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File credits
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- Added handguard ( SWORD ) - Replaced canted sight mount [ less intrusive & better placement] - Added TTI Mag Extension Base Pad in same magazines - Added scope ( VORTEX Razor HD G3 ) - Added Pistol Grip ( NOVESKE F ) ~ - Replaced laser DBAL-A2 for a better model
- Added pistol grip F1 - Updated VG reload ( just notice today that i never updated VG reload, sorry..-- that reload should never been released ) - Speed up the run steps - Fix wrong path textures of preview version
- Description: Noveske have been a premium AR maker, they were the first to truly uproot Colt as the premium name in the AR game.
This is the OAA version ( 606 attachments ).
Fell free to contact me in Discord, to report bugs, talk about the weather or whatever ... cyberArkhi#8084
- Features:
- 1 Receiver - NOVESKE 'OAA' RECCE
- 6 Barrels
- 214 Handguards - 21 ChargingHandle
- 74 Sights / Scopes
- 4 Bullet types - Armour Piercing - Smart BLT [ Enables self-guided micro-projectiles ] - Penetrator BLT [ Penetrates through walls ] - Explosive BLT - Explosive Bullets Self Damage Remover [ Optional to be immune to your own explosive bullets ]
- 34 Muzzles & Suppressors
- 15 Rail Top attachments
- 14 Rail Right attachments
- 14 Rail Left attachments
- 14 Rail Bottom attachments
- 26 Grips
- 29 Pistol Grips
- 103 Stocks
- 8 Buffer Tube
- 34 Mags
- Switching attachments on the fly - Optinal [ you need to install Weapons Framework Lite ]
- How to get it ? - Can be crafted in Chem workstation - Install levelled list file [noveskeRecceLL_v1.0.0] ( is not in weapon mod ). Starts spawning at level 20. Can be bought from Vendors. - To obtain via console, type: help RECCE 4 weap 14.additem <id>
- Permissions: For me, you can do what ever you wanna with this weapon and/or assets, use it in your mods, improve it... you can even print and eat it with your potatoes... I don't give a f**k Feel free to ask me for the source assets Just read the licence of each asset to make sure you fulfil (links in de Credits)
If you manage to improve something, be kind and share with me.