable consequences within the Mojave; the number of travelers on the roads may increase or decrease; faction members will patrol the wastes, building checkpoints and outposts; deathclaw packs and raider gangs will disperse into the wasteland as their leadership falls, some groups and towns will send hired thugs after you if you anger them and much, much more. New Vegas is more reactive than ever!
And that's not even all...
You'll find that the effects your relations with various factions (and those of your disguises) will become way more noticeable in a living desert full of people. You're not the only one shopping in New Vegas' stores anymore; you may encounter surprising events out in the desert and often you'll meet new exciting people who will straight up try to murder you.
The Living Desert is as extensive and comprehensive as a mod can be without being considered an overhaul - while still maintaining and adhering to the feel of the base game.
For an overview of the effects your choices can have, check out the Compendium in the optional files section.
Incompatibilities and other issues:
- Because of this I highly recommend you use mods like FNV 4GB Patcher, New Vegas Tick Fix (NVSR's modern, non-crashy replacement) and Mod Limit Fix.
- Until declared otherwise, this mod is still a WIP. Features and announced future plans are subject to change.
- Installing this mod late into your playthrough may lead to you missing out on time-specific scripted sequences. For FPGE users, installation post-Hoover Dam is NOT recommended. The best way to experience the Living Desert's effects is across a full playthrough.
If you experience any issues with this mod, please report them to me, I'll do my best to fix them!
Fallout New Vegas
Dead Money
Honest Hearts
Old World Blues
Lonesome Road
Gun Runners Arsenal
JIP LN NVSE plugin (Note that the latest versions of JIP require xNVSE, the community-run and up-to-date NVSE fork.)
Main contributors:
Kazopert: assisted in BSA packaging for v1.59 and 1.62, provided valuable advice and work on v1.6, created v1.61 on his own.
AVeryUncreativeUsername, aka Tooper: feedback, ideas, additional scripting and bug reports.
LedZepIV provided countless bug reports, helping improve the mod along the way.
Additional contributors:
PushTheWinButton, whose scripts in Karmic Balance helped me figure out how to fix my overly intrusive assasins.
jazzisparis for the magnificient JIP LN NVSE Plugin
RoyBatty and lStewieAl for the GECK extender - absolute lifesaver.
zilav for BSarch.
kingbeast88 for creating Navmeshes for the ElRey NCR camp and the Deserter fortress which were used exclusively in v1.5.
Wolf7000/Desert Ranger 3.5 for his bug reports, screenshots and valuable feedback. Rest in peace, friend.
MadMax1977 a.k.a. The Ranger and DanteFettman for proof reading all notes for v2.5.
PineappleSurprise for the Vehicle Resources mod.
CarlZee for the Feral Ghoul Armor and Outfit Pack.
deedes for the Gallow and Noose textures and meshes.
11linda at for some sound effects used up until v1.5.
All the wonderful people on Discord providing me with feedback and friendly conversation.
Check out my other mods!
Recommended mods:
Functional Post Game Ending - essentially TLD's sister mod. Adds the ability to play past the game's ending. TLD contains exclusive content for this mod.
Uncut Wasteland
Casino Crowds
YUP (absolutely essential. If you are still using Mission Mojave, switch to this instead.)
New Vegas Tick Fix (NVSR Replacement on Win10) - seriously, stop using NVSR
The True Revival of Luxury - An Ultra-Luxe Overhaul
The Town of Vice - A Gomorrah Overhaul
The Mogul Mausoleum - A Lucky 38 Overhaul
Less Empty Primm - A Primm Town Overhaul
Classic Adobe Buildings (civilization is rebuilding, after all)
Mojave Wildlife
Mojave Raiders (be aware having TLD + these 2 will lead to an extremely high density of spawns.)
3D NPCs (a few quests as well as interesting side characters to converse with)
Unofficial Patch NVSE
lStewieAl's Tweaks
Just Mods Assorted - Modern replacement for Project Nevada and Solid Project
Everything B42 - might not be your cup of tea, but it's all well-made.
NPCs Use Aid Items by Brandherre
Ragdolls - Makes shooting all these new NPCs more fun.